Far Left news


The More We Know

Andrew Sullivan - 23hrs 24mins ago

Rich Lowry cites the following in exonerating the Far Right from any influence on Jared Loughner's disturbed mind: He became intrigued by antigovernment Conspiracy theories, including that the Sept. 11 attacks were perpetrated by the governm…


Civility found while rhetoric abounds

Examiner.com - 1day 8hrs ago

The buzz in Washington and the rest of the country is the amount of Rhetoric that has taken place in the last few years. The shooting in Arizona has stirred a national call for calm reflection and more civility inside and outside the political dis…


Lessons from a witch hunt

Examiner.com - 3 days ago

I shouldn’t even feel the need to write this, but alas I must.  Apart from the lessons from the tragedy in Tucson, there needs to be a retrospective of the reactions and the lessons that we can glean from it. A primary lesson is that of…


The Tucson Massacres The Hall Of Shame: Liberals Who Used Tragedy To Smear The Right

Nice Deb - 3 days ago

G.I. Wood Shop Inc. Mrs. Peel Oh…My Valve! V The K’s Caption This! An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. Try again later. The massacre in Tucson was a horrendous tragedy. Everyone in the country, of every ideological stripe…


Union Boss: Yeah We’ll Talk, But Go Our Way or You’re a ‘Human Rights Violator’

Right Wing News - 3 days ago

As President Obama clucks his tongue at America for "pointing fingers" and "assigning blame" in our political debate, and as his friends on the Far Left ignore him and point their fingers and assign blame to the Republicans, Tea Partiers, and Sara…


Giffords Shooting Victim Blames Boehner, Palin, Beck and Angle

Weasel Zippers - 4 days ago

Give me a break, the guy went on the far-left Democracy NOW show to make these accusations. The MSM is going to eat this up. (Politico)- A wounded survivor of the Tucson shooting that critically injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is blaming Sarah Pal…


Blame Righty: A condensed history

Michelle Malkin - 4 days ago

Image via Zazzle On Monday, as The Progressive smear machine worked overtime to pin the horrific Tucson massacre on Conservatives and to squelch political opposition by targeting Tea Party/limited-government Rhetoric, I published “The prog…


Why Democrats and Republicans Shouldnt Sit Together at the State of the Union

Daily Intel - 5 days ago

On the Far Left, a bunch of Republican senators are clearly not digging what Obama just said. Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images Why do we watch the State of the Union address? Is it to hear our president say patriotic, optimistic things about our co…