A fight over Social Security reform could wind up splitting the Democratic Caucus in the Senate, Vermont’s Bernie Sanders warned yesterday. Unions have lined up against any change in benefits for Social Security and have begun warnin…
Read more >>House Republicans are aggressively tackling many of the Budget issues, which hampered the state for the past eight years. They’re planing to Repeal the 22% surcharge in the Michigan Business Tax. There will be reductions in Gover…
Read more >>The best part of this poll? The sampling follies at CBS don’t even really matter, although this poll’s sample is closer to reality than most. When given a choice between tax hikes or Spending Cuts, it turns out that 77% o…
Read more >>“Selective shutdown” is a term the Republicans need to embrace and the public needs to understand. Within a few weeks, the vast gap between President Obama’s spending objectives and the House Republicans’ agenda of fiscal r…
Read more >>In related news, 77% of Americans are now considered Extremist Teabaggers by the left. A new CBS News poll finds that Americans strongly prefer cutting spending to raising taxes to reduce the federal Deficit. While 77 percent prefer to cut spendin…
Read more >>CBS News Poll analysis by the CBS News Polling Unit: Sarah Dutton, Jennifer De Pinto, Fred Backus and Anthony Salvanto. (Credit: CBS) A new CBS News poll finds that Americans strongly prefer cutting spending to raising taxes to reduce the federa…
Read more >>Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders Urges Obama Not to “Concede to Republican Right-Wing Ideology”… Because when you think of a Democrat teetering on the verge of right-wing ideology you think of Barack Obama. Sen. Bernie Sanders, the …
Read more >>Yuval and I agree on the need for reform of Medicare and Social Security and probably mostly agree on what reform should look like. We agree as well that Republicans should run on reform in 2012. I’d say we continue to disagree on three poin…