Florida School Board Shooter Was a Troubled, Broke Ex-Con With Bi-Polar Disorder, Interested in Anarchy

School Board: Wife of Clay Duke says he was an excellent marksman that probably missed shooting the Board Members on purpose.

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Police say that in his mobile home in the woods, they found the date 'December 14' circled on the calender Associated Press PANAMA CITY, Fla. - Clay Duke was a troubled, broke ex-con with Bipolar Disorder, an interest in anarchy, a wife whose Unemployment Benefits had run out and frustrations that reached their boiling point on a day circled on his calendar at home.

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Isabel posted 2 days ago (via twitter)

School board shooter: Bipolar , money troubles: Clay Duke was a troubled, broke ex-con with bipolar disorder , an interest in anarchy, ...

Ava posted 3 days ago (via twitter)

Fla. school board shooter had turbulent life: Clay Duke was a troubled, broke ex-con with bipolar disorder , an interest in anarchy, a...

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