Tea Party: The Tea Party Express says blaming the constitutionalist movement and Sarah Palin for the Arizona shooting that killed six people and wounded U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is "outrageous."
PHOTOS: YouTube in pictures
The California-based group says liberals are trying to exploit the shooting for political gain and place the blame on society for embracing the tea party movement, but the 22-year-old charged in the shooting is the only person responsible for the violence.
VIDEOS: YouTube in videos
In a statement Monday, the Tea Party Express says if ...
Tea Party & Bernie Sanders Using Tucson Tragedy For Fundraising
I bet you never thought you’d see those two in the same headline. I’m a bit surprised myself. Bernie should know better.
From The Weekly Standard comes the text of the email from Sanders…
Given the recent tragedy in Arizona, as well as the start of the new Congress, I wanted to take this opportunity to share a few words with political friends in Vermont and throughout the country. I also want to thank the very many supporters who have begun contributing online to my 2012 reel...
Silence Is Complicity and Defensiveness Is Endorsement
When, for instance, Sarah Palin responds to the shooting by scrubbing her website but not by apologizing for her violent imagery aimed at Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, that simultaneously says she knows she may be partially responsible for violent culture, but unwilling to state that publicly so as to change that culture.
When Arizona Tea Party Leaders condemn the violence but then nonetheless make a show of publicly refusing to refrain from violent Rhetoric, they are acknowledging the tragedy whi...
Rush Limbaugh accuses Democrats of 'wishing for' Tucson shootings
Rush Limbaugh was in rare form this week , while he used his Radio Show to bash Democrats for the tragedy that happened Saturday morning in Tucson, which left 5 people dead and 14 people gravely wounded. Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot point-blank in the head by 22 year old Jared Lee Loughner, who was wrestled to the ground by several people at a public meet-and-greet in front of a Tucson Safeway. Evidently, Limbaugh feels that Democrats are glad about the horrific event, because the...
Vt. senator cites shootings in fundraising letter
An independent U.S. senator from Vermont drew criticism Tuesday from Republicans for citing this past weekend's shootings in Arizona in a Fundraising letter for his 2012 re-election campaign.
The e-mail that Sen. Bernie Sanders sent Tuesday begins by mentioning the Shooting Spree in Tucson that killed six people and left Democratic U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and 13 others wounded. The letter also mentions issues such as Health Care, Social Security and taxes.
In his d...
Beck Stokes Fears Of "A Ban On Guns" Following AZ Shooting
Beck Claims Politicians Are "Pushing" To Ban Guns Following AZ Shooting
Beck: Lawmakers Are Pushing "A Ban On Guns." On his Fox News show, Beck claimed that lawmakers are pushing "a ban on guns" in response to the Arizona shooting. Beck stated:
BECK: It didn't take long for Washington to come out with their solution to the problem of the alleged violent Rhetoric. The solution, however, comes despite not having a shred of evidence that this crazed gunman was motivated by anything other than his...
Right Wingers Defend Hate Speech While Tea Party Takes Advantage of Arizona Shooting To Raise Money
While Jared Loughner’s Extremist views differ from those of the Tea Party, many have raised concerns that the anti-government and hate-filled Rhetoric coming from the Tea Party movement, along with leaders such as Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck, contribute to an atmosphere of hate which promotes violence among disturbed individuals such as Loughner. There is a fine line between extremists on both ends of the political spectrum, and I was not at all surprised to see that Loughner’s view...
Progressives Copy Arab Muslim Playbook of Lies
A classic example of measured discourse from the left.
Cross-posted from Seraphic Secret.
One of the ironclad laws of the Muslim world in relation to Israel/Jews is this simple formulation:
Whatever atrocity the Muslims accuse Israel of committing, is, in fact, being perpetrated by Muslims.
Item: The Muslim world and its enablers on the left accuse Israel of being an Apartheid state. Of course over a million Arabs, Muslim, Christian and Druze are citizens of Israel. There are Arab members of...
Arizona shooting: Is Sarah Palin's silence an admission of guilt?
Where is Sarah Palin? Why is she hiding? Sarah Palin is a major player in the aftermath of Saturday's tragic shooting in Tucson, Arizona, whether she likes it or not. Six were killed and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) and 13 others were injured. And yet Palin is no where to be found. After expressing her "sincere condolences" to the shooting's Victims and their families via Facebook on Saturday, Palin has made only one other statement to the press: a rather unimpressive e-mail to Glenn ...
Huckabee attacks left over Tucson shooting, portrays Loughner as liberal
Mike Huckabee, lashing out at criticism of violent Rhetoric from the right:
Mike Huckabee: Loughner a 'whack job nut maggot'
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee lashed out at “left-wing politicians” and the media for their handling of Saturday’s Mass Shooting in Arizona, saying the rush to blame right-wingers for a Shooting Spree committed by a “whack job nut maggot” was “reprehensible.”
Speaking on his Radio Show, “The Huckabee Report,” Mon...
Shooting presents 2012 test
In the wake of Saturday’s attempted Assassination of an Arizona congresswoman, the task of finding — and calibrating — a response commensurate with the solemn occasion is one that is facing not only President Barack Obama but also his would-be 2012 challengers.
It’s a delicate exercise and one that is revealing much about many Republicans in contention for their party’s 2012 nomination.
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Their widely divergent react...
After the Arizona Tragegy -- Healing the National Psyche
While Jared Loughner’s murderous violence was not caused—not even a little bit—by partisan politics in Arizona or in Washington, D.C., the fact that some politicians boldly and fraudulently stated that it was is evidence that our national psyche needs healing. Today, any news event, including a shooting by a psychiatrically disturbed man who takes some of his inspiration from an imaginary large, gray bird with scales, but no feathers, is fodder for Public Relations machines eng...
Video: Tea Party Express chief strategist responds to attempts to link tea party movement to Arizona shooting
It just simply doesn't matter that the shooter was a "left-wing pothead." Or that his favorite book was the Communist Manifesto. Or that his favorite YouTube video was of the burning of the American Flag. A tea partier he was not, but that sure hasn't stopped the left. The Tea Party express Strategist responds:
Sheriff Dupnick and the malice of the accusatory left
It is definitely tragic that a young man, born of politically connected parents, who had a history of arrests for acting out, without developing a record, showed up at a public meeting set by a recently re-elected Congresswoman and with malice in his heart started pouring bullets into those that had gathered to share thoughts about their community. What has nearly the same level of malice is the initial and continuing statements of those in our country who are politically left, liberal, progress...
This Valentine's Day it's the GOP vs. the Tea Party
I was sent this email today. I was not the only one sent this email. Christian Hudson sent this email to a large number of people, including Ron Sams (and his gavel) as well as many of our Sussex County Republican Representatives. I will not be discussing this email; I will just be sharing the email. Opinions welcome: As a member of the Executive Committee of the Sussex County GOP, I plan on making the following motion at the next regular meeting. This division in the Republican Party has become...
What a Run!!!
It is with mixed emotions that I write this post. This afternoon, King announced that he’s shutting down SCSUScholars soon:
As has been evident to most of you still checking this blog (readership down 75% the last six months), my life has moved to another place over the last year. Much of this has been the direct result of ideas formed in my by interacting with you here. But I cannot take the time to write here anymore and hold down what will be now two jobs, one full-time in name , the o...
Relatives, friends remember 6 slain in Tucson
A memorial Mass for the Victims of Saturday's shootings that killed six and wounded 14 at a political event in Arizona was held Tuesday evening at the church where one of the slain had her First Communion a year ago. The Mass was held at the Tucson church of 9-year-old Christina Green, the youngest of those who died. The shooting happened outside a Supermarket at an event held by U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot in the head and was in critical condition at a Hospital Tuesday. In t...
Tea Party Leaders Strike Back at Left Over Giffords Incident
And “strike back” is the proper metaphor. Because on two occasions today, self-appointed leaders of the Tea Party movement quite literally lashed out at their political enemies over the Gabrielle Giffords shooting, in ways that show both a tendency toward painting their opponents in dehumanizing lights, and a good degree of guilt:
Another Tea Party Leader is accusing the left of unfairly blaming the Tea Party for the Mass Shootings in Arizona, describing how “revolting and di...
Your next act in the Tucson shooting tragedy: The shameless political fundraiser
First we had one side blaming the other for the violence. Then came the other side rejecting that and accusing the accuser of "Hey, it's not us, it's you." After that, each side pretty much abandon Jared Loughner as a talking point and just kept blaming each other for causing the violence. It's not like they needed him for their pissing match, and "oh, here's more proof that I'm good and you're evil." The next act: The political Fundraiser. As follows: The attack on Conservatives and the tea par...
Tea Party Express: Shooting blame is 'outrageous' (AP)
Sacramento, Calif. – The Tea Party Express says blaming the constitutionalist movement and Sarah Palin for the Arizona shooting that killed six people and wounded U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is "outrageous."
The California-based group says liberals are trying to exploit the shooting for political gain and place the blame on society for embracing the tea party movement, but the 22-year-old charged in the shooting is the only person responsible for the violence.
In a statement Monday, the...
Some Brief Thoughts on the Tuscon Shooting: Left Shows Intent by Capitalizing on Arizona Attack
by the Left Coast Rebel
Two days ago, Right Klik alerted me to the Arizona shooting that left a congresswoman in critical condition, six dead -- including a Federal Judge -- and thirteen injured. As we talked on the phone, I asked him if our Leader would take advantage of the shooting and try to pin the incident on the right, à la Bill Clinton in the 1990s and the Oklahoma City bombing.
Well, give it time for the Obamanation, but his media-henchmen sure did a knockout job over the weekend. Be...
Time for the Justifiably Angry Far Left and the Justifiably Angry Far Right to Unite to Protect the US Constitution from Obama
I know this may seem like an odd week for me to float this assertion given the nightmare Murders and Attempted Murder in Arizona. But I am asking for a coalition for communication between the Far Left and the Far Right. An exploration of common, angry ground. I am advocating communication between the the citizens most frustrated and hurting, one highlighted non-stop by the press, the other totally ignored by it. Not to mention the two citizen groups most handily used for "divide up and conquer" ...
Tea Party Express raising money in aftermath of Arizona shooting (Daily Caller)
Read more stories from The Daily Caller
Tea Party Express raising money in aftermath of Arizona shooting
Barbara Walters: 'I'm feeling bad for Sarah Palin'
TheDC on TV: Jamie Weinstein on RT's 'The Big Picture with Thom Hartmann'
Tom DeLay sentenced to three years in Prison
Political cartoons exploit Arizona tragedy in effort to score crude political points
The Tea Party Express, a California-based conservative political action committee, sent out a letter to supporters Monday requesting donat...
Tea Party Express fundraises off Arizona tragedy, lies about Daily Kos
Uh, what? From a Tea Party express Fundraising email:
The media didn't tell you that the left-wing website, DailyKos, had targeted Congresswoman Giffords, putting a BULLSEYE on her, did they? But that's just what happened.
The media didn't tell you that because it never happened. It's fantasy. It's a lie. And of course, since they can't verify the existence of such a bullseye image on this site, they'll claim it was scrubbed.
Except that no one got a Screenshot of this supposed bullseye image....
Tea Party Express Leader: Left Is 'Revolting And Disgusting' For Blaming The Tea Party
Another Tea Party Leader is accusing the left of unfairly blaming the Tea Party for the Mass Shootings in Arizona, describing how "revolting and disgusting the left is for trying to associate the tea party with violence like this."
Sal Russo, the leader of the Tea Party Express, said on Fox News today that shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner "was obviously a leftist. He admired Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto. Those are not volumes that are popular with the Tea Party so he was obviously...
Tea Party Express Fundraises Off Giffords Shooting: 'Tea Party Won't Be Silenced'
In an apparent effort to distance themselves from the Mass Shootings in Arizona over the weekend, the Tea Party Express sent out an email to supporters proclaiming that they "won't be silenced" -- and asking for contributions.
Earlier today, TPE leader Sal Russo went on Fox News and lamented how "revolting and disgusting the left is for trying to associate the tea party with violence like this."
This latest email emphasizes how "horrified" the TPE was to hear about the shootings, which includ...
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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