Sarah Palin

Born: February 11,1964
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Sarah Palin news


Huckabee wins GOP straw poll in S.C.

UPI - 14hrs 13mins ago

YORK, S.C., April 3 (UPI) -- Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee has won a Republican Straw Poll in South Carolina, strengthening his position as a possible 2012 presidential front-runner. Huckabee won the Saturday GOP event in the state's York Cou…


Kevin Spacey joins call to preserve arts funding

Washington Examiner - 4hrs 30mins ago

Kevin Spacey is joining arts advocates to push to preserve federal arts funding amid calls for cuts in Congress. The Academy Award-winning actor will deliver a lecture Monday night at the Kennedy Center for the lobbying group Americans for the Art…


AP source: Couric leaving news anchor post

The Daily Caller - 5hrs 33mins ago

NEW YORK (AP) — Katie Couric is leaving her anchor post at “CBS Evening News” less than five years after becoming the first woman to solely helm a network TV evening newscast. A network executive, who spoke on condition of anonym…


A Tiny Straw In The Wind

Andrew Sullivan - 12hrs 43mins ago

Yes, there were only 152 ballots counted in South Carolina's York County Republican Straw Poll. But Huckabee's easy win must surely be good news for him. Another interesting note: Bachmann easily beat Palin, and was neck-and-neck with Gin…


Tea Party, Labor Spend big in Wisconsin High Court Race

The Huffington Post - 14hrs 8mins ago

Milwaukee (AP) -- Pro-labor organizations and one of the country's largest Tea Party groups are pouring money into Tuesday's Wisconsin Supreme Court election in an effort to turn the normally sleepy race into a Referendum on the national fight ov…


The GOP Makes Obamas re-election Easier by the Day - 14hrs 28mins ago

But in the months since then the GOP came to the rescue. In rapid succession it has ticked off millions with its bellicose threat to meat ax spending on every vital government program around and if it didn’t get the cuts it wanted shut down …


WINNING? Sounds More Like Bombing Charlie Sheens Booed & Heckled at his Disastrous Live Show Debut

Scared Monkeys - 15hrs 43mins ago

In the case of Charlie Sheen, never has WINNING been more about complete and total defeat. Question One … who is more insane and on crack, Charlie Sheen or the people who actually thought it was a good idea to send this unstable and o…


Remembering Geraldine Ferraro - 18hrs 53mins ago

Do you like this Article? Geraldine Ferraro will most likely always be remembered as the first female Vice Presidential Candidate on a major U.S. political party ticket. However, Ferraro’s accomplishments in her nearly 50 years of public ser…