John Boehner

Born: November 17,1949
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John Boehner news


Exclusive: Dem calls GOP rape-redefining bill a violent act against women

Raw Story - 19hrs 10mins ago

Stumble This! WASHINGTON - Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) on Monday tore into House Republicans for proposing Legislation that would limit access to Abortion coverage for some Rape Victims. The Florida Democrat, a rising star in her p…


Democrats, GOP form chorus on Egypt

Politico - 22hrs 20mins ago

When Senate GOP press secretaries gathered for their weekly meeting Monday, Republican Conference Chairman Lamar Alexander’s aides cautioned their colleagues to follow the lead of President Barack Obama on the crisis in Egypt. One attendee…


Reid: Social Security Cuts Are Off the Table

Washington Wire - 1day 10hrs ago

Yahoo! Buzz Cuts to Social Security are “off the table,” Majority Leader Harry Reid said in a video being circulated by a liberal Activist group, making Mr. Reid one of the most high profile Democrats to take a stand on the issue. Of cou…


Obama calls for transition in Egypt to begin now

The Hill - 8hrs 19mins ago

The transition of power in Egypt must begin immediately, President Obama said Tuesday evening. Just hours after Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak announced he would not seek Reelection this fall, Obama said that "an orderly transition must be mea…


House GOP Readies Severe New Restrictions On EPA

The Huffington Post - 5hrs 33mins ago

WASHINGTON — In a sharp challenge to the Obama Administration, House Republicans intend to unveil Legislation Wednesday to ban the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating Greenhouse Gases under the Clean Air Act and expect to advan…


Inouye reluctantly announces earmark moratorium (AP)

Yahoo! News - 9hrs 51mins ago

WASHINGTON – The Senate's foremost champion of "earmarking" pet projects back home has reluctantly joined President Barack Obama and Capitol Hill Republicans in banning them for the next two years. Hawaii Democrat Daniel Inouye, the longes…


Senate Approps bans earmarks

Politico - 10hrs 10mins ago

A renowned earmarker, Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii), said Tuesday that his panel will ban Earmarks in any bills for the next two years. The move is the latest, and perhaps final, blow to earmarks. Speaker John…


Inouye reluctantly announces earmark moratorium

The Daily Caller - 10hrs 39mins ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate’s foremost champion of “earmarking” pet projects back home has reluctantly joined President Barack Obama and Capitol Hill Republicans in banning them for the next two years. Hawaii Democrat Dani…