David Shuster: Here is audio of David Shuster - former MSNBC anchor - explaining on radio his departure from MSNBC back in April 2010, and taking the opportunity to slam Fox News.
PHOTOS: David Shuster in pictures
Shuster was suspended by MSNBC after they learned he had filmed a pilot for a new political show on CNN.
VIDEOS: David Shuster in videos
He has never reappeared on the network. On radio here, he blasted Fox News, saying that MSNBC will “never be as Liberal as Fox News is conservative.” MSNBC is off the charts on the bias scale, and Shuster...
NBC News: Capt. Owen Honors Will Be Temporarily Relieved of Command of the USS Enterprise Pending Navy Investigation of Controve
Jim Miklaszeski reports
Visit MSNBC.com for breaking news, world news, and news about The Economy
Report: Internet Gains on TV as People's Main News Source
A report by the Pew Research Center shows 41 percent of Americans get their national and international news from the Internet.
(Credit: CBS)
A report released Tuesday by the Pew Research Center shows that the internet is closing in on TV as the main source of national and international news for Americans. Forty-one percent of Americans say they get their news from the Internet.
That statistic hasn't changed much in the last two years, says Pew, but is up 17 percent from 2007.
Television is t...
Navy Captain Linked to Raunchy Videos
BY Nina Mandell
A series of raunchy videos featuring gay slurs, female sailors taking showers and references to Bestiality has a Navy officer in hot water.
The videos, which were made between 2006 and 2007 and shown on the nuclear-powered Aircraft Carrier Enterprise, were released to The Virginian-Pilot shortly before the carrier was set to take off with the alleged producer of the videos–Captain Owen Honors–in charge.
The videos include two female sailors s...
Got a Problem with the Constitution?
On Wednesday, the 112th Congress will convene with the Republicans running the House for the first time since the dawn of the Obama era. According to many commentators, Speaker-to-Be John Boehner and his crew of zealots have some very scary ideas. Chief among them: They want to make some obscure, inscrutable tract from an ancient civilization the centerpiece of their legislative philosophy. Indeed, in a move generating consternation and exasperation at MSNBC and other bastions of right-thinking,...
Relative of MSNBCs Chris Matthews charged in $8.1 million pot bust
"The captain of the vessel and the target of a federal Probe is 58-year-old James Ormonde Staveley-O'Carroll, a shipbuilder and self-described firebrand liberal, whose daughter, Sarah, is married to Michael K. Matthews, the son of MSNBC 'Hardball' host Chris Matthews," the paper reported. The ship was taken to the US Coast Guard Station in Gulfport, Mississippi. A federal affidavit said that drug sniffing dogs found two wooden crates filled with individually wrapped packages of marijuana. Stavel...
Newsbusted: The "What Makes MSNBC Popular" Edition
Its Tuesday, that means it's time for Newsbusted from Newsbusters.org, welcome to the very first edition of 2011
In this week's episode you will learn why MSNBC is so popular, what Janet Napolitano did on New Year's Eve and Comedian Chris Rock's amazing medical discovery that eases the pain of child birth.
So with after the usual warning, watch the video below as Jodi Miller gives you Newsbusted, a fun look at the real news (sort of).
Now swallow your coffee or prepare to get your computer re...
Lawrence ODonnell Says Most In Tea Party Didnt Know There Was A Debt Ceiling Until He Told Them
MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell started The Last Word last night in unusual Fashion, playing an extended clip from The West Wing where characters talk about the Debt ceiling. O’Donnell, it turns out, wrote the scene and he’s pretty passionate about the Debt ceiling.
Not raising the Debt ceiling, O’Donnell says, is unthinkable: “the end of the world as we know it. A world financial calamity that would plunge us into a depression unlike any we’ve ever seen....
Schultz's Hysterical Math: Corporations Donate 1000x More Than Unions To Campaigns
MSNBC's Chuck Todd Parrots Obama Talking Points: Will GOP 'Relitigate' Health Care? Here at NewsBusters, we've documented Ed Schultz's heroic if unsuccessful struggles with the English language. Guess we've got to add math to the subjects where Schultz requires some serious remedial work . . . On his MSNBC show this evening, Schultz asserted that corporations donate 1000 times more money to political campaigns than unions do. Or as Ed said, in his inimitably muddled m...
Source: MSNBC
A new year has brought new resolve for airport managers who are fed up with the Transportation Security Agency.
"The TSA has grown too big and we're unhappy with the way it's doing things," said Larry Dale, president of Orlando Sanford International Airport. "My board is sold on the fact that the free enterprise system works well and that we should go with a private company we can hold directly accountable for security and customer satisfaction."
Dale isn't alone. Airports in Los A...
MSNBCS Mika Brzezinski Wonders Whats Wrong With Social Justice?
This morning on MSNBC , during a discussion with former New York Governor George Pataki about a Millionaire tax in New York, Pataki argued that in a Free Market, taxing the super-rich never achieves the desired revenue for the government. Instead Pataki suggested those who want to target the super-rich are really just interested in achieving “some sort of social justice.” Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski promptly wondered what’s wrong with that?
Although other participants ...
Unemployment up in two-thirds of metro areas
Source: MSNBC
Sharp reversal from the previous month and the most since June
Unemployment Rates rose in more than two-thirds of the nation's largest metro areas in November, a sharp reversal from the previous month and the most since June.
The Labor Department says Unemployment rates rose in 258 of the 372 largest cities, fell in 88 and remained the same in 26. That's worse than the previous month, when the rate fell in 200 areas and rose in 108.
The Economy is strengthening, but employers have ...
Who's on tonight, 1.4
Fox News
“The O’Reilly Factor” : Charles Krauthammer
“Hannity” : Frank Luntz; Rich Lowry, editor of the National Review; Michael Meyers, president and Executive Director of the New York Civil Rights Coalition; Sydney Penny, actress.
“Countdown with Keith Olbermann” : Eugene Robinson, Washington Post and MSNBC Political Analyst; Lee Fang, Think Progress; Melissa Harris-Perry, Associate Professor of Politics and African-American...
Happy Hour Vid: Is Doritos Mocking Christians? (The Atlantic Wire)
WASHINGTON, DC – Produced for the Super Bowl, Doritos debuted a fan-created TV ad featuring a pastor who gets parishioners to go to church by handing out Nacho Cheese flavored chips as communion bread (as opposed to the traditional thin wafers) and Pepsi as wine. The ad apparently has raised some eyebrows, Fox reporting it as "Controversial Dorito Ad Accused of Mocking Catholics" (though it's not immediately apparent that the ad is mocking Catholics rather than Christians in general*) an...
Tonight on Fox: 9/11 Truther Hosts for Glenn Beck
That’s right, standing in once again tonight for Glenn Beck on Fox News is 9/11 Truther Andrew Napolitano.
Homicidios suben a 532 en Nueva York en el 2010
Hasta el 31 de diciembre, se produjeron 532 homicidios, con un incremento del 13% con respecto al 2009. Los casos de violación, robo y agresiones también subieron, pero el total del nivel de delincuencia bajó en un 2%. Funcionarios del Departamento de Policía de Nueva York dijeron que las cifras, aunque preocupantes, no llegan a ser del todo alarmantes si se ponen en contexto dentro de los logros de la lucha intensiva contra la delincuencia desde inicio de 1990. La ciudad reg...
CNNs Roberts expected to join Fox News
John Roberts will be an Atlanta-based senior national correspondent and report on major domestic and international stories for Fox News, reports Colby Hall. “Some industry insiders are sure to see this as somewhat of a coup for Fox News, as Roberts will shore up the news side of FNC’s news programming,” he writes. Help! for Writers Offline for a few weeks? Catch up on the headlines you missed over the holidays Offline for a few weeks? Catch up on the headlines you missed over t...
Israel -- Protected From Criticism
John Ballard found this via a Naomi Klein tweet.
She calls it "biting Israeli satire."
We know about this.
In America we call it Fox News.
They feed us the news in small, tasty, easy to swallow soundbites.
Better than Ice Cream! Even grown-ups love it.
Martha MacCallum & Dr. Marc Siegel Diss Medicare End Of Life Planning
Not only did Fox News end the old year with talk of those scary "Death Panels" but they rang in the new year with them. As I noted yesterday, the effectiveness of Propaganda rests largely on repetition and Fox News keeps on repeating Right Wing talking points about end of life counseling which will now be reimbursable under Medicare. Doctors will be compensated for voluntary annual discussions about issues like whether you or your relatives decide whether you will die peacefully or be maintained...
Bolivia's Morales apologizes for flag burning
LA PAZ, Bolivia - Bolivian President Evo Morales has apologized for the burning of a Venezuelan flag during Protests against an abrupt rise in fuel prices. Morales said he "publicly apologized in the name of the Bolivian people" for the incident last week. He said the Venezuelan Embassy called the presidential palace to complain after the flag was torched by Protesters. Morales has close ties to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, and the incident highlighted complaints by opponents that the...
My Year in Review Report on the Prop 8 Trial for OutQ News
OutQ News kindly sent me the Year in Review radio report on the federal Prop 8 trial I contributed, which was broadcast New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. It runs about six minutes and features audio from a Prop 8 campaign commercial entered into evidence at the district trial; Ted Olson, lead attorney for the plaintiffs, explaining to Fox News why Prop 8 is Unconstitutional, Law Professor Tobias Wolff on what a limited ruling by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals could mean, and Ameri...
Rep-Elect Schilling On GOP Plans For Obama Healthcare Plan: Were Gonna Rip It Out By Its Roots
On Fox & Friends Tuesday morning, incoming House Republicans laid out their plans to take apart President Obama ’s landmark Legislation on healthcare, with Rep-Elect Bobby Schilling of Illinois describing the plans in simple terms: “We’re gonna rip it out by its roots.”
“This is all about accountability, about a big tax bill that had a few pieces of reform attached to it,” said Schilling, who was part of a Fox & Friends panel of incoming GOP House m...
Aliado da ultimato al gobierno de Pakistn
ISLAMABAD - El líder del principal grupo de oposición de Pakistán le dio el martes un plazo de tres días para que acepte una lista de exigencias a fin de evitar el colapso de su gobierno. Sharif advirtió que si el gobierno no cumple con aceptar esa exigencia dentro de 72 horas, su grupo se unirá a los partidos de la oposición en contra del gobierno. La incertidumbre sobre el futuro del gobierno se acrecentó el domingo cuando El Segundo partido de la ...
Yep... that's me at the moment on the expected decision by the Pentagon to relieve Capt. Owen Honors of his command of the Aircraft Carrier USS Enterprise: Capt. Owen Honors will be relieved of duty Tuesday as commander of the Aircraft Carrier USS Enterprise after he broadcast sexually charged videos taken aboard the ship, a senior U.S. defense official told Fox News. Navy officials said Honors will not be kicked out of the service, though it is possible later on, pending results of a longer...
Internet Gains on Television as Public's Main News Source
The Internet is slowly closing in on television as Americans’ main source of national and international news. Currently, 41% say they get most of their news about national and international news from the internet, which is little changed over the past two years but up 17 points since 2007. Television remains the most widely used source for national and international news – 66% of Americans say it is their main source of news – but that is down from 74% three years ago and 82%...
Today Americas Mother-In-Law Puts Down the Gavel
Good morning.
Congress convenes at noon today. The new congresscritters are getting sworn in.
Look for the Senate Democrats to fail in their effort to gut the Filibuster, but they’ll try nonetheless. I suspect the adults in the room, i.e. the Democrats who remember having a Republican President and Senate, will outwit and overrule Senator Udall (D-NM) and the howling gang of leftists from MSNBC and the lefty blogosphere.
And through it all we will witness a historic moment. America’...
Richard Holbrooke Remembered For China, Bosnia, Afghanistan
Top Priority For Republicans: Cutting Federal Spending
Sarah Palin Follows Own Advice In Media Dealings
Tracheotomy Lets Surgeons Remove Giffords' Feeding Tube
Reince Priebus Gets To Find $22 Million For RNC
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.
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