Patricia Maisch, the 61-year-old woman who grabbed a magazine away from the alleged shooter on Saturday, suggested in an interview with Fox News on Sunday night that hateful Rhetoric was in part to blame for the attempted Assassination of Rep. G…
Read more >>A Shooting Spree in Arizona yesterday killed five people and left Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in critical condition, and the fingerpointing may prove to be politically deadly as well. Giffords was one of twenty Democratic Candidates listed as…
Read more >>During a Fox News segment today, anchor Shep Smith tossed to a live shot of a vigil for critically wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords , and several seconds into it, as one mourner said “…and I say to you, Sarah Palin…” then cu…
Read more >>During a Fox News segment today, anchor Shep Smith tossed to a live shot of a vigil for critically wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords , and several seconds into it, as one mourner said “…and I say to you, Sarah Palin…” abruptl…
Read more >>One of the last acts of Congress this week was to pass a bill giving health benefits to the First Responders who worked at Ground Zero after Sept. 11, 2001. It was half the size of the bill Democrats wanted, but the fact that it passed at all seem…
Read more >>Cable news Ratings, December 22, 2010: •On Fox News, rising star-and quiet ratings power player-Bret Baier had a strong night Wednesday, coming within 136,000 viewers of Fox’s top dog Bill O’Reilly, who had 1,924,000 …
Read more >>The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart is being credited by many for igniting the media and public outcry that ultimately resulted in passage of the 9/11 First Responders Bill. However, not everyone is praising the comedic host, as John McCormack of …
Read more >>Yesterday the folks at Fox & Friends claimed that it was their co-worker, Shephered Smith, who brought attention to the 9-11 responders bill and not Jon Stewart. The 9-11 responders bill, officially called the James Zadroga Health Care a…