Grassroots news


Pence for President

Red State - 5hrs 35mins ago

If confession is good for the soul, let me pour out my soul for you. As I stood at the beginning of 2008, I find myself in the same position here as we now begin the very real discussions of who should be the Candidate for the GOP in 2012. Let m…


Steele: 'I revived the RNC'

Politico - 7hrs 45mins ago

Michael Steele is making his case for another term as Republican National Committee Chairman by touting his role in party's success in the 2010 Elections and his ability to reach out to the party's grass roots. Many Republican insiders didn&rsq;…


A Concern About Reince Preibus

Red State - 15hrs 38mins ago

I have a concern about Reince Preibus and it has nothing to do with whether or not he or his Law Firm helped communities get stimulus money. Back in January of 2009, I raised the concern that Michael Steele was using Blaise Hazelwood to run his …


Chutzpah! Michael Steele Takes Credit For Tea Party Reviving GOP

Weasel Zippers - 7hrs 19mins ago

In related news, the RNC is a record $20 million in Debt. (Politico)- Michael Steele is making his case for another term as Republican National Committee Chairman by touting his role in party’s success in the 2010 Elections and his ability t…


Anuzis and Priebus

Politico - 9hrs 58mins ago

As would-be Republican Party chairs position in advance of today's debate, Saul Anuzis is working to cast Reince Priebus -- the apparent frontrunner -- as a sort of Incumbent himself. Anuzis is circulating Alex Burns's and Jonathan Martin's stor…


Cino Releases Fourth Plank

National Review Online - 14hrs 11mins ago

Maria Cino, a Candidate for chair of the Republican National Committee, releases the fourth plank of her platform today. The focus is the state parties’ get-out-the-vote programs. Here are the key elements: ·    &n;…


Sanford plans goodbye tour

The State - 1day 20hrs ago

Do not go gently, a poet once advised, and outgoing Gov. Mark Sanford evidently got the message. During his final full week in office, Sanford plans a goodbye tour of the state. The highlight? Sanford on Tuesday will unveil a proposal for the st…


Niki Tsongas hub page - 1day 22hrs ago

Unemployment benefits extended despite criticism : Benefits were extended on July 24, 2010. Tsongas read letters from her constitutents in order to push forward the House Bill. Roughly 70, 000 Massachusetts residents got their benefits restored or…