Thanks everyone for your support with the poster I created. Palinpatriot is a very brave person to do what he did, in San Francisco, and it really is like going into the belly of the beast. Kevin asked me if I’d send in a Ground R…
Read more >>Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld will receive the "Defender of the Constitution" award at CPAC this year. The award will be presented by David Keene, chairman of the American Conservative Union, which organizes CPAC, and right-wing T…
Read more >>Remember the Joe Biden gaffe way back when he said that Barack Obama would be tested early in his presidency by a Foreign Policy crisis? Well, guess that it's finally happened, although not really on the VP's timetable. Since I have no Egypt expe…
Read more >>My Christmas list this year: (3) New iPad with two, count ‘em, two cameras; (2) field-level tickets to the Pro Bowl, natch; (1) Palin/DeMint primary showdown. Winner gets the nomination, loser gets the keynote address at RINOcon. Let’…
Read more >>via Sheila Steele at Well, now we know what sausage-casing in glasses Karl Rove meant when he said this: October 31, 2006 Presidential adviser Karl Rove, an architect of Republican political strategy, says he’s confident his par…
Read more >>Last week Rick Santorum proved himself to be Rick Santorum:
"The question i…
"The question is -- and this is what Barack Obama didn't want to answer: Is that human life a person under the Constitution? And Barack Obama says no," Santorum says in the interview, which was first picked up by CBN's David Brody. "Well if that p…
Read more >>Into my inbox came a column published in The Examiner. It said, “What would really pose a potential threat for causing tensions is if columnists continue to write articles, like the National Review’s Jay Nordlinger did on January 19, s…