Tax-cut deal wins final OK

Boston Globe

WASHINGTON — The House passed an $858 billion package of extended Tax Cuts and stimulus spending late last night, saving at least hundreds of dollars for nearly all Americans and heralding the first broad…


Congressman Jared Polis - the story behind the story on the tax compromise bill

Congressman Polis was kind enough to talk to me last night and explain what was going on behind the scenes on the tax Compromise bill from the Democratic House perspective. It's a fascinating story with several…


House Resumes Debate on Tax-Cut Bill

Fox Business

The House Representatives, after a dispute among Democrats, on Thursday headed toward anticipated passage of the tax deal that President Barack Obama struck with Republicans that would likely boost The Economy but…


House passes $858 billion tax cut, stimulus bill

The Commercial Appeal

Search our databases WASHINGTON — A reluctant House of Representatives late Thursday voted 277-148 to approve sweeping tax Legislation aimed at boosting the nation’s struggling economy. The vote, just…


US tax cuts given final approval

Sydney Morning Herald

US MPs have given final approval to President Barack Obama's contentious deal with Republicans to avert a New Year's tax hike and extend aid to the jobless, despite a Democratic rebellion. A day after the US Senate…


Congress passes extension of Bush-era tax cuts

Washington Post

Congress approved the most significant tax bill in nearly a decade late Thursday, overcoming liberal resistance to continue for two more years Tax Breaks enacted under president George W. Bush and to provide a…


House passes tax package

Denver Post

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., right, speaks to reporters Thursday before the House was to vote on the tax package. (Brendan Smialowski, Getty Images) Sen. Udall votes 'no' on extending Tax Cuts…


House clears tax-cut bill, on to Obama

Seattle Times

WASHINGTON — Congress approved the most significant tax bill in nearly a decade late Thursday, overcoming liberal resistance to continue for two more years Tax Breaks enacted under President George W. Bush…