Sharpton: Rush Limbaugh May Have to Attend FCC Hearings to Explain 'Racist' Remarks
Al Sharpton said Thursday he spoke to the Federal Communications Commission about holding public hearings next year that Rush Limbaugh would be forced to attend to explain so-called "Racist" statements he's made on the air. Ed Schultz, HOST: And finally tonight, Rush Limbaugh has a long history of using his radio platform to make racist comments. Today, Reverend Al Sharpton met with the Federal Communications Commission and asked them to take a stand on Limbaugh. Reverend Sharpton ...
Sharpton: Rush Limbaugh May Have to Attend FCC Hearings Next Year to Explain Racist Remarks
Sharpton continues his reprehensible assault on free Speech....
Rush Limbaugh calls Reid and Pelosi 'Terrorists'
Mr. Blue Pill goes on another hate-speech rant as he usually does and attacks his usual targets, Pelosi and Reid. "It could well be, ladies and gentlemen, that we're fighting the wrong enemy in the Middle East. Maybe the real Terrorists that we face are on Capitol Hill. I mean, really, who's doing as good a job to undermine what this country stands for as the terrorists? 'Dingy' Harry, Nancy Pelosi. I mean, look, if they call us 'hostage takers' and 'gangsters,' then why can't we call them what ...
RUSH LIMBAUGH: No Labels Is A Racist Organization. In the future, everybody will be racist for 1
Rush Limbaugh: “No Labels” Is A Racist Organization. In the future, everybody will be racist for 15 minutes. Or is that the present, now?
From The Time Capsule: Race Baiter Al Shaprton Yells "Punk Faggot" On Morton Downey Jr. Show
The video speaks for itself (Breitbart via Weasel Zippers).
Big Al made a similar comment a few years later.
“White folks was [sic] in caves while we was building empires.... We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.”Meanwhile, the Holier than thou Sharpton has been attacking Rush Limbaugh and even threatening to sic the FCC on Rush for alleged "Hate Speech." Never mind Sharpton has also used racially divisive term...
Flashback: Liberal Hero Al Sharpton Screams Punk Faggot on TV
Rush should have a field day with this…
Via Breitbart:
Before Al Sharpton was trying to dictate what Rush Limbaugh can say on the public airwaves, he was using politically incorrect language on television. We can find no instance of liberals at the time demanding that Sharpton be taken off the air for his homophobic rantings.
Flashback: Liberal Hero Al Sharpton Screaming 'Punk F*ggot' on a Television Show (Video)
This is the guy who wants to get Rush Limbaugh off the air, here a clip of Al Sharpton on the Morton Downey Jr. show from years ago
via weaselzippers
Before Al Sharpton was trying to dictate what Rush Limbaugh can say on the public airwaves, he was using politically incorrect language on television. We can find no instance of liberals at the time demanding that Sharpton be taken off the air for his homophobic rantings.
The 10 Best Rush Limbaugh Quotes the George Soros Steno-Pool Was Kind Enough to Collect For Us
Man walks into a bar. Says to the bartender, “Give me your finest bourbon on the rocks.”
Bah-dah ba!
That’s the feeling one gets upon visiting the congenitally leftist site MediaMatters, which collects “Controversial” quotes by conservative radio and TV personalities and… well, that’s about all they do with them. It’s supposed to be self-evident to readers how insane these statements are.
Apparently this soft-sell strategy works, as evidenced by the rea
Rush Limbaugh: Maybe The Real Terrorists That We Face Are On Capitol Hill
Rush Limbaugh is not happy with Democratic leaders calling the GOP “hostage takers.” He responded by calling them some names of his own like “gangsters,” comparing them to Al Capone , and, for the kicker, “Terrorists.” Uh oh. Don’t we know the problem with exaggerations like that?
There are a ton of great quotes in here but the best stuff comes at the end:
“It could well be, ladies and gentlemen, that we’re fighting the wrong enemy in the Mid...
Rush Limbaugh: America being raped by this (Democrat) Congress
RUSH LIMBAUGH: “We’re witnessing, this is the hijacking of our country right in front of our eyes, with some Republican participation. The Election Results were clear. If we were a woman and the Congress were a man we’re in the middle of being raped. We said “no” in November. And we’re paying for it. We’re paying to get raped. We said “no” in November, i.e., the election, we have said “no” at every opportunity, and yet they contin...
Rush Limbaugh hits out at Michael Moore over help for Julian Assange
Putting up, not shutting up ... Michael Moore. Photograph: Kevork Djansezian/AP/PA Photos The US conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh has criticised film-maker Michael Moore and others for their decision to put up £20,000 each to help secure the release of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange on bail. The radio talkshow host, whose syndicated show is the most listened-to talk-radio programme in the US, said Moore and others who provided surety for Assange's return to court on sex charges ...
Rush Limbaugh: Pelosi And Reid 'Are Terrorists' (AUDIO)
Rush Limbaugh compared Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to Terrorists on his Wednesday show.
Limbaugh began by comparing the two Democratic congressional leaders to Al Capone and other mob bosses. He then wondered aloud, "how do you stop people like that?"
Maybe, he continued, the U.S. is fighting the wrong enemy:
"It could well be, ladies and gentlemen, that we're fighting the wrong enemy in the Middle East. Maybe the real Terrorists that we face are on Capitol Hill. I mean, really, who's doing as...
Avlon: Why No Labels Threatens Rush & Olbermann
John Avlon writes at The Daily Beast:
According to Rush Limbaugh, I’m a hard-core liberal, no different than Michael Moore who paid the bail for “the serial rapist Julian Assange.” Also, I’m not willing to admit who the Terrorists are, and I’m helping to kill Christmas.
It’s all because I co-founded a new group that launched this week called No Labels. We’re Republicans, Democrats and Independents—dedicated to confronting the culture of hyper-partisanship th
Rush Limbaugh lectures unemployed man on the harm of jobless benefits (Audio)
On his Radio Show today Rush Limbaugh told one of his unemployed listeners why his jobless benefits are destroying The Economy. In the audio segment on the left, Limbaugh takes a call from "Jerome." Jerome states that he actually agrees with much of Limbaugh's words, but that he has grown more sympathetic about the need for government assistance since becoming unemployed. Even in the face of Jerome's personal Testimony, Limbaugh stands by his assertion that jobless benefits sho...
My War With Rush Limbaugh, by John Avlon
Limbaugh is taking nasty shots at me and my new "No Labels" group, and Keith Olbermann named us a “world’s worst”—examples of the all-or-nothing politics tearing the country apart....
My War With Rush Limbaugh
Limbaugh is taking nasty shots at me and my new "No Labels" group, and Keith Olbermann named us a “world’s worst”—examples of the all-or-nothing politics tearing the country apart....
Rush Limbaugh: American Public Is Being Raped By This Congress
It would be hard to find a media personality who is more experienced than Rush Limbaugh at carefully constructing a convincing argument, before quickly shattering any of its impact with over-the-top hyperbole. Case in point: today Rush was justifiably angry with the determination of elected officials to fulfill a non-existent mandate to pass as much Legislation as possible before the end of the year. This, according to Rush, is the equivalent of Congress sexually violating every American and is...
IS DEMOCRATIC OPPOSITION TO OBAMA ALSO RACIAL? Oh, absolutely. Racist, racist, racist. But I love
IS DEMOCRATIC OPPOSITION TO OBAMA ALSO RACIAL? Oh, absolutely. Racist, racist, racist. But I love this comment: “Calling Republicans ‘racist’ for opposing Democrats in general, or Obama specifically, is nothing more than a political tactic that we use to turn black people against Republicans. There’s nothing to be gained by using this tactic against Democrats.”
Remember, comrades: We must distinguish between mere bourgeois truth, which is concerned with sterile fa...
Flashback: Lib. Hero Sharpton Screams Punk Faggot on TV
Before Al Sharpton was trying to dictate what Rush Limbaugh can say on the public airwaves, he was using politically incorrect language on television. We can find no instance of liberals at the time demanding that Sharpton be taken off the air for his homophobic rantings....
Comcast-NBC deal gets backing of NAACP and other civil rights groups
Comcast Corp. and NBC Universal have won support of their proposed Merger from three major Civil Rights organizations.
In a letter to the Federal Communications Commission, the heads of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People, the Urban League and Al Sharpton's National Action Network said they have reached an agreement with Comcast Corp. on several key issues including program diversity and hiring practices.
"Comcast and NBCU have committed to continuous improvement ...
A Look at Al Sharpton in the Days When He Called People "You a Punk Faggot!
Back in the day a local independent TV Station in the New York City ran a original Talk Show called the Morton Downey Jr show. The program featured screaming matches among Downey, his guests, and audience members. Using a large silver bowl for an ashtray, he would chainsmoke during the show and blow smoke in his guests' faces. Downey's fans became known as "Loudmouths", patterned after the studio lecterns decorated with gaping cartoon mouths, from which Downey's guests would go head-to-head ag...
The Left’s Secession Obsession
When a group called the Confederate Heritage Trust decided to hold a “Secession Ball” in Charleston, South Carolina, commemorating the 150th anniversary of South Carolina leaving the union, the event made national headlines. MSNBC host Ed Schultz said, “Conservatives in South Carolina are celebrating the destruction of the United States.” Schultz’s guest, Civil Rights Activist Al Sharpton, said the event celebrated “Treason.” Charleston NAACP president D...
Rev. Al Sharpton No Longer Calls People Punk F*ggots But New Documentary Trailer Shows He Did
How times change. These days, you’re more likely to find the Rev. Al Sharpton debating the alleged Racism of the Tea Party on Fox News or meeting with the president at the White House.
Sharpton’s grown into a grey haired mainstreamer, usually described as a “Civil Rights Activist.” Some of the cards from Gay Rights activists might be about to get lost in the holiday mail, however.
A just-released trailer for an upcoming documentary will not be a fun trip down Memory Lane ...
Limbaugh: Maybe the Real Terrorists We Face Are on Capitol Hill
Rush Limbaugh: "It could well be, ladies and gentlemen, that we’re fighting the wrong enemy in the Middle East. Maybe the real Terrorists that we face are on Capitol Hill. I mean, really, who’s doing as good a job to undermine what this country stands for as the terrorists? ‘Dingy’ Harry, Nancy Pelosi. I mean, look, if they call us ‘hostage takers’ and ‘gangsters,’ then why can’t we call them what they are? They are terrorists. They certainly...
Rush: The Working Poor Are Conservatives, The Unworking Poor Are Democrats
Today on his Radio Show, Rush Limbaugh received a call from Janice, an unemployed woman from Colorado, who wanted to discuss the now dead Omnibus Bill. Together they railed against the Democrats with Limbaugh pointing that they are a political party that “profits off creating misery.” The best quotes came at the end, though, as he explained that “almost all” of the working poor are Conservative while the lazy, unworking poor are Democrats. I see.
“LIMBAUGH: Let me t...
Cop Fatalities up in 2010
Wayne Furniture Store Explodes, Trapping Three Inside
Danes Foil Terrorists
Self-Defense Claimed after Body Discovered in Suitcase
Tracking Terror " Even on Vacation
Tea Party Gets Dunked: Murkowski Good to Go
California: More Death Sentences, Still No Executions
Dmitry Medvedev Bucks Putin, Calls For Press Freedom
Holiday Shoppers Create Own Stimulus
EPA May Be Cooking Own Goose In Texas