As the battle of the Budget wages on, and the March 4th D-Day moves inexorably closer, the media is increasingly raising the specter of a possible government shutdown. What every Republican, every patriot, every person conceivably affected needs t…
Read more >>I woke up this morning from a dream of teachers on strike in a large group of Protesters that resembled in size those in the Middle East. I didn't realize how much the Wisconsin Protests against the Republican Governor's plan to take away Collec…
Read more >>Rep. Michele Bachmann may be most influential elected public figure in the Tea Party movement as it exists today (as opposed to 2007, when Rep. Ron Paul held that title), but she certainly does not want anyone to get the wrong impression about her…
Read more >>He was asked at a Press Conference following a Group of 20 meeting for his reaction to House approval of measures that will cut spending by about $61.5 billion from current levels in a move seen as a challenge to the Obama Administration to show …
Read more >>The Democrats' push for a short-term continuing resolution (CR) at current spending levels is exactly the plan GOP leaders have rejected outright. “I am not going to move any kind of short-term CR at current levels,” House Speaker Jo…
Read more >>In a blow to women’s reproductive health, the House of Representatives approved Mike Pence’s Budget amendment 240-185 on Friday cutting off all federal funds for Planned Parenthood as part of the Republican House Budget plan.…
Read more >>Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin may very well get himself recalled for Manufacturing a fake Budget Crisis and using that as an excuse to bust the State Employees’ union. Wisconsin is the birthplace of the public service union movemen…
Read more >>In the past, Americans were called to make scarifies during times of war. Because of these sacrifices, Americans paid attention to national and Foreign Policy. Today, the U.S. is in the middle of two wars and the Average American could not c…