It always annoys me when someone turns out to be a killer or causes a lot of damage that the basic, human reaction is to automatically blame Mental Illness or "craziness." I believe that every human being is ultimately responsible for his or her o…
Read more >>PANAMA CITY, Fla. – Clay Duke was a troubled, broke ex-con with Bipolar Disorder, an interest in anarchy, a wife whose Unemployment Benefits had run out and frustrations that reached their boiling point on a day circled on his calendar at …
Read more >>Like this Story? Share it: Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook: What's Next? (AP) Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been named Time Magazine's "Person of the Year" for 2010. At 26, Zuckerberg has put himself on the map not only as one of the …
Read more >>A gunman who opened fire during a Florida School Board meeting before apparently committing Suicide left a "testament" on his Facebook page that blamed the "wealthy" for his crime. Clay Duke, 56, pulled a pistol during a Tuesday School Board mee…
Read more >>A Student and a former Board Member asked New Trier Township High School's trustees Monday night to reconsider giving an achievement award to former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. They are among a growing number of people in the New Trier com…
Read more >>"Blame tenure for bad education!" That is the claim made by a Charter School leader in the Controversial education documentary Waiting for "Superman". And he is not alone. For decades, education reformers and union critics have blamed the tenure…
Read more >>WASHINGTON -- Don't touch my brownies! A child nutrition bill on its way to President Barack Obama - and championed by the First Lady - gives the government power to limit school bake sales and other Fundraisers that health advocates say sometim…