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Former N.Y. Gov. Pataki Announces Plan to Repeal Health Care Law

Fox News / 14th Apr 2010

George Pataki: Former New York Gov.

George Pataki announced Wednesday the creation of a national organization that will work to Repeal the Democrats' Health Care overhaul, which he called a "horrific" and costly bungle.

Pataki said his non-profit group, Revere America, will develop a Grassroots network and highlight national opposition to the Health Care law, which he believes will impose a $500 billion burden on U.S. taxpayers and tighten government control of the Health Care system. "I can't recall anything....

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Josh V.H.

Posted via Twitter

George Pataki ... What a great governor! :D

David Friedman

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My eyes saw the name " George Pataki " but my brain read it as " George Takei." It was a better headline that way.

Michael Nitzky

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Tonight on Inside City Hall: Former Gov. George Pataki on state politics & presidential hopes + our Consultants Corner

Aseem Chhabra

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Just saw George Pataki on NY1 News. People who disappear after leaving public office & then reappear a few yrs later - why do they look old?

steven page

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I love NYC celeb sightings as much as the next guy, but George Pataki at Chelsea Market was a bit of a letdown.


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Ok seriously anyone scared of Gov. George Pataki is crazy. There is no way in hell he is sniffing Pres or VP.

Leonard Pierce

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Jonah Goldberg tweets that George Pataki is the "dumbest...GOPer in recent memory". Luke 4:23, Jonah.

Lisa Allgair

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"When government accepts responsibility for people, then people no longer take responsibility for themselves." George Pataki

Lisa Allgair

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"When government accepts responsibility for people, then people no longer take responsibility for themselves." George Pataki quotes

Stacy Shaffer

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Today's Successes: Lawrence Taylor, Stacey Dales, Seth Curry, and George Pataki

Former Gov. George Pataki at GOP headquarters but so far staying out of the main ballroom.

Mike Woolfolk

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Fmr. NY Gov. George Pataki says climate on CapHill will be very different under Boehner led House. Maybe. But partisanship will be same.


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Carol Shea-Porter loses in NH. George Pataki 's group spent $1 million targeting her and one other NH Dem for health care votes

You know it is Election Day when you come down the esculator into Grand Central and see Governor George Pataki ! lol

George Pataki is one of my favorite politicians.


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I have no use for George Pataki . He's like piece of bland, airy, white bread left to sit in milk too long. No substance.

George Pataki is a great American who showed his patriotism by accepting from me a large stack of our first president's paper: Ben Franklin.

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