Radical Islam: Dec. 10, 2010 / 10min.
PHOTOS: Barack Obama in pictures
Nov. 26, 2010 / 11min.
VIDEOS: Barack Obama in videos
Nov. 19, 2010 / 13min. Nov. 12, 2010 / 16min. The Tingle Is Gone at MSNBC: Olbermann Suspended! GOP Wins! Nov. 5, 2010 / 15min. Oct. 29, 2010 / 13min. Oct. 8, 2010 / 12min. Oct. 1, 2010 / 16min. Sep. 24, 2010 / 15min. Sep. 8, 2010 / 12min. Sep. 3, 2010 / 14min. Aug. 27, 2010 / 13min. Aug. 13, 2010 / 16min. Aug. 6, 2010 / 16min. Jul. 30, 2010 / 17min. Jul. 23, 2010 / 10min. Jul. 16, 2010 / 14min. Jul. 9, 2010 / 11min. Jul. 2, 2010 /...
STEPHEN KRUISER: Frosty The Racist.
STEPHEN KRUISER: Frosty The Racist.
Bill OReilly Suggests Left Wing Community Wants To Institute Radical Islam in The U.S.
Bill O’Reilly did yet another in a long series of anti-Muslim discussions last night (12/15/10). This one was about a woman named Asia Bibi. As ">NPR reported, she’s a Christian woman facing execution in Pakistan over a charge of Blasphemy. But instead of reporting on the case, O’Reilly gave it a brief summary and then seized on it as part of his argument to prove he’s right that there’s a “Muslim problem” in the world. A graphic on the screen saying, ...
Argentina: Squatters, neighbors in new clashes
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - A rock and bottle fight broke out Friday between squatters illegally occupying a private Soccer field and neighbors who want them gone. A Police Officer and a Journalist caught in the crossfire were injured. People hurled objects at each other in Villa Lugano, a southwestern suburb of Buenos Aires, until police created a cordon between the two groups and ended the violence. The squatters occupied the field five days ago and are demanding that the government provid...
Dark Skin No Longer a Curse in Online Book of Mormon
Chapter headings in the online version of the Book of Mormon have been changed by LDS Church officials, eliminating vestiges of Racist theology that linked dark skin to spiritual accursedness. * Old version: “Because of their unbelief, the Lamanites are cursed, receive a skin of blackness, and become a scourge to the Nephites.” * New online version: “Because of their unbelief, the Lamanites are cut off from the presence of the Lord, are cursed, and become a scourge unto the Nep...
Sharpton want FCC hearings on Rush 'racist' remarks. Flashback video: Sharpton calls opponent Punk Faggot on TV
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the Freedom of Speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.-1st amendment to the US ConstitutionSharpton wants to do exactly that - abridge the freedom of Speech:
He might want to abridge his own speech instead:
I have yet to hear Rush Limbaugh say anything ra...
The Mission
While we can continue to abhor the system of human bondage that flourished in the Old South, there is much we can learn from a more dispassionate examination of the arguments used to defend it. We have sought to distance the slaveholders and their creed, to define them as very unlike ourselves. Yet their processes of rationalization and self-justification were not so very different from our own, or from those of any civilization of human actors. The persistence of modern Racism is but one forcef...
Pulling Up the Ladder
During a Google search for something else, I just now came across a nativist blog called stoptheinvasionoforegon. It is a particularly repellent specimen of the genre and contains a particularly revolting selection of Racist images. If you have the stomach for this kind of thing, Google it for yourselves. If the Internet had existed in the 1830s I imagine that the Cayuse and Klamath tribes would have spread the same sort of welcome mat for the wagon trains of land-hungry settlers just then arri...
Political correctness and people who call things Racist are the greatest threats to free Speech, says Andrew Breitbart in this video from Reason (zoom ahead to 1:35):
This is a nearly pure expression of conservative anti-anti-racism, or the idea that accusations of Racism (against White People) are far more harmful than actual incidents of Bigotry against Minorities (with the collorary that Minorities are guilty of tremendous Racism against White People). Smearing Shirley Sherrod is perfectly ok...
You Went Full Ayers, ManNever Go Full Ayers
When Bill Clinton did his victory lap last week around this time, how much do you think the brutal left-on-left race-obsessed primary season of 2008 was still fresh on his mind? I wonder if he heard this interview with Bill Ayers from the start of the month, in which he claims that, as the Blaze notes, “White Supremacist [Hillary] Clinton Created Shadowy Characters of Rev. Wright & Others” to exoticize Obama.
Fortunately, that can’t ever happen again, since, “Callin...
How Do You Deal With Racist Relatives Over The Holidays?
A Feministe reader sparks a helpful discussion in the comments section. Rita's advice:
I deal with this as well and I disagree with the “just don’t go” advice. I don’t get to see my family that often and they are VERY important to me, bigoted views or no. The older generation in particular just never learned any better (which I know is not an excuse for hatred, but I’m still not going to hate them back.) I want to see my family and when they are not being Racist/sexist/ge
Fa-Ra-Ra-Ra-Ra-Ra-Ra-Ra-Ra, Ctd
A reader writes:
I thought I should share with you a screen capture of your posts. The first post is about dealing with "Racist relatives over the Holidays" followed by "Fa Ra Ra Ra." Now I understand the latter post references the "classic" movie moment in The Christmas Story, but seeing the two posts back to back struck me.
As a biracial Asian-American male that "classic" moment was my first realization of the long heard phrase "laughing AT you not WITH you."
Growing up in suburban Virginia,...
Argentina: Squatters, neighbors in new clashes
A rock and bottle fight broke out Friday between squatters illegally occupying a private Soccer field and neighbors who want them gone. A Police Officer and a Journalist caught in the crossfire were injured. People hurled objects at each other in Villa Lugano, a southwestern suburb of Buenos Aires, until police created a cordon between the two groups and ended the violence. The squatters occupied the field five days ago and are demanding that the government provide them with housing subsidies or...
The Wolves Who Cry Boy
The Reverends Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Jim Wallis, Jeremiah Wright and Father Michael Pfleger insist Racism is alive and well in America. And they are right. All they need do is look in their respective mirrors to see some of its most active proponents. Racism certainly still exists among some whites in the U.S. But anyone who thinks seriously -- and honestly -- about the issue also knows those people are a dying breed. They never will die out completely, of course. Humans, contrary to libera...
Spain: Muslim family denounces teacher for talking about ham in class
Here is my rough translation of a Spanish-language article about a manifestation of Islamic Supremacism so outrageous that it is hard not to wonder whether or not it is a parody. But it doesn't seem to be one. "Una familia musulmana denuncia a un docente por hablar de jamones en clase," from Diario de Jerez, December 18 (thanks to Eloy):
A teacher at Menéndez Tolosa institute has been denounced by a Muslim family from La Línea because their son, a Student in the first year of High School, fe...
Proud of Mel, on the Occasion of Winona’s Denunciation
Aaron Worthing at Patterico’s Pontifications recently wrote a post about an interview in GQ with Winona Ryder — who is Jewish; who knew? — in which she offhandedly charged that, “like, fifteen years ago,” she was at a Hollywood party, where she met a drunken Mel Gibson… and that, when she mentioned her religion, he jokingly referred to Jews as “oven dodgers.” (Ryder also claims that Gibson “made a really horrible gay joke” to her gay fr...
Sharpton: Rush Limbaugh May Have to Attend FCC Hearings Next Year to Explain Racist Remarks
Sharpton continues his reprehensible assault on free Speech....
Chicago Mayor Candidates: Only Black People Should Be Considered Minorities
It happened during a discussion of why African-American businesses got a 7 percent sliver of Chicago’s $1 billion spending pie through Aug. 31, down from 8 percent a year ago. “The word ‘minority’ from our standpoint should mean African-American. I don’t think women, Asians and Hispanics should be able to use that title,” he said. “That’s why our numbers cannot improve — because we use women, Asians and Hispanics who are not People of Color, ...
Chicago Democrat: Only Blacks Should be Considered Minorities, Says Women, Asians, Hispanics Shouldnt Be Able to Use That Title
How very Racist of him…
(Chicago Sun Times)- Mayoral challenger James Meeks scrambled Thursday to put out a political fire touched off by his suggestion that only African-Americans should be eligible for city contracts set aside for Minorities and women.
Meeks made the statement on Wednesday during an interview on WVON-AM (1690). It happened during a discussion of why African-American businesses got a 7 percent sliver of Chicago’s $1 billion spending pie through Aug. 31, down from 8...
Sharpton: Rush Limbaugh May Have to Attend FCC Hearings to Explain 'Racist' Remarks
Al Sharpton said Thursday he spoke to the Federal Communications Commission about holding public hearings next year that Rush Limbaugh would be forced to attend to explain so-called "Racist" statements he's made on the air. Ed Schultz, HOST: And finally tonight, Rush Limbaugh has a long history of using his radio platform to make racist comments. Today, Reverend Al Sharpton met with the Federal Communications Commission and asked them to take a stand on Limbaugh. Reverend Sharpton ...
Democracies Urged to Vote Against U.N. Plan to Hold Racism Event in NYC
Friday, December 17, 2010
By Patrick Goodenough
Israel and Italy were among 10 Western countries boycotting the Durban II Racism conference in Geneva. (AP Photo)
(CNSNews.com) - The United Nations General Assembly will vote Monday on whether to hold a Controversial anti-racism event in New York next September, when America will mark the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks.
The conference planned for September 21 is intended to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the U.N. Racism co...
Quote of the Day
Norse mythology gets multi-cultural remake in upcoming movie titled "Thor," Marvel Studios. It's not enough that Marvel attacks Conservatives values, now mythological Gods must be re-invented with black skin. It seems that Marvel Studios believes that White People should have nothing that is unique to themselves. An upcoming movie, based on the comic book Thor, will give the Aesir an insulting multi-cultural make-over. One of the Gods will be played by Hip Hop DJ Elba.—The "radical and rac...
Spain: Muslims sue teacher for speaking about ham in class
Spanish ham (absolutely offensive to "Ham-o-phobic" Muslims...)
According to the account of the facts, the teacher was explaining the different climates in a geography class and cited the village of Trevelez due to its cold and dry climate. According to the newspaper account, "as a story, the teacher told his Students that such a climate was conducive to making hams (this refers to the procedure that it's necessary between the pig is killed and the ham is actually ready to be eaten). Then the ...
Stockholm Sploded Dope's Wife Mona (Updated/Bumped)Mona Named Her Child Osama
Is in hiding...???? Click link to see more images....kinda hard to hide now.
Image credit TelegraphMona Thwany, 28, is in hiding in Luton with her British-born Children Amira, four, Aisha, two, and Osama, six months......[...]
Her family said she had been brought up a good Christian but reluctantly converted to Islam under pressure from Abdulwahab....The kicker, from her grandfatherI dont think Mona had any kind of relationship with Extremist MuslimsShe was feckin marri
What went wrong
PART of Argyll Street, with its two-storey terraces, is currently cordoned off, as Luton’s police scour the house of Taimur Abdulwahab al-Abdaly for evidence about his botched bombing in Stockholm on December 11th (see article). A few doors away lives the aunt of another well-known Lutonian, the founder of the anti-Islamist English Defence League (EDL), Tommy Robinson. Abdulwahab’s fate is a sad reminder of Luton’s ongoing links to violent Islam; the EDL plans a big rally in Fe...
Dmitry Medvedev Bucks Putin, Calls For Press Freedom
Holiday Shoppers Create Own Stimulus
EPA May Be Cooking Own Goose In Texas
Please Don't Call It A Lame Duck Miracle
Rahm Could Run Chicago Even Though He Was In DC
Bloomberg Payroll Exec Resigns Ahead Of Trial
Italian Anarchists Likely Culprits In Bombings
South Korea Begins Enormous War Games
Strangler On The Loose In Philadelphia
Republicans Stop Opposing 9/11 Health Deal
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