Candidate news


Good Grief Leading RNC Candidates Law Firm Supports Obamacare Says Its Constitutional

Gateway Pundit - 7hrs 10mins ago

This will go over well with the conservative base. The leading Candidate in the race - Reince Priebus ‘s Law Firm supports ObamaCare and says its constitutional! Yes, you read that correctly. Reince Priebus’s Law Firm supports O…


Murkowski certified winner of Alaska Senate race (AP)

Yahoo! News - 7hrs 22mins ago

JUNEAU, Alaska – Sen. Lisa Murkowski was officially named the winner of Alaska's U.S. Senate race Thursday, following a Legal Battle that lasted longer than the write-in campaign she waged to keep her job. Gov. Sean Parnell and Lt. Gov. Me…


Mack making moves toward Senate bid

Politico - 8hrs 32mins ago

When asked about his political aspirations, Republican Rep. Connie Mack will only go as far as to say he's focused on fulfilling his fourth term representing Florida's Gulf Coast. But look all around him and it appears like he's taking every nec…


Despite record spending, politicians still have $400 million in campaign funds

Washington Post - 20hrs 31mins ago

Although this year marked the Most Expensive midterm campaign in U.S. history, that doesn't mean that all the political money has been spent. Federal lawmakers and former Candidates still have almost $400 million left in the bank. This Story Ch…


Winner declared in Alaska Senate epic

BBC News - 4hrs 24mins ago

Lisa Murkowski has been officially declared winner of the US Senate contest in Alaska, following a long Legal Challenge by rival Joe Miller. Ms Murkowski lost the Republican nomination in August to Mr Miller, a Candidate backed by the Tea Party. B…


Murkowski certified winner in Alaska race

UPI - 4hrs 59mins ago

Published: Dec. 30, 2010 at 5:50 PM Alaska officials Thursday certified Lisa Murkowski the winner of the state's U.S. Senate race but it was unclear whether the decision would yet be challenged. UPI/Madeline Marshall JUNEAU, Alaska, Dec. 30 (…


Steelman fundraises off START

Politico - 5hrs 11mins ago

The final flurry of year-end Fundraising appeals are rolling in and Missouri Senate Candidate Sarah Steelman is looking to pull in some cash by targeting Sen. Claire McCaskill's vote to ratify the START Treaty. The former Missouri state treasure…


"King of the birthers" - 5hrs 20mins ago

 Chicagoan, Andy Martin keeps reinventing himself. He was a lawyer until, according to an article in the Chicago Tribune,  the Illinois Supreme Court banned him from practicing law. In early 2010 he ran against Mark Kirk in an ugly campa…