MSNBC news


Nation to heal by having congressmen from different parties sit next to each other at SOTU or something

Hot Air - 19hrs 15mins ago

Lisa Murkowski’s a big fan of the idea, so hey — how bad it could be? Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaksa) has joined Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.) in spearheading Udall’s effort to have Bipartisan seating at the State of the Union, Murk…


Kucinich Rebukes MSNBC Host; Insists Boehner Setting Good Tone Post Tucson - 17hrs 25mins ago

This rebuke comes after Mr. Schultz goes on a vitriolic tirade about how Republicans don't care about Children or the elderly or.. well, you know: The New Tone....…


Birthers Usually Some "Cracker" On The Right, Says NBC Anchor

The FOX Nation - 18hrs 43mins ago

"So much of this attack on Obama has been ad hominem -- directed at the person, the president. Whether it's somebody, some cracker out there on the right calling him -- some birther type that he's not an American or it is someone a little more sop…


If you want more civilitythen be more civil - 20hrs 16mins ago

For four days this week following the horror in Tucson our country was subjected nonstop to vicious lies and hatred from liberal-leftists in the media and, more disturbingly, from Democrats on the public Payroll.  This is a new low …


Gaffes galore: Michael Steele's unforgettable tenure at the RNC

New York Daily News - 21hrs 17mins ago

Embattled Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele abandoned his re-election bid Friday after four rounds of balloting left him far short of a Second Term. Steele, who just finished his first two-year term in the job, left four othe…


An Open Letter to the New York Times Regarding Paul Krugman - 23hrs 25mins ago

Below is the full text of an email I sent Friday afternoon to Arthur Brisbane, Public Editor of the New York Times. In it, I detail a serious error made by Times columnist Paul Krugman in his Sunday column - documented at NB - and request that the…


MSNBC Graphic of the Week

Michelle Malkin - 1day 14hrs ago

**Written by Doug Powers On Tuesday night, the “Lean Forward” network bent over backwards and way to the left to squeeze in as many nasty references to Sarah Palin into a single little Chyron graphic as possible: A big slug of “…


HuffPost TV: Roy Sekoff On GOP Dilemma: Tea Party Delivers Both 'The Energy And The Crazy' (VIDEO)

The Huffington Post - 1day 15hrs ago

Roy Sekoff appeared on "The Ed Show" Thursday to discuss the Tea Party's response to the tragic shootings in Tucson last weekend. When host Ed Schultz referenced a statement from Tucson's Tea Party Leader, which suggested Congresswoman Gabriell…