DC Elites Pushing Korea Trade Pact
This Post originally appeared at Campaign for America's Future (CAF) at their Blog for OurFuture as part of the Making It In America project. I am a Fellow with CAF.
The way a Lobbyist argues for or against anything today is to say it will create or cost Jobs.
Prohibiting Lawsuits against giant corporations that harm people creates Jobs . Making Oil Drilling safer costs Jobs . Tax Cuts for the rich creates Jobs . Just getting rid of government will create Jobs .
So, of course,...
Administration Pushing South Korea Free Trade Deal
Trade hasn’t been a subject that has received much ink during the Obama Administration. They haven’t sought to overhaul NAFTA or CAFTA, nor have they signed any new major Trade deals. And in some cases, they have raised Tariffs on certain imports, bolstering domestic Manufacturing.
The White House says they’d like to double exports as a means of creating Jobs and renewing Economic Growth. And they’re pitching the South Korea Free Trade Agreement as a step along that...
South Korea free trade pact back on U.S. agenda
NAPERVILLE, ILL. -- The message may have been familiar recently when the local Chamber of Commerce took up a proposed Free-trade Agreement between South Korea and the United States.
This Story
"Wave the flag," the speaker exhorted the audience. "This is an opportunity to stimulate the U.S. economy at no cost to U.S. Taxpayers."
But the man on the podium wasn't the typical business booster. He was South Korean Ambassador Han Duk-soo, who has assumed the unusual role of a...
South Korean envoy lobbies for trade pact
EAST LANSING - The South Korean ambassador to the United States stressed the importance of passing a Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement during his visit to Lansing on Thursday. "The Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement offers one of the best opportunities to create U.S. jobs by providing new export opportunities for American manufacturers, farmers and small- and medium-sized companies," Ambassador Han Duk-soo said. The ambassador spoke to nearly 100 people at the Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center at...
A Pro-Jobs Measure Both Parties Should Support
There aren’t many opportunities these days for Bipartisan Agreement or for quick boosts to the flagging economy. But the passage of the South Korea Free Trade Agreement would be both. The Washington Post reminds us:
For three years, since it was negotiated by the Bush Administration, the Free-trade Agreement has languished in Congress. Now Trade officials from both countries are trying to resolve the problems that have kept it bottled up, including a dispute over U.S. access to the South...
South Korean Ambassador Touts Free-Trade Pact Pork
The Free-trade Agreement with South Korea is again struggling for life, according to a Washington Post report. The Agreement would be the most significant Free-trade pact signed by the United States since the North American Free Trade Agreement with Mexico and Canada was approved in the mid-1990s. The latest supporter is South Korean Ambassador Han Duk-soo, who has assumed the unusual role of a foreign official promoting U.S. jobs. "This is an opportunity to stimulate the U.S. economy at no...
Hyundai's John Krafcik isn't your typical CEO type
FOUNTAIN VALLEY, Calif. Hang around John Krafcik long enough and you're bound to hear about the time he passed an automotive legend in a freeway speed duel.
It was in the early 1990s. Krafcik was a midlevel executive at Ford Motor. To hear him tell it, he was barreling down Interstate 94 near Detroit when Bob Lutz, then a top guy at Chrysler and now retired General Motors vice chairman, sped past in a Dodge Spirit R/T. Krafcik gunned his Taurus SHO for a triple-digit battle of...
U.S. business wants hearings on Bush-era tax cuts
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