Health Care news


Has a fleebagger broken ranks?

Hot Air - 10hrs 50mins ago

Has one of the fleebaggers returned to Madison, Wisconsin?  A series of Twitter messages last night claimed that Wisconsin State Senator Tim Cullen had returned from his flight to Illinois that brought the State Legislature to a standstill …


Can Republicans Stomach Funding The Obama Administration To Avoid A Government Shutdown?

TPMDC - 10hrs 25mins ago

On Wednesday morning, the Senate will pass a short term spending bill to postpone a government shutdown until at least March 18. After that, it becomes a question of whether Republican and Democratic leaders in the House and Senate respectively …


Dueling Ads On Buerkle's Planned Parenthood Vote

TPMDC - 11hrs 59mins ago

A national anti-abortion group is rewarding Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle (R-NY) for her vote to defund Planned Parenthood, with a spate of positive television ads. The ads---which will cost the Susan. B. Anthony List, a pro-life organization, a cool $…


Virginia Progressive Caucus formed to move Virginia forward - 12hrs 4mins ago

Recently, more than 20 Democrats from the Virginia House of Delegates and the Senate allied with one another to form the Virginia Progressive Caucus. Among the items that the Virginia Progressive Caucus will be supporting are education, Health Car…


GOP Governors & Obama At Impasse Over Medicaid

The Huffington Post - 12hrs 6mins ago

WASHINGTON — Strained state budgets and a new crew of Republican governors have combined to reopen the debate over Medicaid, the Health Care program for the poorest and sickest Americans. GOP governors want control of the purse strings and…


3 groups back out of health coalition

Washington Examiner - 12hrs 57mins ago

Two Hospital and one physician group say they are withdrawing from a coalition formed over concerns about Gov. Bobby Jindal's proposed Health Care delivery system for the poor. The Advocate reports the Louisiana Hospital Association, the Metropoli…


GOP governors and Obama at impasse over Medicaid

Washington Examiner - 16hrs 54mins ago

Strained state budgets and a new crew of Republican Governors have combined to reopen the debate over Medicaid, the Health Care program for the poorest and sickest Americans. GOP Governors want control of the purse strings and leeway to rewrite co…


GOP governors and Obama at impasse over Medicaid (AP)

Yahoo! News - 17hrs 26mins ago

WASHINGTON – Strained state budgets and a new crew of Republican Governors have combined to reopen the debate over Medicaid, the Health Care program for the poorest and sickest Americans. GOP Governors want control of the purse strings and…