Glenn Beck

Born: February 10,1964
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Glenn Beck news


Fox News Polling

Public Policy Polling - 17hrs 55mins ago

There's been some speculation in the last few weeks that Glenn Beck might not have his contract with Fox News renewed when it comes up later this year, but our newest National Poll finds that would be a big mistake with the network's viewers. 65%…


Mitt Romney's Waterloo continues: Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum unload on RomneyCare

Daily Kos - 11hrs 7mins ago

Yesterday, it was the news that Jim DeMint won't support Mitt Romney unless Romney repudiates RomneyCare. Now it's Mike Huckabee's turn. Speaking on Fox early Friday afternoon, the former Arkansas Governor said that RomneyCare is a "real problem f…


Glenn Beck continues to criticize Obama for filling out an NCAA bracket (Video) - 16hrs 38mins ago

Glenn Beck continues to be very upset with President Obama decisions to fill out an NCAA bracket and tape his picks on ESPN this year.  In the audio segment to the left, Beck and his co-host use a five-minute segment to slam Obama for taking …


Glenn Beck shows Obama what his Japan speech shouldve been like - 21hrs 26mins ago

Glenn Beck shows Obama what his Japan Speech should’ve been like. On yesterday’s Glenn Beck TV show, the host decided that Obama had done enough golf-playing and NCAA-basketball bracketing in light of the Earthquake, Tsunami, and near-…


The Great NPR Debate

Crooks and Liars - 1day 12hrs ago

Today's newest effort to de-fund NPR in the House of Representatives came with a debate that had moments which must be seen and savored. On the serious side, there was Rep. Dennis Kucinich, who reminded the House that the airwaves belong to citize…


House votes to permanently bar NPR from receiving federal funds

Los Angeles Times - 1day 13hrs ago

Reporting from Washington - In a party-line vote, the House of Representatives passed Legislation Thursday that would permanently bar NPR from receiving federal funds, the latest escalation in Conservatives' campaign against the broadcast…


Bill Maher: 'Governing with the GOP is like rooming with a meth addict' - 23mins ago

Bill Maher may have been up to his old tricks again, slamming Republicans , but this time, he actually picked up on a theme two well-known Republicans had brought up earlier in the week. On his HBO show "Real Time," Maher used his New Rules segmen…


Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) mocks GOP for their 'emergency' NPR vote (Video) - 1day 10hrs ago

Today Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) went to the floor of the House of Representatives to mock Republicans for their emergency session to hold a debate and vote on defunding NPR.  Republicans have long claimed NPR  has a liberal bias, while …