Chief Justice: In January 1993 principal deputy U.S. Solicitor General John Roberts Jr. was arguing before the U.S. Supreme Court in a case brought by an inmate in a Nevada penitentiary.
PHOTOS: John Roberts in pictures
The Prisoner, a nonsmoker who had been sharing a cell with a five-pack-a-day man, claimed that being subjected to so much Secondhand Smoke amounted to "cruel and unusual punishment" in violation of his Eighth Amendment Constitutional Rights.
VIDEOS: John Roberts in videos
The United States, represented by Roberts, was siding with Nevada in arguing that the ...
Supreme Court Chief Justice Swears In Boehner's Staff
John G. Roberts Jr., the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, swore in President Obama - twice.
But Chief Justice Roberts is apparently Bipartisan in his willingness to swear in federal employees.
On Tuesday morning, he presided over a closed-door ceremony in the offices of the soon-to-be House Speaker, John A. Boehner of Ohio, to swear in the lawmaker’s staff a day before Republicans are scheduled to take control of the House chamber.
Employees of the Federal Government are all required...
John Roberts to Swear in John Boehner's Aides
U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts will swear in aides to incoming John Boehner on Tuesday, January 4, 2011.
(Credit: AP Photo/Jay Reeves)
Chief Justice John Roberts will administer the oath of office to incoming John Boehner aides on Tuesday, Politico reports, in a move seemingly designed to emphasize the imminent speaker's commitment to constitutional reverence.
According to Politico, incoming House Speaker Boehner specifically requested that Roberts preside over the ceremony, wh...
Boehner staff gets private swearing-in by Chief Justice Roberts
Washington (CNN) - John Boehner will be sworn in Wednesday as the new House Speaker, but his congressional aides were sworn in Tuesday morning by Chief Justice John Roberts in a private ceremony in the Capitol. According to a senior Boehner aide, the incoming Speaker requested that the Chief Justice perform the swearing in for his aides, and attended the ceremony. Boehner will take the oath as Speaker on Wednesday afternoon....
Chief Justice Roberts to Privately Swear in Boehner Aides to Uphold the Constitution
Off to a good start. (Politico)- In another statement of the new House Republican majority’s commitment to the Constitution, aides to incoming Speaker John Boehner plan to take their oath of office Tuesday morning — a day before the same oath is administered to the 435 House members of the new Congress. At Boehner’s request, Chief Justice John Roberts will preside over the staff ceremony, which may be a first in congressional history. Aides in Boehner’s Washington and di...
Chief justice to swear in Boehner aides
In another statement of the new House Republican majority’s commitment to the Constitution, aides to incoming Speaker John Boehner plan to take their oath of office Tuesday morning—a day before the same oath is administered to the 435 House members of the new Congress.
At Boehner’s request, Chief Justice John Roberts will preside over the staff ceremony, which may be a first in Congressional history. Aides in Boehner’s Washington and district offices are expected to ta...
Week in Review: Top News
Water from melting snow and rain creates a waterfall at the Lost Creek trail, about 8 miles into the scenic drive at Red Rock Canyon Conservation area. The waterfall is less than a half-mile hike from the Lost Creek Parking Lot. The hike is not difficult, but cold and wet weather can make the short walk more challenging because of ice. If the temperature remains cold long enough, the waterfall turns into ice. » Buy this photo The number of people the Flood Control District says have died fl...
Chief Justice Roberts, a Bush appointee, urges approval of more Obama nominees
Today Chief Justice John Roberts, who was nominated and confirmed under the Bush Administration, urged the Senate to allow for confirmation of more judicial nominees. Both Democrats and Republicans have used their Filibuster power over the previous decade to keep judicial nominees from being confirmed, though liberals claim that Republicans have taken the practice to a whole new level with President Obama. In his statement, Chief Justice Roberts argues that the entire judicial system...
Chief Justice Roberts Calls for End to Senate Obstruction of Judges
Nearly one in nine federal Judgeships are currently vacant, a vacancy rate that is leaving many courts barely able to function. Indeed, the problem has become so severe that Republican Chief Justice John Roberts used his annual year-end report on the federal judiciary to call upon the Senate to end this logjam:
Over many years, however, a persistent problem has developed in the process of filling judicial vacancies. Each political party has found it easy to turn on a dime from decrying to defe...
Cynicism aside, Nevada makes history, twice in one day
With a projected state Budget Deficit approaching $3 billion, there will be weeks of number crunching and enough academic analysis to make your head spin. There will be Tax Revenues to pray for like a Cubs World Series title, and harsh economic realities will hit harder than any January snowstorm. Nevada is in a helluva shape: High Unemployment and little daylight in sight for the Construction Industry; home Foreclosures that drag on as housing prices fade. But try to set aside your cynicism and...
From the Holiday Weekend
FROM THE HOLIDAY WEEKEND.... We covered a fair amount of ground over the holiday weekend. Here's a quick overview of you may have missed.
On Sunday , we talked about:
* Congressional Republicans are floating the possibility of "the first default in history caused purely by insanity."
* The latest in creative GOP complaining: President Obama visited Troops in Afghanistan, but his plane touched down at the wrong time of day.
* President Obama is getting plenty of advice on how he should compromi...
Chief Justice John Roberts Urges Progress Naming Judges, Takes Aim At Gridlock Obstructing Process
WASHINGTON — Republicans and Democrats must find a long-term solution to selecting Federal Judges, Chief Justice John Roberts says, while blaming both sides for the political gridlock of Judicial Nominations in the Senate.
"Each political party has found it easy to turn on a dime from decrying to defending the blocking of judicial nominations, depending on their changing political fortunes," Roberts said Friday in his year-end report. "This has created acute difficulties for some judicia...
Chief Justice Roberts calls for judicial confirmations
SCOTUS Chief Justice Roberts raised some eyebrows in The Village with his annual report that criticized the slow pace of judicial confirmations, noting only 62 out of 96 vacancies on the federal bench have been filled in the last two years.
“There remains,” the chief justice wrote, “an urgent need for the political branches to find a long-term solution to this recurring problem.” Roberts' critique echoes a similar complaint made by former Chief Justice Rehnquist during the Clinton
The Terrorist-Supporting Neocons
Thanks to a New York Times op-ed today by Georgetown Law Professor David Cole, debate has been renewed over last summer's SCOTUS decision in Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project and the question of what constitutes "support" for Terrorists and can be prohibited. Can you outlaw efforts aimed at steering terrorist groups toward seeking redress via peaceful means?
The news hook is the recent backing from prominent Republicans for an opposition group of Iranian exiles designated by the United State...
Fox News hires veteran reporter John Roberts
NEW YORK (AP) — Veteran CNN and CBS reporter and anchorman John Roberts is joining Fox News Channel. The network announced Monday that Roberts was joining the network as a senior national correspondent. Roberts was most recently a host of CNN’s “American Morning,” but he was bumped from that job when the network announced a reorganization last month. He had been discussing a transfer to Atlanta, home base for his fiancee, CNN anchor Kyra Phillips. Roberts spent 14 years w...
CNN's John Roberts Leaves For Fox News
What is this? Roberts had been taken off CNN's American Morning last month. The Orlando Sentinel's Hal Boedeker says he will be a "senior national correspondent" for Fox. Roberts, who joined CNN in 2006, was with CBS News before that and at one time was thought to be an Candidate to anchor the CBS Evening News. What is this? Please note that all comments must adhere to the discussion rules and terms of use. See also the Community FAQ. You must be logged in to leave a comment. Login...
Breaking: CNNs John Roberts Is Expected To Join FOX News Channel
CNN’s John Roberts is expected to join Fox News Channel as a senior national correspondent based in Atlanta and will be reporting on major domestic and international stories for the network. Roberts came up the ranks of CBS News, often filling in for then Evening News anchor Dan Rather, and was most recently co-host of CNN’s American Morning. Roberts left that show, and CNN altogether, amid major changes at American Morning.
Some industry insiders are sure to see this as somewhat of a c...
John Roberts: Stop Bickering, Confirm Federal Judges
Even John Roberts thinks the Republicans should stop blocking the approval of Federal Judges. He pretends it's a Bipartisan problem -- but it isn't: There is an "urgent need" for Senate Democrats and Republicans to put aside their bickering and fill federal judicial vacancies, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote Friday in his annual State of the Judiciary report. It was his first comment about the partisan gridlock on judges that affects President Obama's nominees. But Roberts noted that D...
John Roberts To Fox News
CNN host John Roberts is expected to join Fox News as a senior national correspondent, according to TVNewser.
Roberts, who is engaged to CNN anchor Kyra Phillips, recently left the New York-based "American Morning" to move to Atlanta with Phillips, who is pregnant with twins. He will be based in Atlanta and "will be reporting on major domestic and international stories for the network," according to the TVNewser report.
Roberts, a former Canadian TV and radio host, spent 14 years with CBS News...
CNN Host Morning Host John Roberts Expected To Join Fox News
From CBS to CNN to Fox News
mediaite CNN’s John Roberts is expected to join FOX News Channel as a senior national correspondent based in Atlanta and will be reporting on major domestic and international stories for the network. Roberts came up the ranks of CBS News, often filling in for then Evening News anchor Dan Rather, and was most recently co-host of CNN’s American Morning .
Some industry insiders are sure to see this as somewhat of a coup for Fox News, as Roberts will shore ...
CNN's John Roberts Leaves For Fox News
What is this? Roberts had been taken off CNN's American Morning last month. The Orlando Sentinel's Hal Boedeker says he will be a "senior national correspondent" for Fox. Roberts, who joined CNN in 2006, was with CBS News before that and at one time was thought to be an Candidate to anchor the CBS Evening News. What is this? Please note that all comments must adhere to the discussion rules and terms of use. See also the Community FAQ. You must be logged in to leave a comment. Login...
CNN's John Roberts leaves to go to FOXNEWS...
Long-time CBS News and recent CNN anchor John Roberts will join Fox News as a national correspondent, the top-rated cable channel announced today. Michael Clemente, senior vice president of news editorial for FOX, said Roberts will be the channel's senior national correspondent. “We are excited to welcome John to FOX News — his reputation as a skilled Journalist with years of notable experience in the field will be a valuable addition to our news programming,” Clemente said in ...
Lame! Fox News hires progressive liberal CNN hack John Roberts
Lame! Fox News hires progressive liberal CNN hack John Roberts
What’s next? Is Fox News going to go after Chris Matthews or Keith Olbermann from MSNBC? Newsbusters reports that for whatever reason Fox News hired he former CNN hack John Roberts, who was the anchor CNN’s American Morning from April 2007 until the end of 2010. Apparently, Roberts will be joining Fox News as a national correspondent. Newbusters also reports on John Roberts reputation for liberal bias. You may remember ...
Fox News hires veteran reporter John Roberts
Veteran CNN and CBS reporter and anchorman John Roberts is joining Fox News Channel. The network announced Monday that Roberts was joining the network as a senior national correspondent. Roberts was most recently a host of CNN's "American Morning," but he was bumped from that job when the network announced a reorganization last month. He had been discussing a transfer to Atlanta, home base for his fiancee, CNN anchor Kyra Phillips. Roberts spent 14 years with CBS, working as a White House corres...
Chief Justice Will Swear In Boehner's Staff
Politico reports incoming House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) asked Chief Justice John Roberts to "preside over the staff ceremony, which may be a first in congressional history. Aides in Boehner's Washington and district offices are expected to take the oath in the Capitol in a private, low-key event with no press coverage."
Miller calls for more transparency in political influence
Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller overcame $1.6 million in shadowy campaign spending to earn a repeat performance as state prosecutor, and spoke candidly during his swearing-in ceremony on the importance of transparency in the political process. “[A]t least $1.6 million, and perhaps much more, was spent against me. Two-point-five to $3 million was spent against Congressman Bruce Braley. A million to $2 million of outside money was spent against the three [Iowa Supreme Court] justices that u...
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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