School Board: Like this Story? Share it: Members of a School District board in Panama City, Fla. feel lucky to be alive after an ex-con opened fire at a routine meeting.
PHOTOS: CBS in pictures
Mark Strassmann reports on the latest details of the shooting.
VIDEOS: CBS in videos
Caught on Tape: A gunman fired point-blank at school Board Members in Panama City, Fla. before he fatally shot himself. Mark Strassmann reports. Harry Smith interviews Panama City School Board shooting survivors, including superintendent Bill Husfelt, and Ginger Littleton, the wom...
WARNING: Greens Detonate Kids in Climate Video
I predicted this morning that No Pressure – Richard Curtis’s spectacularly ill-judged eco-propaganda movie for the 10:10 campaign – would prove a disastrous own goal for the green Movement.
But what I could never have imagined was how quickly public disgust – even among greenies – would reach such a pitch that the campaigners would be compelled to withdraw it from the Internet.
That, at any rate, is what they keep trying to do – cancelling it whenever it...
I'm exploding about climate change, actually
Vicki Woods gets hot under the collar about Richard Curtis's Propaganda
campaign to cut Carbon Emissions.
A Climate Change Video Osama Bin Laden Would Love
A Global Warming Advocacy Group called 10:10 is backpedaling furiously over the Controversial video below.
I don’t know why. Now that Osama bin Laden has joined the Environmental Movement, you would think they’d want everyone to see it.
Technically, this leftist Propaganda video endorses homicide bombing over Suicide bombing but I still think Osama bin Laden would approve.
Welcome to life under Environmental Activists!
Video: The dumbest, most self-defeating ad campaign ever
And how do we know that it’s about as disastrous an ad campaign since, er … Alan Grayson’s “Taliban Dan” spot? Unlike the clueless and despicable Grayson, the people behind “10:10 - No Pressure” keep trying to get this spot removed from YouTube. As a precaution, I’ve included Stephen Gutkowski’s Eyeblast upload to be sure it sticks around, and sticks to the AGW Movement like bloody flesh after an explosion. (It’s also...
'Go green or we'll kill your kids' says Richard Curtis eco-propaganda shocker
Gillian Anderson, Peter Crouch [a tall footballer], Radiohead, David Ginola [a French footballer] and - above all - Richard Curtis, I salute you! You have just released a video which has entered history as the most emetic, ugly, counterproductive eco-propaganda movie ever made. Believe me this thing is going to go viral beyond your wildest dreams. But unfortunately that virus is Ebola. (Hat tips: Barry Woods/Tom Dalton/Pete Hayes/Old Goat/half the civilised...
Video: It’s come to this
I predicted this morning that No Pressure Richard Curtiss spectacularly ill-judged eco-propaganda movie for the 10:10 campaign would prove a disastrous own goal for the green movement. But what I could never have imagined was how quickly public disgust even among greenies would reach such a pitch that the campaigners would be compelled to withdraw it from the Internet. That, at any rate, is what they keep trying to do cancelling it whenever it appears on You Tube, pulling...
Big Green and the enviro-statist agenda
Readers of Public Secrets know that I’ve been highly critical (and contemptuous and mocking) of the anthropogenic Global Warming Movement and its silly Thesis that mankind is turning this planet into a Steam Bath of Doom. But there’s a larger Environmental Movement than just the Global Warming sector, and its goals are ambitious. Far beyond what we would think of as prudent conservation and good stewardship of the land, water, and air, the broader Environmental Movement seeks the...
'No Pressure' - Sickening Climate and Carbon Reduction Video
My loyal reader Edward Spalton sent me this and at first I thought it was a horrible joke. It appears not. This is what they say about it on YouTube. Whippersnapping Climate campaign 10:10 teams up with legendary comic screenwriter Richard Curtis - you know, Blackadder, Four Weddings, Notting Hill, co-founded Comic Relief - and Age of Stupid director Franny Armstrong to proudly present their explosive new mini-movie “No Pressure”....
Caring Environmentalists demonstrate their love of humanity:
(Via WUWT and Garth Godsman )
UPDATE. Oh dear. The eco-Brits suddenly don’t want anybody looking at their Murder video, so they’ve made it private. Luckily, Comrade Morshu had already nabbed a copy:
UPDATE II. James Delingpole, among the earliest to post on this debacle, is fascinated by green reaction to diminished eco-fears :
Kyoto is dead. Copenhagen was a flop. Cancun is going to make a mockery of all those...
Further on that kill the unbelievers enviro video:
The charities that backed a Richard Curtis film for the 10:10 environmental campaign said today that they were “absolutely appalled” when they saw the director’s four-minute short , which was withdrawn from circulation amid a storm of Protest
A statement from the Guardian, a backer of 10:10, which exclusively showcased No Pressure, said: “The film may have been somewhat tasteless, but it was an imaginative...
Richard Curtis 'exploding schoolchildren' climate change video is withdrawn
Love Actually director Richard Curtis has withdrawn a Climate Change Viral Video that shows schoolchildren being blown up. The gruesome four-minute Video also shows X-Files actress Gillian Anderson and ex-footballer David Ginola being blown apart for not caring about Climate Change. It appeared on Climate Change group 10:10's website after sparking controversy. and ends with the caption: 'Cut your Carbon by 10%. No pressure.' Curtis, who also wrote Blackadder, Notting Hill and Four Weddings and...
'Eco-Fascist Snuff Movie'
Richard Curtis, the British director of Love Actually (2003), has produced a new Climate-change awareness video that includes gruesome images of exploding schoolchildren. In the spot, Students who refuse to comply with carbon-cutting standards are slaughtered by their teacher. The video — dubbed an “eco-fascist snuff movie” by James Delingpole of the Daily Telegraph — has caused a stir across the pond. Due to public outcry, the video has since been removed ...
Life suddenly too hot for the eco-fascists of 10:10
It took barely a day to shame tjhe eco-fascist 10:10 campaign , partially funded by Taxpayers of course, to scrap what’s surely the vilest and most threatening Global Warming “awareness” campaign yet:
Today we put up a mini-movie about 10:10 and Climate Change called ‘No Pressure’.
With Climate Change becoming increasingly threatening, and decreasingly talked about in the media, we wanted to find a way to bring this critical issue back into the headlines...
A message to 10:10 -"sorry", just doesn't cut it
Well, it’s official. The 10:10 Carbon reduction team was embarrassed enough by their vile video showing Children who disagreed with carbon reduction schemes getting blown up.
They’ve put an Apology up on their website:
It reads:
Today we put up a mini-movie about 10:10 and Climate Change called ‘No Pressure.
With Climate Change becoming increasingly threatening, and decreasingly talked about in the media, we wanted to find a way to bring this critical issue back...
10:10 Cut your carbon or we'll decimate you ""No pressure!" VIDEO
Either cut your Carbon Emissions by 10%, or you’ll get decimated: that’s the message of a new video by the 10:10 Global campaign - all for the sake of “keeping the planet safe for everyone”.
The Romans rarely would use decimation as a punishment, but the environmentally-aware cooks that came up with this campaign don’t see what’s wrong with the approach:
WARNING: LOTS OF DISTURBING Gore , including a violent scene involving Children.
You’re been...
Disgusting: Global Warming Advocates Joke About Slaughtering Skeptics, Including Children
WARNING: GRAPHIC AND DISTURBING IMAGESA satirical promotional video for the 10:10 initiative shows Global Warming skeptics being brutally killed at the push of a button. The sponsors have subsequently apologized and removed the video. See it here while you still can. From the 1010uk website: "With Climate Change becoming increasingly threatening, and decreasingly talked about in the media, we wanted to find a way to bring this critical issue back into the headlines whilst making people...
Global Warming murder fantasy nabs prize as most honest political ad of all time
“10:10″ is a campaign to get people around the world to lower their carbon consumption by 10% in the year 2010. Global Warming and all that, you see. It’s quite a large, well-organized movement, funded in part by the British Government . This morning, the 10:10 campaign released “No Pressure,” a much-anticipated video promoting the notion of compliance to the carbon-reduction drive, a video scripted by famed British screenwriter Richard Curtis (Notting Hill, Mr....
The Global Warming Cult has plans for those who will not submit to The New World Order
That's the message of this video, and it is not a parody. It's a fantasy. What you're about to see was produced by a group called 10:10 , who want everyone to reduce their Carbon Emissions by 10%. Or else. There's a link at the bottom of this post where you can read 10:10's Apology to the Environmental Movement for pulling back the curtain too far. Hell, we've now seen behind the curtain, the man behind the curtain, his underwear, his...
O...M...G " Video explodes skeptical kids in bloodbath
My Inbox exploded with tips today, this one in particular. This unbelievably vile video from the 10:10 campaign takes the award for the most disgusting Climate and carbon reduction video ever. It is in a class by itself, which is off the scale. See also Ryan Maue’s post below this one on the tie in for 10:10.
What were they thinking? They weren’t, because this is going to have the exact opposite effect they intended it to have. I don’t have words to describe my...
Sick. Mini-Movie Murders Global Warming Deniers For Humor.. Including Kids.
Whippersnapping Climate campaign10:10 teams up with legendary comic screenwriter Richard Curtis - you know, Blackadder, Four Weddings, Notting Hill, co-founded Comic Relief - and Age of Stupid director Franny Armstrong to proudly present their explosive new mini-movie “No Pressure”. The film stars X-Files’ Gillian Anderson, together with Spurs players past and present - including Peter Crouch, Ledley King and David Ginola - with music donated by...
Richard Curtis's snuff movie: A satire? A canny marketing strategy? I don't think so
Richard Curtis’s eco-fascist snuff movie was a disaster for the green movement, I think we can all agree.
Well, not quite all of us to judge by one or two bizarre comments and newspaper responses I’ve seen today. Let’s just dispense with a few of them.
1. It was an Internet “hit.”
Yes, it surely was. In much the same way that the Jonathan Ross/Russell Brand ‘Sachsgate’ Tapes were a hit or the Paris Hilton Sex Tapes were a hit or Britney Spears...
No Pressure
won't be making any attempt to censor or remove other versions currently in circulation on the Internet. We'd like to thank the 50+ film professionals and 40+ actors and extras and who gave their time and equipment to the film for free. We greatly value your contributions and the tremendous enthusiasm and professionalism you brought to the project. At 10:10 we're all about trying new and creative ways of getting people to take action on Climate Change. Unfortunately in this...
Where would Lefties be without hatred?
Richard Curtiss eco-prop video confirms the worst impression people have of greenies, namely that, behind all the self-righteous Rhetoric, they are misanthropic (hat-tip, James Delinpole). See how easily they glide from platitudes about low-energy lightbulbs to fantasies about killing those who dissent.
Ive noticed before that a surprising number of animal lovers are really people loathers . Not all, of course, nor most; but some. In every age and nation, there are people casting about...
No pressure - 10:10 on the button
arning: this new 10:10 promo is not for the faint of heart — but it does include Gillian Anderson, assorted Spurs footballers past and present (David Ginola is a stand out), and music by Radiohead. Script’s by Richard Curtis ( Blackadder , Four Weddings , co-founder of Comic Relief and Make Poverty History) and Age of Stupid film director Franny Armstrong also had a hand (or perhaps a bucket) in it. More at the Guardian , and don’t forget 10:10NZ . [Update: Anthony Watts...
Richard Curtis: Comedy's saint
the family home in Manila ran to a Swimming Pool and a chauffeur. As Richard was being driven home from school, he used to watch through the car window as the massive slums unfolded, and saw people under corrugated iron
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