John Roberts: Lame! Fox News hires progressive liberal CNN hack John Roberts What’s next? Is Fox News going to go after Chris Matthews or Keith Olbermann from MSNBC? Newsbusters reports that for whatever reason Fox News hired he former CNN hack John Roberts, who was the anchor CNN’s American Morning from April 2007 until the end of 2010.
PHOTOS: John Roberts in pictures
Apparently, Roberts will be joining Fox News as a national correspondent.
VIDEOS: John Roberts in videos
Newbusters also reports on John Roberts reputation for liberal bias. You may remember ...
CNNs Roberts expected to join Fox News
John Roberts will be an Atlanta-based senior national correspondent and report on major domestic and international stories for Fox News, reports Colby Hall. “Some industry insiders are sure to see this as somewhat of a coup for Fox News, as Roberts will shore up the news side of FNC’s news programming,” he writes. Help! for Writers Offline for a few weeks? Catch up on the headlines you missed over the holidays Offline for a few weeks? Catch up on the headlines you missed over t...
CNN's John Roberts leaves to go to FOXNEWS...
Long-time CBS News and recent CNN anchor John Roberts will join Fox News as a national correspondent, the top-rated cable channel announced today. Michael Clemente, senior vice president of news editorial for FOX, said Roberts will be the channel's senior national correspondent. “We are excited to welcome John to FOX News — his reputation as a skilled Journalist with years of notable experience in the field will be a valuable addition to our news programming,” Clemente said in ...
Fox News hires veteran reporter John Roberts
Veteran CNN and CBS reporter and anchorman John Roberts is joining Fox News Channel. The network announced Monday that Roberts was joining the network as a senior national correspondent. Roberts was most recently a host of CNN's "American Morning," but he was bumped from that job when the network announced a reorganization last month. He had been discussing a transfer to Atlanta, home base for his fiancee, CNN anchor Kyra Phillips. Roberts spent 14 years with CBS, working as a White House corres...
Fox News hires veteran reporter John Roberts
NEW YORK (AP) — Veteran CNN and CBS reporter and anchorman John Roberts is joining Fox News Channel. The network announced Monday that Roberts was joining the network as a senior national correspondent. Roberts was most recently a host of CNN’s “American Morning,” but he was bumped from that job when the network announced a reorganization last month. He had been discussing a transfer to Atlanta, home base for his fiancee, CNN anchor Kyra Phillips. Roberts spent 14 years w...
CNN's John Roberts Leaves For Fox News
What is this? Roberts had been taken off CNN's American Morning last month. The Orlando Sentinel's Hal Boedeker says he will be a "senior national correspondent" for Fox. Roberts, who joined CNN in 2006, was with CBS News before that and at one time was thought to be an Candidate to anchor the CBS Evening News. What is this? Please note that all comments must adhere to the discussion rules and terms of use. See also the Community FAQ. You must be logged in to leave a comment. Login...
John Roberts To Fox News
CNN host John Roberts is expected to join Fox News as a senior national correspondent, according to TVNewser.
Roberts, who is engaged to CNN anchor Kyra Phillips, recently left the New York-based "American Morning" to move to Atlanta with Phillips, who is pregnant with twins. He will be based in Atlanta and "will be reporting on major domestic and international stories for the network," according to the TVNewser report.
Roberts, a former Canadian TV and radio host, spent 14 years with CBS News...
CNN Host Morning Host John Roberts Expected To Join Fox News
From CBS to CNN to Fox News
mediaite CNN’s John Roberts is expected to join FOX News Channel as a senior national correspondent based in Atlanta and will be reporting on major domestic and international stories for the network. Roberts came up the ranks of CBS News, often filling in for then Evening News anchor Dan Rather, and was most recently co-host of CNN’s American Morning .
Some industry insiders are sure to see this as somewhat of a coup for Fox News, as Roberts will shore ...
CNN's John Roberts Leaves For Fox News
What is this? Roberts had been taken off CNN's American Morning last month. The Orlando Sentinel's Hal Boedeker says he will be a "senior national correspondent" for Fox. Roberts, who joined CNN in 2006, was with CBS News before that and at one time was thought to be an Candidate to anchor the CBS Evening News. What is this? Please note that all comments must adhere to the discussion rules and terms of use. See also the Community FAQ. You must be logged in to leave a comment. Login...
Breaking: CNNs John Roberts Is Expected To Join FOX News Channel
CNN’s John Roberts is expected to join Fox News Channel as a senior national correspondent based in Atlanta and will be reporting on major domestic and international stories for the network. Roberts came up the ranks of CBS News, often filling in for then Evening News anchor Dan Rather, and was most recently co-host of CNN’s American Morning. Roberts left that show, and CNN altogether, amid major changes at American Morning.
Some industry insiders are sure to see this as somewhat of a c...
John Roberts to Swear in John Boehner's Aides
U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts will swear in aides to incoming John Boehner on Tuesday, January 4, 2011.
(Credit: AP Photo/Jay Reeves)
Chief Justice John Roberts will administer the oath of office to incoming John Boehner aides on Tuesday, Politico reports, in a move seemingly designed to emphasize the imminent speaker's commitment to constitutional reverence.
According to Politico, incoming House Speaker Boehner specifically requested that Roberts preside over the ceremony, wh...
Chris Matthews Calls Michele Bachmann a 'Zombie'
MSNBC's Chuck Todd Parrots Obama Talking Points: Will GOP 'Relitigate' Health Care? ...
Chief Justice John Roberts Swears in Boehner's staff
ABC's Ariane de Vogue reports:
Behind closed doors Chief Justice John Roberts swore in members of speaker designate John A. Boehner’s staff this morning during a private ceremony.
The Constitution requires all federal employees to take an oath to support the Constitution, but it’s not every day the oath is administered by the Chief Justice of the United States. Boehner invited Roberts to appear, and the speaker designee’s spokesman believes it could be the first time staff was sworn
On history's stage: Chief Justice John Roberts Jr.
In January 1993 principal deputy U.S. Solicitor General John Roberts Jr. was arguing before the U.S. Supreme Court in a case brought by an inmate in a Nevada penitentiary. The Prisoner, a nonsmoker who had been sharing a cell with a five-pack-a-day man, claimed that being subjected to so much Secondhand Smoke amounted to "cruel and unusual punishment" in violation of his Eighth Amendment Constitutional Rights. The United States, represented by Roberts, was siding with Nevada in arguing that the ...
Internet Gains on Television as Public's Main News Source
The Internet is slowly closing in on television as Americans’ main source of national and international news. Currently, 41% say they get most of their news about national and international news from the internet, which is little changed over the past two years but up 17 points since 2007. Television remains the most widely used source for national and international news – 66% of Americans say it is their main source of news – but that is down from 74% three years ago and 82%...
Relative of MSNBCs Chris Matthews charged in $8.1 million pot bust
"The captain of the vessel and the target of a federal Probe is 58-year-old James Ormonde Staveley-O'Carroll, a shipbuilder and self-described firebrand liberal, whose daughter, Sarah, is married to Michael K. Matthews, the son of MSNBC 'Hardball' host Chris Matthews," the paper reported. The ship was taken to the US Coast Guard Station in Gulfport, Mississippi. A federal affidavit said that drug sniffing dogs found two wooden crates filled with individually wrapped packages of marijuana. Stavel...
Chris Matthews In-law Charged With Smuggling Pot
They don’t make father-in-laws like they used to. And at this point, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews must be hoping that his son’s relatively new wife’s father, a ship captain, isn’t guilty of being involved in an $8.1 million international drug bust. But it’s not looking good. Federal agents seized 4, 497 pounds of pot on a 79-foot sailboat traveling from Jamaica to the U.S. The boat belongs to Matthews’ in-law, James Ormonde Staveley-O’Carroll . Matthews&...
Kirsten Powers: Tweets 'apologies' for insisting 'Bush put in place end of life
"It's an extension of something done under Bush . They passed a law, in 2008, saying that Medicare would cover end-of-life counseling... And, you're just scaring old people," accused Kirsten Powers on the Hannity Show - aboard the Blame Bush Wagon rolled out by the White House. In the article, "Obama's stealth end-of life Regulation: Palin's 'Death Panel's made Dems do it", it was pointed out that Fox News Kirsten Powers had aligned herself with the false "hoods" of the White House, who we...
Flashback: Chief Justice John Roberts Jr.
On history's stage: Chief Justice John Roberts Jr.
January 3, 2011 5:00 am
As the youngest leader of the High Court in two centuries, he has the energy, the intellect, and the votes to reshape our world.
By Roger Parloff, senior editor
In January 1993 principal deputy U.S. Solicitor General John Roberts Jr. was arguing before the U.S. Supreme Court in a case brought by an inmate in a Nevada penitentiary. The Prisoner, a nonsmoker who had been sharing a cell with a five-pack-a-day man, claime...
Former MSNBC Anchor David Shuster Says MSNBC will Never be as Liberal as Fox News is Conservative Audio
Here is audio of David Shuster - former MSNBC anchor - explaining on radio his departure from MSNBC back in April 2010, and taking the opportunity to slam Fox News.
Shuster was suspended by MSNBC after they learned he had filmed a pilot for a new political show on CNN. He has never reappeared on the network. On radio here, he blasted Fox News, saying that MSNBC will “never be as Liberal as Fox News is conservative.”
MSNBC is off the charts on the bias scale, and Shuster...
Republican National Committee Candidates Unfamiliar With Books
Which pea-brained clown will become the new chairperson of the Republican National Committee? Whether it’s the dingbat woman dreaming of getting wasted at her kitchen table again or the lunkhead who just keeps barking “Reagan! Reagan!” when asked if he has ever read a book, all five of these mouth-breathing imbeciles are perfect representatives of America’s Political Elite, circa 2011. They are absolute idiots, as common and empty as any small-town city councilmembers wo...
OPRAH: Television doesn't make me feel good...
Interviewer (“O” editor-in-chief Susan Casey): Well, we need [the Oprah Winfrey Network] now more that ever. So much on television these days is unwatchable.” Oprah: It's just created to blur the senses. It feels like Halloween candy. Gobble it down and at the end you don't feel better—you're like, Why did I do that to myself? In recent years I started to feel that, Gee, television has lost its mind. There's no mindfulness there anymore. You used to be able to watch shows...
Obama staff shakeup immident, may come as early as Friday
WASHINGTON (CNN) - President Obama now wants to move quickly on naming the next full-time White House Chief of Staff and has narrowed the list down to a two-man race between current interim boss Pete Rouse and former Clinton Commerce Secretary William Daley, according to two senior Democratic sources close to the process, who noted a slew of staff moves could be announced as early as Friday. The two Democratic sources told CNN that the President would like to get the uncertainty about his long-t...
Congress remembers the Constitution
"If the new Congress to be sworn in on Wednesday is the Tea Party's cardinal achievement so far, its most symbolic achievement will come on Thursday, when the first order of business in the House will be a reading, aloud, of the Constitution. That event alone will not bring us any closer to Limited Government. But it will help get a debate going that for too long has been dormant. Already, House Democrats are lining up to ridicule a closely related rule that the Republican majority has said it w...
Justice Roberts swears in Boehner's staff
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4 (UPI) -- U.S. House Speaker-designate John Boehner's staff was sworn in Tuesday by U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts, a congressional aide said. The aide said Boehner, an Ohio Republican, asked Roberts to perform the ceremony and also attended the swearing-in, CNN reported. "As Boehner said on election night, this isn't a time for celebration; it's a time for focus, commitment and tough choices. The challenges that lie ahead for our nation demand a serious approach," the aide to...
Boehner staff gets private swearing-in by Chief Justice Roberts
Washington (CNN) - John Boehner will be sworn in Wednesday as the new House Speaker, but his congressional aides were sworn in Tuesday morning by Chief Justice John Roberts in a private ceremony in the Capitol. According to a senior Boehner aide, the incoming Speaker requested that the Chief Justice perform the swearing in for his aides, and attended the ceremony. Boehner will take the oath as Speaker on Wednesday afternoon....
Illegal Immigrant Accused of Killing 3 in Virginia
Abramoff Business Partner Jailed for 20 months
CPAC Meets in Washington
Robert Gibbs Departs As White House Press Secretary
Egypt Rejoices as Mubarak Steps Down
Obama Seeks Steep Cuts in Heating Oil Assistance for Poor
Snow Storm Batters Southeast
Congressman Chris Lee Resigns for Sending Flirtatious Email
Domestic Radicalization Poses Greatest Terror Threat to US
Gabrielle Giffords Recovering at 'Lightning Speed'
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