Right Wing news


Attacking GOP for Budget Cuts, VEEP Invokes Rape...

Drudge Report - 15hrs 13mins ago

Vice President Joe Biden, speaking at a Fundraiser in Philadelphia Friday, compared Republicans in Congress to people who excuse rapists by blaming their Victims.

 The vice president, known for speaking his mind and at times putting h…



Balloon Juice - 6hrs ago

To listen to the House Republicans, you’d think the Financial Crisis of 2008 was like that infamous season of the long-running Soap Opera “Dallas,” the one that turned out to be a season-long dream. Subprime Mortgages? Too-big-to…


Joe Biden uses rape analogy to attack Republicans

Examiner.com - 7hrs 5mins ago

After thanking union thugs for keeping Republican "barbarians from the gates," Vice President Joe Biden compared Republicans to those who excuse Rape by blaming the Victim. Biden was in Philadelphia Friday attending a Fundraiser for the Democratic…


Biden compares Republican economic policies to blaming rape victims (Daily Caller)

Yahoo! News - 9hrs 55mins ago

At a Friday Fundraiser in Philadelphia, Vice President Joe Biden said that Republicans are employing a “blame the Victim” strategy in addressing falling government revenue by cutting taxes and reducing spending. According to the Phil…


Biden compares Republican economic policies to blaming rape victims

The Daily Caller - 11hrs 1min ago

Steven Nelson writes for The Daily Caller. At a Friday Fundraiser in Philadelphia, Vice President Joe Biden said that Republicans are employing a “blame the Victim” strategy in addressing falling government revenue by cutting taxes and…


Biden blasts Republicans' strategy as 'blaming the victim'

CNN Political Ticker - 18hrs 15mins ago

(CNN) - Vice President Joe Biden blasted Republicans during a Fundraiser in Philadelphia on Friday, comparing their approach to the Budget battle to the mentality of "blaming the Victim" of a Rape. The remarks came as he appeared at a Democratic …


Bill Maher: Governing With GOP Is Like Rooming With A Meth Addict

Mediaite - 1day 3hrs ago

While Bill Maher didn’t say anything as provocative on Real Time this week as, say, calling the Qur’an a “hate-filled holy book,” it wouldn’t be Bill Maher if he weren’t antagonizing someone, and tonight he need…


Biden Compares Republicans to People Who Blame Rape Victims For Being Sexually Assaulted

Weasel Zippers - 1day 7hrs ago

Someone call the doctor, Biden’s last batch of hair plugs appear to be touching his brain causing verbal diarrhea. (The Hill)- Vice President Joe Biden, speaking at a Fundraiser in Philadelphia Friday, compared Republicans in Congress to peo…