Wedding news


Cumberland County GOP Candidates Deserve Scrutiny - 7hrs 12mins ago

Cumberland County voters must evaluate the CCGOP Candidate’s qualifications, their vision, and their abilities in uniting voters, leadership qualities, Christian values, and their beliefs in restoring the Constitution back into our governmen…


Newt Gingrich or Woody Allen: Who's More Honest about Cheating?

Politics Daily - 19hrs 36mins ago

Newt Gingrich, a former House Speaker and not-quite-official 2012 Republican presidential aspirant, has been spouting dumb comments and tossing rhetorical stink bombs for decades. He recently suggested that President Barack Obama is "so outside ou…


Steven Petrow: Queeries: "Spying on My Girlfriend" and "The Bridezilla Mother-in-Law"

The Huffington Post - 23hrs 21mins ago

"To spy or not to spy on my girlfriend" Q: Last week I picked up my girlfriend's cell and read a very intimate text from someone who was no doubt a sexual partner. I completely flipped out and have been thinking about downloading some of …


Robert J. Elisberg: Speak Loudly and Carry a Big Shtick

The Huffington Post - 1day 2hrs ago

I have this fear that if Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann and Sharon Angle ever got together in the same room, it would create a Black Hole, and the universe would be sucked into the vortex vacuum. The only thing left behind would be a cup of tea a…


Gingrich hopes to announce presidential bid in May (Reuters)

Yahoo! News - 1day 9hrs ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Former House of Representatives Speaker Newt Gingrich told supporters on Wednesday he hopes to announce a run for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination in May. Gingrich held a Conference Call with 40-50 former …


From the comments: what does the fiscal endgame look like?

Marginal Revolution - 1day 9hrs ago

Slocum writes: Nonetheless it is naive to think Spending Cuts can do the job alone, and insisting on no tax hikes drives us faster along the path of fiscal ruin. This is a political, not economic judgement on Tyler's part -- that a maj…


How Newt Gingrich misplaced his member - 1day 10hrs ago

You can tell Newt Gingrich is serious about running for president. He's talking about his marital infidelities. Even better, he's making excuses for them . Gingrich's checkered matrimonial past is sure to be the heaviest ball and chain he'll have …


American Muslim Convert Jihad Jamie Pleads Guilty to in Terror Plot to Kill Swedish Mohammed Cartoonist

Weasel Zippers - 1day 17hrs ago

But don’t worry, tomorrow’s Peter King hearings on homegrown jihadis isn’t necessary. (Daily Mail)- A Colorado woman has admitted she conspired to help a Terrorist cell that tried to train with an Al Qaeda-linked group and incite…