news from Hot Air


Politico: Say, that tax vote in House was big win for Obama?

Hot Air - 22hrs 5mins ago

Their headline is accurate enough — “Barack Obama makes the sale.”  Obama did put his prestige on the line to twist arms in his own party, and had his efforts failed, the President’s influence would have been serious…


Last chance: DREAM Act vote coming tomorrow

Hot Air - 14hrs 57mins ago

The thinking all along has been that they’ll fall a few votes short, that squishy Republicans like Snowe and red-state Democrats like McCaskill and Tester won’t dare tempt fate by backing an Amnesty when they’re up in 2012. Don…


Parties no longer equal on pork

Hot Air - 19hrs 2mins ago

The defeat last night of the OmniPorkulus bill, as the Boss Emeritus calls it, gives us a chance to revisit the long-held — and long-true — belief that both parties are equally addicted to pork-barrel spending.  That certainly p…


Transparency Killed The Earmarking Stars?

Hot Air - 16hrs 52mins ago

How often do omnibus spending bills go down to defeat?  Approximately … never, as Dave Weigel reminds us, and pork is usually the reason why.  Not only do Omnibus Bills appear only when the budgeting process has failed and fundin…


Proud of Mel, on the Occasion of Winona’s Denunciation

Hot Air - 10hrs 16mins ago

Aaron Worthing at Patterico’s Pontifications recently wrote a post about an interview in GQ with Winona Ryder — who is Jewish; who knew? — in which she offhandedly charged that, “like, fifteen years ago,” she was at a…


Herman Cain: Im forming an exploratory committee for 2012

Hot Air - 12hrs 12mins ago

I know the basics of his bio — accomplished CEO, talk-radio host, Cancer survivor — but not much more beyond that. Even so, it got my attention a few days ago when he won Red State’s 2012 “tournament,” topping Mike …


Aw: Post-partisan president signs bipartisan bill that no one likes

Hot Air - 12hrs 54mins ago

Present for the event to lend it some added gravitas: Al Sharpton. Conspicuously absent: Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Boehner, all of whom were cut out of The One’s negotiations with Senate Republicans. (McConnell, as you’ll see, is…


Bob Corker hints: If Reid pushes DADT vote, well vote no on START

Hot Air - 13hrs 24mins ago

And almost as quickly as he dropped the hint, he picked it back up and put it in his pocket. “I felt like momentum was growing for START,” Corker said, adding that since Reid announced he was holding votes on DADT and DREAM, it has h…