A new poll that found Rhode Island Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse easily fending off his potential challengers included a Wild Card Candidate: former Providence Mayor Buddy Cianci, the flamboyant five-and-a-half term Republican-turned-independent, two-…
Read more >>MADISON, Wis. — Tuesday morning, it was back to business as usual here — sort of. Schools here re-opened after four straight days of being closed so teachers could Protest in the Capitol. Street workers were busy plowing and salting …
Read more >>Now Talk Show host Rush Limbaugh is watching Michelle Obama's weight for her -- not that the First Lady asked. He says she's a hypocrite for eating ribs and should stick to nuts and berries as part of her healthy eating initiative. Mrs. Obama, on …
Read more >>Rush Limbaugh , nationally-known conservative radio Talk Show host, took to bad-mouthing FLOTUS Michelle Obama again on Monday's radio program. While his penchant for blasting the First Lady has been heavily criticized by some, it doesn't ap…
Read more >>The stalemate continues in Wisconsin where yesterday, where thousands of union Protesters and sympathizers continued to Protest loudly --but civilly-- against Republican Gov Scott Walker's proposal that would strip most of the state's public union…
Read more >>Meet the Press Ambassador Susan Rice: 'We are not pushing people out or dictating that they stay' U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice pushed back on the notion that the Obama Administration has treated two allies - Egypt and Bahra…
Read more >>New York GOP leaders have selected Assemblywoman Jane Corwin to run in the Special Election to replace former Rep. Chris Lee. Corwin was among more than a half dozen Candidates who interviewed with western New York Republican Party chairmen over…
Read more >>He may be no model of fitness himself, but Rush Limbaugh thinks Michelle Obama could stand to shed a few pounds. Especially before telling other people what to eat. The conservative Talk Show host slammed the First Lady in his Radio Show Monday …