Opinion Research Corporation for CNN. 12/17-19. 1000 American adults. MoE 3.0%. In general, do you hope that Barack Obama's policies will succeed or do you hope that his policies will fail? Among all American adults: (MoE: 3.0%) Succeed: 61% Fa…
Read more >>If you're a conservative, it might be your brain's fault. So says British scientists who scanned the brains of two members of the British Parliament and about 90 Students. Richard Alleyne, Science Correspondent for the UK Telegraph, reported Wedne…
Read more >>Pictured: irrefutable proof that Al Gore is fat. (by James Nord) Truly, a mini-masterpiece of wingnuttery. The blizzard is definitely a force for Conservatism, and not only because it has had the global-warming crowd scrambling for explanat…
Read more >>by Conor Friedersdorf Interesting Rush Limbaugh monologue here: I love mother-in-law bashing. It's a stereotypical form of humor that I have always enjoyed. I find as I grow older that fewer and fewer people like stereotypical humor.&…
Read more >>As many looking for bargains head for the malls, there will be some trying to exchange gifts, like the sweater from Aunt Sue, who hasn’t seen an optometrist since the advent of the Internet. But after New Year’s Eve, it sometimes occur…
Read more >>Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele has agreed to debate the five challengers who want to take his job. The Daily Caller, which is co-hosting the Jan. 3 debate with Americans for Tax Reform, reported Tuesday that Steele had si…
Read more >>"No one rational, or at least no one with the possibility of being heard ," opines Lou Dobbs would push to invalidate the 14th Amendment. Dobbs added that "the idea of in anyway changing the constitution on birthright Citi…
Read more >>On Fox News’s “Special Report” tonight, discussing potential new Cabinet members for President Obama, Weekly Standard senior writer Stephen Hayes dismissed former senator Chuck Hagel as ”an anti-Republican Republican &…