Here are the stories we took note of today, but didn't give the full blog treatment: • Nineteen senators back Bipartisan State of the Union seating. (Washington Post) • Progressives aren't happy about Joe Biden's new Chief of Staff. …
Read more >>A liberal group that has sparred with the White House slammed Vice President Biden's pick for Chief of Staff. A co-founder of The Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) expressed disappointment with Biden's choice of Bruce Reed, most recen…
Read more >>In response to the tragic shooting in Arizona, Sarah Palin on Wednesday released a nearly eight-minute video that said that those who imply that she bears some responsibility for Jared Lee Loughner's act of violence are guilty of "blood Lib…
Read more >>Casper, Wyoming residents are much like their peers throughout the rural Rocky Mountains: people say what’s on their minds forthrightly, own guns, and hold dear their constitutional freedoms as American Citizens. Normally Casperites see the …
Read more >>Palin's statement is at the link: "The Great Communicator: Sarah Palin Calls Out Despicable 'Blood Libel'." Progressives are going crazy over the meaning of "blood libel." See Media Matters, "Palin, Conservatives Invoke 'Blood Libel' Accusation …
Read more >>Violence and politics are two very dangerous things to mix. Unfortunately, this has occurred on 01/08/2011, as Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot outside an event. Six innocent bystanders have lost their lives and the Congresswoman continue…
Read more >>Submitted by BuzzFlash on Wed, 01/12/2011 - 3:33pm. Now of course, as we're seeing with the talking heads and pundits on on television, radio and in the press, there is an attempt to deflect the reality of what has happened in Tucson by trying to…
Read more >>I was sent this email today. I was not the only one sent this email. Christian Hudson sent this email to a large number of people, including Ron Sams (and his gavel) as well as many of our Sussex County Republican Representatives. I will not be di…