It is beginning to look a lot like Murkowski
The counting of the Alaska write in ballots is underway and thus far it looks like Lisa Murkowski’s lead will hold. I have to say Joe Miller’s attempts to cut down that vote are not looking very positive to me. Challenging slight misspellings or other picayune mistakes doesn’t really fit the whole Tea Party feel to me.
I think the big question now is just how much of team player will Lisa Murkowski be when she wins. If the story below is any indication, I think Re...
Murkowski: Jim DeMint will have to make first move for 'making up' If Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) is interested in apologizing to Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R), he'll have to make the first move, Murkowski said Friday .
The Alaska senator, who appears poised to win Reelection as a write-in GOP Candidate for Senate, suggested she's not eager to reach out to DeMint, who backed her challenger Joe Miller in the Alaska Senate race.
DeMint, who has said he and Murkowski might have "some making up to do" if she wins Reelection, would have to act first .
Murkowski: DeMint Needs to Play Nice
The Hill reports:
If Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) is interested in apologizing to Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R), he’ll have to make the first move, Murkowski said Friday.
The Alaska senator, who appears poised to win Reelection as a write-in GOP Candidate for Senate, suggested she’s not eager to reach out to DeMint, who backed her challenger Joe Miller in the Alaska Senate race.
DeMint, who has said he and Murkowski might have “some making up to do” if she wins Reelection,...
Murkowski: If DeMint Wants To Make Up, Hell Have To Make First Move
Arrogant piece of RINO feces from Hell…
(The Hill) - If Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) is interested in apologizing to Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R), he’ll have to make the first move, Murkowski said Friday.
The Alaska senator, who appears poised to win Reelection as a write-in GOP Candidate for Senate, suggested she’s not eager to reach out to DeMint, who backed her challenger Joe Miller in the Alaska Senate race.
DeMint, who has said he and Murkowski might have “som...
Murkowski on CNN: DeMint will have to make it up to me: Alaska Newsreader
Sen. Lisa Murkowski told CNN's John King today that she's not eager to reach out to her Senate colleague Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), who aggressively backed challenger Joe Miller during their General Election battle. "He has suggested that he's got some making up to do," Murkowski told CNN host John King in an interview today. "I'll let him make that first move." In a discussion of the write-in Vote Count now under way, Murkowski said the Miller campaign's ballot challenges stem fro...
Murkowski and DeMint: Bygones
Jim DeMint and Lisa Murkowski aren’t on the best of terms. If Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) is interested in apologizing to Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R), he’ll have to make the first move, Murkowski said Friday. The Alaska senator, who appears poised to win Reelection as a write-in GOP Candidate for Senate, suggested she’s not eager to reach out to DeMint, who backed her challenger Joe Miller in the Alaska Senate race. DeMint, who has said he and Murkowski might have “some m...
Doing the Crazy
Reading through the news headlines these days is like picking cards out of a pack of jokers.
George W. Bush’s memoir largely consists of remembered thoughts, feelings, and conversations lifted from other people’s memories. He lifted descriptions and quotes from other people’s writings and presented them as his own personal reactions. He turned a comment from John McCain quoted in a newspaper article into a personal conversation between the two of them. He wrote about events he...
Murkowski appears to have lead in Alaska vote count
JUNEAU, Alaska - Sen. Lisa Murkowski appeared to have a solid lead Thursday in this state's closely watched Senate contest, despite aggressive attempts by her opponent's campaign to disqualify as many write-in ballots as possible.
This Story
Alaska's Elections frontier
Murkowski appears to have lead in Alaska Vote Count
In Alaska, Murkowski isn't the only spelling that Counts
Counting Votes in Alaska
Alaska Senate race could hinge on spelling
Opinion: The GOP's Palin paradox
Counting Votes in...
Murkowski confident in re-election chances
JUNEAU, Alaska —
If wrestling with a variety of spellings for write-in Candidate Sen. Lisa Murkowski's name isn't enough, officials counting ballots in Alaska's U.S. Senate race are also dealing with such oddball entries as "Donald Duck," "Elmo" and "Revolt."
Those ballots were quickly tossed Friday even as a count showed the Republican Incumbent maintaining a healthy 90 percent of the write-in vote.
Saying she feels "pretty good about the direction" the tally is headed, Murkowski expres...
Murkowski confident in re-election chances
JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — If wrestling with a variety of spellings for write-in Candidate Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s name isn’t enough, officials counting ballots in Alaska’s U.S. Senate race are also dealing with such oddball entries as “Donald Duck,” ”Elmo” and “Revolt.” Those ballots were quickly tossed Friday even as a count showed the Republican Incumbent maintaining a healthy 90 percent of the write-in vote. Saying she feels “pretty ...
Murkowski confident in re-election chances
Election workers and observers look over write-in ballots Friday, Nov. 12,... JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) - If wrestling with a variety of spellings for write-in Candidate Sen. Lisa Murkowski's name isn't enough, officials counting ballots in Alaska's U.S. Senate race are also dealing with such oddball entries as "Donald Duck," "Elmo" and "Revolt." Those ballots were quickly tossed Friday even as a count showed the Republican Incumbent maintaining a healthy 90 percent of the write-in vote. Saying she ...
Joe Miller: Alaska Election Officials Using 'Different Standard' for Lisa Murkowski
As the counting of write-in ballots continues in Alaska, Senate Candidate Joe Miller said Thursday that state election officials were using a "different standard" to judge votes for his opponent Sen. Lisa Murkowski. Miller, who has sued to disqualify any apparent votes for Murkowski that misspelled her name, told ABC News that the state Division of Elections has "decided to change the approach" to the way it counts write-ins. The reason for the special treatment, according to Miller, could be ...
Alaska attacks forge on
(CNN) - Incumbent Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who launched a write-in campaign for re-election after losing the Republican Primary, believes the race in Alaska will be closer to resolution by the end of this weekend but added that her opponent, Tea Party-backed Republican Joe Miller, is working to "disenfranchise" voters. Miller Vote-count observers are challenging ballots that misspell the senator's name - or, in some cases, spell it correctly but aren't written clearly. "When you make ch...
Exclusive: New Allegations of Fraud, Coercion in Alaskan Senate Race
This author has received an internal campaign report tracking more allegations of impropriety in the Alaska Senate Race between Tea Party favorite, Republican Candidate Joe Miller, and write-in Candidate, Incumbent Lisa Murkowski. The communication reveals three separate complaints made to the Miller campaign: 1.Village Voters: A person has heard of villages using one person to vote or fill in the write-in for several hundred people. …Do we have the personnel or resources to check handwrit...
Sarah Palin fighting for the cause. Contributes to Joe Miller’s recount effort
While most people are already giving up on Joe Miller, calling it a “lost cause” there are people like Sarah Palin who is putting principle over Party. Dan Riehl and Jedidiah Bila wrote about this very concept today. Sarah Palin is putting her money where her mouth is, and I greatly appreciate her fighting for the cause, and for Miller. Those who are in the Conservative Movement must make the effort to bring about change. You win some, you lose some. If last Tuesday’s election ...
This Is Not a Murkowski Misspelling
Photo: Eric Engman/Getty Images
Up in Alaska, election workers are laboring night and day actually just night, since that's what it is there all the time to count the write-in ballots in the yet-to-be-decided Senate race. The campaign of Republican nominee Joe Miller has sued to disallow any spelling variations of the name "Lisa Murkowski" from being counted for his opponent, Incumbent senator Lisa Murkowski, who ran a write-in campaign after losing to Miller in the primary and h...
Exclusive: New Allegations of Fraud, Coercion in Alaskan Senate Race
Ben Johnson,
This author has received an internal campaign report tracking more allegations of impropriety in the Alaska Senate Race between Tea Party favorite, Republican Candidate Joe Miller, and write-in Candidate, Incumbent Lisa Murkowski. The communication reveals three separate complaints made to the Miller campaign:
1.Village Voters: A person has heard of villages using one person to vote or fill in the write-in for several hundred people.
…Do we have the personne...
Miller v. Murkowski news .... a winner?
JUNEAU, Alaska - The lawyers have started leaving. That is perhaps the surest sign that Joe Miller’s chances of becoming the next senator from Alaska are evaporating. With each passing day that election workers here in the state capital manually count write-in votes cast for Senator Lisa Murkowski, it appears increasingly likely that Alaskans spell too well for Mr. Miller’s math to work. Assisted by lawyers sent by the Republican National Senatorial Committee, the Miller campai...
Murkowski sucks at everything. Now she says DeMint can apologize to her.
Posted by Clyde Middleton on Nov 12 2010 Filed under Newsstand, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry
Apologize for what? Backing the conservative Candidate? Backing the Candidate that won the Republican Primary?
You suck, Lisa, and all of hope your next term is your last.
The balls on this girl:
The Alaska senator, who appears poised to win Reelection as a write-in GOP Candidate for Senate, suggested ...
Is Joe Miller Committing Political Suicide?
The Republican Candidate for Senate Alaska still has a bright future if he doesn’t destroy it by fighting Lisa Murkowski over every write-in ballot. Shushannah Walshe on how he’s hurting his reputation for a likely lost cause....
Miller Strategist Raises Questions of Voter Fraud
Nov. 11: Floyd Brown, a Strategist for Joe Miller Campaign is shown wearing a Lisa Murkowski Campaign wrist band during a news Conference in Juneau, Alaska. JUNEAU, Alaska -- A new Strategist for Joe Miller's Campaign raised the specter of Voter suppression and Fraud in the Alaska Senate race, but offered little proof to back up those claims Thursday. Floyd Brown, who was behind the infamous Willie Horton ads during the 1988 Presidential Campaign, said a Voter Fraud hot line has been set up for ...
Election Law: Kang: The Tea Party and a Supply-Side Approach to Party Polarization
There has been a great deal of post-election debate about the Tea Party's contributions to Republican success this year, but an irony is that three-way races precipitated by Tea Party Candidates in Florida and Alaska also suggest a new approach to reversing the party polarization of which the Tea Party itself is symptomatic. Reforms to reduce polarization usually have focused on the demand side of party politics (i.e., the mix of voters), mainly by moderating the primary electorate through open ...
Joe Miller Hires Floyd Brown, Man Behind Infamous Willie Horton Ad, Citizen United, Impeach Obama Site
NEW YORK -- Republican Joe Miller has hired a Controversial political hand to help him beat back a win by Incumbent Lisa Murkowski in the Alaska Senate election: Floyd Brown, the man behind the infamous Willie Horton ad during the 1988 Presidential Campaign, who also founded Citizens United and runs a site dedicated to impeaching President Obama.
On Thursday, Brown raised the possibility of voter Fraud and suppression, although according to the Associated Press, he offered basically no proof ...
Murkowski: If DeMint wants to make peace with me, he can make the first move
The bit about DeMint comes at the end of the clip, after she spends a few minutes dumping on Joe Miller for frivolous ballot challenges. Not shown: Murky predictably rushing to the defense of Earmarks when questioned about DeMint’s proposed ban. Pork is, after all, the raison d’etre for her candidacy (apart from holding onto power for its own sake, I mean), to the point where Special interest Groups actually started running ads during the campaign trumpeting her ability to siphon o...
Murkowski confident in re-election chances
Election workers and observers look over write-in Ballots Friday, Nov. 12, 2010, in Juneau, Alaska. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer) (AP)
JUNEAU, Alaska — Sen. Lisa Murkowski maintained a healthy 90 percent of the write-in Vote in the Alaska Senate race Friday, even as election officials threw out a number of oddball entries like "Donald Duck," "Elmo" and "Revolt."
Murkowski said she feels "pretty good about the direction" the Vote Count is headed and expressed confidence that she'll pull off an ...
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