Social Security news


Tax Cut Deal Wildly Popular

Mother Jones - 5 days ago

Mon Dec. 13, 2010 10:16 AM PST ABC News and the Washington Post have the first poll out about public reaction to the Obama Tax Cut deal. ABC created a colorful chart of the results, so I'll link to them: Support for the overall package was extrem…


Poll finds broad bipartisan support for tax package

Washington Post - 5 days ago

About seven in 10 Americans back the tax deal negotiated last week by President Obama and congressional Republicans, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. This Story Tax deal angers right as well as left Poll finds broad Bipartisan …


Obama-Republican Deal Could Mean Tax Hike For One In Three Workers

The Huffington Post - 5 days ago

WASHINGTON - The tax deal reached between President Obama and congressional Republicans could mean a higher tax bill for roughly one in three workers as a result of the Social Security Tax Cut Republicans pushed as a replacement for the current …


First Senate vote expected on Obama-GOP tax deal

Watertown Daily Times - 5 days ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Senators get their first chance Monday to vote on the tax-cut deal struck by President Barack Obama and Republicans, but whatever the outcome of the test vote, the White House expects the bill to pass by year's end. "Ever…


Senate poised to take up tax bill

UPI - 5 days ago

Published: Dec. 13, 2010 at 7:22 AM WASHINGTON, Dec. 13 (UPI) -- The U.S. Senate is set to conduct a key vote Monday on the tax-rate deal reached between President Obama and congressional Republicans. The Senate is scheduled to hold a procedural v…


Payroll tax cut worries Social Security advocates (AP)

Yahoo! News - 6 days ago

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama's plan to cut Payroll taxes for a year would provide big savings for many workers, but makes Social Security advocates nervous that it could jeopardize the Retirement program's finances. The plan is part…


Robert Kuttner: Social Security: The Coming Cave-in

The Huffington Post - 6 days ago

If you think the Democratic Base is mad at Obama now for making a craven deal with Republicans that continues Tax Breaks for the Richest Americans and adds new ones for their heirs through a big cut in the Estate Tax, just wait a few weeks until…


Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-Humongous) Calls Republicans A Bunch of Gangsters

Weasel Zippers - 6 days ago

Typical class war Rat demagogue… (The Hill) — Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) called Republicans “a bunch of gangsters” who blackmailed Democrats to ensure that the nation’s wealthiest retain their Tax Cuts. Nadler, a…