John Roberts: WASHINGTON, Jan. 4 (UPI) -- U.S. House Speaker-designate John Boehner's staff was sworn in Tuesday by U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts, a congressional aide said.
PHOTOS: John Roberts in pictures
The aide said Boehner, an Ohio Republican, asked Roberts to perform the ceremony and also attended the swearing-in, CNN reported. "As Boehner said on election night, this isn't a time for celebration; it's a time for focus, commitment and tough choices.
VIDEOS: John Roberts in videos
The challenges that lie ahead for our nation demand a serious approach," the aide to...
Boehner calls for civility as new Congress convenes
WASHINGTON — Ohio Rep. John Boehner became speaker of the House Wednesday afternoon, and planned to set a conciliatory tone by telling the nation "The American People have humbled us." Boehner, 61, will preside over a House of Representatives with its biggest Republican majority in 62 years. Republicans gained 63 seats in the November election. And despite the sharp Partisanship that has been evident in Washington for years, Boehner pleaded for civility. Excerpts of his remarks, due to be ...
Chief Justice John Roberts Swears in Boehner's staff ("Behind Closed Doors")
Source: ABC
ABC's Ariane de Vogue reports:
Behind closed doors Chief Justice John Roberts swore in members of speaker designate John A. Boehners staff this morning during a private ceremony.
The Constitution requires all federal employees to take an oath to support the Constitution, but its not every day the oath is administered by the Chief Justice of the United States. Boehner invited Roberts to appear, and the speaker designees spokesman believes it could be the first time staff was swo
Chief Justice John Roberts Swears in Boehner's staff
ABC's Ariane de Vogue reports:
Behind closed doors Chief Justice John Roberts swore in members of speaker designate John A. Boehner’s staff this morning during a private ceremony.
The Constitution requires all federal employees to take an oath to support the Constitution, but it’s not every day the oath is administered by the Chief Justice of the United States. Boehner invited Roberts to appear, and the speaker designee’s spokesman believes it could be the first time staff was sworn
Boehner staff gets private swearing-in by Chief Justice Roberts
Washington (CNN) - John Boehner will be sworn in Wednesday as the new House Speaker, but his congressional aides were sworn in Tuesday morning by Chief Justice John Roberts in a private ceremony in the Capitol. According to a senior Boehner aide, the incoming Speaker requested that the Chief Justice perform the swearing in for his aides, and attended the ceremony. Boehner will take the oath as Speaker on Wednesday afternoon....
Supreme Court Chief Justice Swears In Boehner's Staff
John G. Roberts Jr., the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, swore in President Obama - twice.
But Chief Justice Roberts is apparently Bipartisan in his willingness to swear in federal employees.
On Tuesday morning, he presided over a closed-door ceremony in the offices of the soon-to-be House Speaker, John A. Boehner of Ohio, to swear in the lawmaker’s staff a day before Republicans are scheduled to take control of the House chamber.
Employees of the Federal Government are all required...
Boehner Elected Speaker as 112th Congress Is Sworn In; Some Democrats Protest Pelosi
Pledging to "give government back to the people," Rep. John Boehner of Ohio was sworn in Wednesday as the speaker of the House for the 112th Congress, having received all 241 Republican votes. Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi was chosen House Minority Leader with 173 votes, though her election revealed tensions within the party: 19 Democratic members logged "Protest votes," signaling their displeasure with her as leader of their Caucus. Of these votes, Rep. Health Shuler (N.C.) garnered 11, while Rep...
John Boeher of Ohio officially elected speaker of the House
Washington (CNN) - Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, has been officially elected speaker of the House of Representatives for the 112th Congress. ...
Supporters Gather to Watch and Celebrate When "John" Became Mr. Speaker
Supporters Gather to Watch and Celebrate When "John" Became Mr. Speaker Supporters of new House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, gathered to watch the moment the man they know both as John, and Rep. Boehner became Mister Speaker. Aides say more than 400 people were invited to a reception in the Cannon House building. Boehner's immediate family joined him in the House Chamber for his official vote to the top spot. They are expected to join another reception filled full of family, friends ...
Boehner elected House speaker, succeeding Pelosi
WASHINGTON (AP) — Rep. John Boehner (BAY’-nur) has been elected speaker of the House, sealing newfound Republican power-sharing in Congress and drawing the curtain on the history-making Nancy Pelosi era at the helm. Cheers broke out among GOP lawmakers on the House floor as Boehner, a Veteran lawmaker from Ohio, defeated Pelosi in the roll call for speaker. His rise to the helm of the House was virtually guaranteed months ago, when the Midterm Elections returned Republicans to contro...
John Roberts to Swear in John Boehner's Aides
U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts will swear in aides to incoming John Boehner on Tuesday, January 4, 2011.
(Credit: AP Photo/Jay Reeves)
Chief Justice John Roberts will administer the oath of office to incoming John Boehner aides on Tuesday, Politico reports, in a move seemingly designed to emphasize the imminent speaker's commitment to constitutional reverence.
According to Politico, incoming House Speaker Boehner specifically requested that Roberts preside over the ceremony, wh...
Chief Justice Roberts to Privately Swear in Boehner Aides to Uphold the Constitution
Off to a good start. (Politico)- In another statement of the new House Republican majority’s commitment to the Constitution, aides to incoming Speaker John Boehner plan to take their oath of office Tuesday morning — a day before the same oath is administered to the 435 House members of the new Congress. At Boehner’s request, Chief Justice John Roberts will preside over the staff ceremony, which may be a first in congressional history. Aides in Boehner’s Washington and di...
From neighborhood bar to Capitol Hill, for Boehner it's all in the family
New House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) released a photo of himself with his siblings on Capitol Hill Wednesday morning shortly before he was elected speaker of the 112th Congress....
John Boehner elected new Speaker of the House of Representatives
Representative John Boehner (R-Ohio), has just been elected the new Speaker of the US House of Representatives. Boehner is being escorted by numerous House members, including former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to take his oath as the new Speaker. is looking for writers, photographers, and videographers to join the fastest growing group of local insiders. If you are interested in growing your online rep apply to be an Examiner today! John Boehner has been elected the new Speaker of the Hou...
Its official: Tan Man John Boehner confirmed as Speaker of the House
Ohio republican John Boehner has been confirmed as the new Speaker of the House of Representatives for the 112th Congress. Boehner has been known for many things, apart from his conservative political views. He is often referred to as the ‘Tan Man’, because he maintains a golden Skin Tone, even in the dead of winter in Washington. Boehner has denied using a Tanning Salon, but some still have their doubts. Regardless, Speaker Boehner may be better known for his recent outbursts ...
Obama foe Boehner takes helm as US speaker
New US House Speaker John Boehner, now the sharpest congressional thorn in President Barack Obama's side, has been both bomb-thrower and bridge-builder in his two-decades in Washington politics. Boehner, who replaced Democrat Nancy Pelosi as the third-ranking US elected official, will have to manage those two roles as he works to enact his agenda while pleasing arch-conservative "Tea Party" Activists key to the Republican romp in November 2 Elections. "We gather here today at a time of great c...
Local Congressman Boehner becomes speaker of the House today
WASHINGTON – Local congressman John Boehner, who today will become just the third Ohio lawmaker to be speaker of the U.S. House, will tell House members that Americans in November “voted to end business as usual and today we begin carrying out those instructions.’’
In a Speech delivered to the House moments after being sworn in, the West Chester Township Republican will press the new Republican majority to aggressively reduce federal spending at a time when the government...
Taking the House, GOP primes for fight with Obama
WASHINGTON — Ascending to speaker of the House, Rep. John Boehner is ready to take the gavel from Democrat Nancy Pelosi, vowing to "give government back to the people" and bring an end to congressional gridlock. "The American People have humbled us. They have refreshed our memories as to just how temporary the privilege to serve is," Boehner says in remarks prepared for his installation later Wednesday as the new speaker. "This is their Congress. It's about them, not us." Taking control of...
"Republican Coronation Day"
"There's a lot we don't know about this guy," said G. Terry Madonna, director of the Center for Politics and Public Affairs at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pa. "The voters don't have a clear sense about who he is. It was more of a reaction about her ." And he told Andrea that he's offended the US government would want to raise the Debt ceiling.Can you image a thing like that? And to him all we needed was a little fiscal restraint and the USofA would be in fine shape economically. ...
Wednesday's live video events
A new era begins in Congress today, as Republicans take the majority in the House of Representatives. Live is your home for all the happenings on Capitol Hill. 9:00 am ET - Congressional Black Caucus event - Outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will speak at a ceremonial swearing-in for members of the Congressional Black Caucus in Washington. 10:30 am ET - Pentagon briefing on Afghanistan - U.S. Army Col. Andrew Poppas briefs reporters on current Military operations in three A...
Specter going to law school
(CNN) - The move from the halls of Congress to those of academia appears to be a popular one this year. Former Sen. Arlen Specter has taken a new role at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, set to teach an upper-level course next fall on the relationship between Congress and the Supreme Court. The move comes on the heels of news former Wisconsin Sen. Russ Feingold will teach at Marquette Law School next fall. "We are delighted to welcome Arlen Specter to Penn Law," said Michael A. F...
Boehner takes gavel as Speaker of the House on party-line vote
Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) was elected 53rd Speaker of the House in a party-line vote, winning unanimous support from the new Republican majority.
Boehner replaces Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who had made history as the first woman Speaker.
While Boehner won the vote of every Republican for a total of 241 votes, 19 Democrats did not vote for Pelosi, reflecting the polarizing public image that contributed to her party's loss of the House. Pelosi won 173 Democratic votes, and several other De...
John Boehner Elected Speaker
The House just completed its vote, electing John Boehner the 61st Speaker of the House 241-192. -11 Democrats voted for Heath Shuler, a North Carolina Democrat and former Washington Redskin who has said he would challenge Pelosi in a vote to Protest the 63 seats lost under he watch. Most of the votes represented the survivors of the decimated Blue Dog Coalition. Jason Altmire (PA-04), Dan Boren (OK-02), Jim Cooper (TN-05), Joe Donnelly (IN-02), Tim Holden (PA-17), Larry Kissell (NC-08), Mike McI...
Its official: Speaker Boehner, Weaker Pelosi
If you missed C-SPAN the past half hour, you missed some high drama and comedy.
As expected, of course, GOP House Leader John Boehner is now Speaker Boehner with 241 votes.
Outgoing Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is now Weaker Pelosi, with 173 votes in her favor — and 19 notable Protest votes against her by fellow Democrats.
There were so many different alternatives, the race started looking like an Alaska Senate primary.
Democrat Heath Shuler took 11 votes.
Democrat John Lewis scor...
Dawn Of A New Congress
What is this? Good morning. As Korva said earlier, the day's big story is the opening of the 112th Congress — an event marked by the hand-off of control in the House of Representatives from the Democrats to the Republicans and a narrower majority for Democrats in the Senate. On Morning Edition, NPR's Andrea Seabrook profiled the new speaker of the House, Rep. John Boehner of Ohio. She reports that "Boehner's mantra — words you'll hear often in the coming year — is 'smaller...
Pelosi Faces 19 Defectors In Symbolic Speaker Vote
Though today's vote for House Speaker was all but assured to break in Rep. John Boehner's (R-OH) favor after the Midterm Elections, it nonetheless managed to be dramatic for new Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). Freed to cast symbolic votes against the soon-to-be-former Speaker, 19 of her fellow Democrats cast Protest votes against her. Rep. Peter Defazio (D-OR), who led a movement to deny Pelosi the leadership slot after the election, didn't vote at all.
Conservative Rep. Heath Shuler (D-N...
Richard Holbrooke Remembered For China, Bosnia, Afghanistan
Top Priority For Republicans: Cutting Federal Spending
Sarah Palin Follows Own Advice In Media Dealings
Tracheotomy Lets Surgeons Remove Giffords' Feeding Tube
Reince Priebus Gets To Find $22 Million For RNC
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.
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