Mass. Sen. Scott Brown on The Early Show on Feb. 21, 2011 (CBS) Scott Brown first attracted national attention when the Republican won the Senate seat long held by Ted Kennedy. He's now in the spotlight once again, but for a very different reason…
Read more >>Priebus, who was elected chairman Jan. 14, has been working to restore major Donor confidence and dig out from under the Debt created during the 2010 election cycle. He said $3.5 million of the funds raised in January came in after he became chair…
Read more >>Washington (CNN) - The Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee both report being millions in the red as they gear up for the 2012 election cycle. In an email release Sunday, the RNC says that it's more than $22 million …
Read more >>The Wisconsin State Government vs. Public Sector union "crisis" provides an exceptional opportunity for state Republicans to get Legislation passed without Democrat interference. A quorum isn’t required to pass laws that are non-fiscal in na…
Read more >>Hope and Change has struck the Democratic Party in a big — and unexpected — way. Gallup analyzes its poll data from 2010 on Party Affiliation to look at the shift in each state, and the news is almost uniformly bad for Democrat…
Read more >>Senate Democrats in Wisconsin continue to try to frame the narrative in the Budget-repair bill as one of Republican obstinance. Mark Miller spoke with CBS this morning from Wisconsin Democrat headquarters in, er, somewhere other than Wisco…
Read more >>Here we go. Maybe they have themselves a mini-McCain, looking to organize a Gang of 14, or actually a lesser number in the Wisconsin Senate. We saw the same thing last week in the US House, as a new GOP majority couldn't muster the spine to …
Read more >>Protests over a Wisconsin plan to eliminate most public workers' union rights are being planned in other states this week as attention shifts to the debate's implications in the 2012 Elections. Teacher Michael Mulvey of West Allis, Wis., carries …