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Lisa Murkowski
May 22,1957
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Lisa Murkowski videos
Joe Miller v.s. Voters of Alaska
Arlen Specter’s Sad, Bitter, Goodbye Speech, Reeks o..
Arlen Specter's Sad, Bitter, Goodbye Speech, Reeks of Arro..
Senate Repeals Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Dream Act Dead In Senate: Harry Reid Couldnt Muster The Vo..
Sen. Corker Threatens Reid: If You Bring DADT Repeal For A..
Reid Files Cloture On Dont Ask, Dont Tell And DREAM, Sched..
Nadler, Maloney Sing Support for Zadroga [VIDEO]
Defense Bill Falls 57-40, But Lieberman And Collins Pledge..
Reid Pressures Collins To Accept Time Compromise On DADT, ..
Joe Miller: Nobody's Proven It'll Hurt Alaska If Senate Ra..
Judd Gregg Concerned With Metaphorical Force-Five Hurrican..
Norm Coleman tells Joe Miller: Its time to move on (The Ti..
Coleman to Miller: Time to quit
Norm Coleman To Joe Miller: It's 'Time To Move On' (VIDEO)
Murkowski: Its time they met one Republican woman who wont..
Murkowski Waffles On Her DADT Vote, Two Other GOP Senators..
Murkowski To Alaska TV: I Would Not Oppose Defense Bill Be..
Sen. Lisa Murkowski Tells Local TV She Will Vote For Dont ..
DREAM Act scorecard: The GOP Senate fence-sitters
Amy Siskind: How the GOP Blew it on the Paycheck Fairness ..
Fox News' Neil Cavuto To Joe Miller: Do You Feel Like Cust..
Senate Republicans Vote Unanimously Against Bill To Help G..
Joe Miller Says Second Lawsuit Is Possible Over Voter Frau..
A.M. Roundup: A new schools chancellor
Republican Joe Miller Already Calling Foul Play In Alaska ..
We Get What Were Forced to Pay For: Federal Contractor Tel..
Sarah Palin: "This is Our Moment"
Despite Mixed Record, Palin Declares Victory
The Great Refudiation
Alaska Three-Way is Surprise Hope for Democrats CBS Affiliate KTVA Caught Conspir..
New Ads in Alaska
CBS Affiliate Conspired in Campaign
National Republicans Abandoning Joe Miller?
MSM Liberal Bias CBS Affiliate KTVA Caught on Voice Mail C..
Joe Miller Campaign Releases Voicemail of Alaska Reporters..
Lisa Murkowski: Shes changed, we havent.
DSCC attacks Murkowski
Quick roundup of this morning's Senate race news
AK Sen: Operation Chaos Produces Hundreds of Write-In Cand..
McAdams Full-Page Ad: Im Twice the Man Joe Miller Is
The wretched mind of the American authoritarian
The best campaign commercials of 2010
Sarah Palin Stumps for Joe Miller in Alaska, Murkowski Wri..
New Murkowski Ad Attacks Joe Miller For Detaining Journali..
Alaska GOP candidate Joe Miller: Social Security, Medicare..
Afternoon Fix: Alaska poll shows Joe Miller slipping to th..
Native corporations to canvass villages for Murkowski
Joe Miller Ad: 'My Opponent Is Not A Witch,' But She's 'Co..
Murkowski Ad: 'A Vote For Scott McAdams Is Definitely A Vo..
AK-SEN: McAdams has momentum, Murkowski attacks
Unbelievable: Lisa Murkowski questions Joe Miller's honor,..
Mismeasure of a Conservative
AK-SEN: McAdams hits $1 million, Murkowski nervous
Would Miller ‘Destroy’ Alaska’s Economy?
Genius! Old Spice Parody Ad from Joe Miller in Alaska Sena..
Joe Miller: Now spoofing Old Spice
Lisa Murkowski Unleashes Secret Weapon: Ted Stevens
UPDATED: Miller raises $1.17 million in two months
Contractors for Murkowski
It's come to this: Ted Stevens endorses Lisa Murkowski - f..
Murkowski to air Stevens campaign ad
New Joe Miller Ad Points Out Murkowski Not on the Ballot b..
Old Spice Parodies Get Political With Joe Miller's Latest ..
Murkowski to air endorsement by late Sen. Stevens
From the Grave, Ted Stevens Endorses Lisa Murkowski
Hilarious New Joe Miller Old Spice style ad: "Hello V..
Nightmare: Joe Miller's lead over Lisa Murkowski down to ...
Voices from the Flats " Lisa Murkowski: Desperate
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