Social Security news


Triple Taxation VS The FairTax - 4 days ago

The other day I was driving to Chapel Hill and there had been an accident where a car had run a red signal light and hit several vehicles.  The accident had traffic in both directions backed up for a half mile or more.  I decided to turn…


Leo W. Gerard: It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Oligarchy

The Huffington Post - 4 days ago

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas Ev'rywhere you go; Take a look in Tiffany's store, glistening once again With Wall Street Bonus trinkets all aglow. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas Art flies from Christie's. But the amazin…


Tax bill heads to House for hotly-contested vote

New York Daily News - 4 days ago

Democrats and Republicans will square off in the House on Thursday for a huge vote on President Obama's Tax Cut plan. If passed, the deal would extend the Bush-era tax cuts for all Americans for two years. Also, Unemployment Benefits would be st…


Republican Split, Democratic Opportunity

Economix - 4 days ago

Simon Johnson, the former chief Economist at the International Monetary Fund, is the co-author of “13 Bankers.” An informative and potentially productive political debate has broken out over fiscal policy. But it is not between Democra…


Obama to blink first on Social Security (Politico)

Yahoo! News - 4 days ago

The tax deal negotiated by President Barack Obama and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky is just the first part of a multistage drama that is likely to further divide and weaken Democrats. The second part, now being teed up by t…


Tax package heads toward high stakes vote in House

Breitbart - 5 days ago

WASHINGTON (AP) - A massive tax package that would save millions of Americans thousands of dollars in higher taxes is headed for a vote in the House Thursday even as rebellious Democrats complain it is too generous to the wealthy. House Democrati…


The Fix: The political problem with the deficit

Washington Post - 5 days ago

1. None of the nine most-mentioned options for solving -- or at least addressing -- the nation's long-term Debt issues garner majority support in a new Washington Post/ABC News poll, data that suggests the tremendous political problems inherent …


Fla. school board shooter had turbulent life

Yahoo! News - 5 days ago

PANAMA CITY, Fla. – Clay Duke was a troubled, broke ex-con with Bipolar Disorder, an interest in anarchy, a wife whose Unemployment Benefits had run out and frustrations that reached their boiling point on a day circled on his calendar at …