Student : Here is my rough translation of a Spanish-language article about a manifestation of Islamic Supremacism so outrageous that it is hard not to wonder whether or not it is a parody.
But it doesn't seem to be one. "Una familia musulmana denuncia a un docente por hablar de jamones en clase," from Diario de Jerez, December 18 (thanks to Eloy): A teacher at Menéndez Tolosa institute has been denounced by a Muslim family from La Línea because their son, a Student in the first year of High School, fe...
Spain: Muslims sue teacher for speaking about ham in class
Spanish ham (absolutely offensive to "Ham-o-phobic" Muslims...)
According to the account of the facts, the teacher was explaining the different climates in a geography class and cited the village of Trevelez due to its cold and dry climate. According to the newspaper account, "as a story, the teacher told his Students that such a climate was conducive to making hams (this refers to the procedure that it's necessary between the pig is killed and the ham is actually ready to be eaten). Then the ...
A Couple of Imams, a Muslim Comedian, a Muslim Journalist And a Muslim Cardiologist Walk Into a MPAC Conference
It’s not really a joke - wait… Yes, it is.
(LA Times) — Sitting before an audience of hundreds of Muslims at the annual conference of the Muslim Public Affairs Council on Saturday, Edina Lekovic raised her microphone and began asking pointed questions about where American Muslims have stumbled in reaching out to the broader American culture .
“Where have we gone wrong?” she asked. “What could we have done better?”
There was a brief silence from ...
Spain: Muslims File Criminal Complaint Against Teacher
For speaking about Ham
Oh the horror!!
Protesters Against Slavery Beaten & Arrested in Mauritania
That’ll teach them. 9 Protesters were beaten and arrested in Mauritania after they held a Protest against Slavery. Nine Militants from an organisation that fights slavery in Mauritania were beaten and arrested on Monday after demonstrating to denounce the fact that two young girls aged 9 and 13 were being held in slavery in Nouakchott. The Foundation for Human and Humanitarian Rights (FONADH) has demanded the immediate release of the nine militants, including the director of the organisati...
Tehran hosts women's rights conference
Published: Dec. 19, 2010 at 8:45 AM Iranian Muslim woman pray at a Naghshe Jahan Sq in Isfahan located about 340 KM South of Tehran, Iran during Eid-al-Fitr festival on Sept 10, 2010. The festival marks the end of the holy Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. UPI/Maryam Rahmanian TEHRAN, Dec. 19 (UPI) -- At a summit for Muslim women Sunday, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called Feminism "a cry of Protest of crushed women in a capitalist system," state media said. Speaking at the third meeting of the ...
CIA recalls Pakistan station chief after his name becomes public
Reporting from Washington and Islamabad, Pakistan —
The CIA station chief in Pakistan has been called home, a U.S. official said, after a lawyer for a local Journalist publicly revealed the officer's name and said he should be held accountable for the Deaths of the client's relatives in a U.S. drone strike.
The development is likely to worsen the mistrust roiling Washington's fragile alliance with Islamabad, which is central to its Military campaign in neighboring Afghanistan and the st...
Spain: Muslims sue teacher for speaking about ham in class
Al Qaeda honors Christmas. By threatening more Jihad in the US and Europe One ought never to turn one’s back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half. Never run away from anything. Never! ...
Thatcher, Reagan, and Those Revolting British Students
The images of violent Protests in London coming in from across the pond are disturbing to most Americans. But if some are tempted to find comfort in the idea that what is going on over there could never happen here, they should think again.
At issue in the United Kingdom is the announced policy change, more than a year under discussion and review, to subsidize less of the College Tuition of Students. In the recent past, the top amount (calculated here in dollars) a student would pay for a year'...
Thatcher, Reagan, and Those Revolting British Students
The images of violent Protests in London coming in from across the pond are disturbing to most Americans. But if some are tempted to find comfort in the idea that what is going on over there could never happen here, they should think again.
At issue in the United Kingdom is the announced policy change, more than a year under discussion and review, to subsidize less of the College Tuition of Students. In the recent past, the top amount (calculated here in dollars) a student would pay for a year'...
Muslims in Jihadi bomber's town get 500,000 to combat terror... but don't give police a single tip-off
This is the problem. If it were just a few fringe Extremists, the world would not be fighting this pox on humanity with enormous, incalculable resources.
And what, pray tell, are the 'moderates' up to? Building a victory mega-mosque at Ground Zero, of course, and propagandizing Blasphemy (Islamic law) as "Islamophobia."
Muslims in bomber's town get £500,000 to combat terror... but don't give police a single tip-off Daily Mail
Muslim groups in the town where the Stock...
Muslims in Swedish Bombers Town Get 550,000 To Combat Terror Not One Single Tip Turned in
Luton Islamic Center - UK Home of the Swedish Bomber
Sheik-down Street…
(Daily Mail) — Muslim groups in the town where the Stockholm Suicide Bomber lived have been handed more than £550,000 of Taxpayers’ money to combat Extremism but have failed to tip off police about a single Terror Suspect.
The grants were handed out to Mosques, schools and women’s projects by Luton council to prevent young Muslims being radicalised .
Under the Home Office’s Preventing Violent Extrem
More Jihad in Bosnia, the Life of the First Iranian Martyr in Bosnia
Will we ever be capable of admitting what a terrible mistake that Clinton made by sending our Troops to fight for an Islamic State in the heart of Europe? I mean, really.
“Documentary film about the Life of the First Iranian Martyr in Bosnia”
But Bosnia wasn’t a Jihad, right? And all those charges of ‘mujahedin’ presence were just vicious serbianationalist Propaganda, right? Right?
In fact, Bosnia and Kosovo weren’t jihads only in the eyes of the West. The Muslim world
Frosty the Snowman: Winter's #1 Racist
Dec. 10, 2010 / 10min. Nov. 26, 2010 / 11min. Nov. 19, 2010 / 13min. Nov. 12, 2010 / 16min. The Tingle Is Gone at MSNBC: Olbermann Suspended! GOP Wins! Nov. 5, 2010 / 15min. Oct. 29, 2010 / 13min. Oct. 8, 2010 / 12min. Oct. 1, 2010 / 16min. Sep. 24, 2010 / 15min. Sep. 8, 2010 / 12min. Sep. 3, 2010 / 14min. Aug. 27, 2010 / 13min. Aug. 13, 2010 / 16min. Aug. 6, 2010 / 16min. Jul. 30, 2010 / 17min. Jul. 23, 2010 / 10min. Jul. 16, 2010 / 14min. Jul. 9, 2010 / 11min. Jul. 2, 2010 /...
Sharpton want FCC hearings on Rush 'racist' remarks. Flashback video: Sharpton calls opponent Punk Faggot on TV
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the Freedom of Speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.-1st amendment to the US ConstitutionSharpton wants to do exactly that - abridge the freedom of Speech:
He might want to abridge his own speech instead:
I have yet to hear Rush Limbaugh say anything ra...
The Wolves Who Cry Boy
The Reverends Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Jim Wallis, Jeremiah Wright and Father Michael Pfleger insist Racism is alive and well in America. And they are right. All they need do is look in their respective mirrors to see some of its most active proponents. Racism certainly still exists among some whites in the U.S. But anyone who thinks seriously -- and honestly -- about the issue also knows those people are a dying breed. They never will die out completely, of course. Humans, contrary to libera...
Quote of the Day
Norse mythology gets multi-cultural remake in upcoming movie titled "Thor," Marvel Studios. It's not enough that Marvel attacks Conservatives values, now mythological Gods must be re-invented with black skin. It seems that Marvel Studios believes that White People should have nothing that is unique to themselves. An upcoming movie, based on the comic book Thor, will give the Aesir an insulting multi-cultural make-over. One of the Gods will be played by Hip Hop DJ Elba.—The "radical and rac...
Pulling Up the Ladder
During a Google search for something else, I just now came across a nativist blog called stoptheinvasionoforegon. It is a particularly repellent specimen of the genre and contains a particularly revolting selection of Racist images. If you have the stomach for this kind of thing, Google it for yourselves. If the Internet had existed in the 1830s I imagine that the Cayuse and Klamath tribes would have spread the same sort of welcome mat for the wagon trains of land-hungry settlers just then arri...
Brooklyn-Jenin: Why didnt the judges prevent the demolition in Lod?
As fifty Children lose their homes under the auspices of the Supreme Court the question should be asked: Does the Supreme Court act in the service of a Racist ideology in the spirit of Rabbi Eliyahu and his cohorts?
One morning, when the storm started shaking the treetops and the dogs howled in terror because of the thunders and the flashes of lightning, fifty Children of different ages went out to school in the city of Lod, Israel. During the day most of them worked diligently on their studie...
The Mission
While we can continue to abhor the system of human bondage that flourished in the Old South, there is much we can learn from a more dispassionate examination of the arguments used to defend it. We have sought to distance the slaveholders and their creed, to define them as very unlike ourselves. Yet their processes of rationalization and self-justification were not so very different from our own, or from those of any civilization of human actors. The persistence of modern Racism is but one forcef...
Proud of Mel, on the Occasion of Winona’s Denunciation
Aaron Worthing at Patterico’s Pontifications recently wrote a post about an interview in GQ with Winona Ryder — who is Jewish; who knew? — in which she offhandedly charged that, “like, fifteen years ago,” she was at a Hollywood party, where she met a drunken Mel Gibson… and that, when she mentioned her religion, he jokingly referred to Jews as “oven dodgers.” (Ryder also claims that Gibson “made a really horrible gay joke” to her gay fr...
Political correctness and people who call things Racist are the greatest threats to free Speech, says Andrew Breitbart in this video from Reason (zoom ahead to 1:35):
This is a nearly pure expression of conservative anti-anti-racism, or the idea that accusations of Racism (against White People) are far more harmful than actual incidents of Bigotry against Minorities (with the collorary that Minorities are guilty of tremendous Racism against White People). Smearing Shirley Sherrod is perfectly ok...
Sharpton: Rush Limbaugh May Have to Attend FCC Hearings to Explain 'Racist' Remarks
Al Sharpton said Thursday he spoke to the Federal Communications Commission about holding public hearings next year that Rush Limbaugh would be forced to attend to explain so-called "Racist" statements he's made on the air. Ed Schultz, HOST: And finally tonight, Rush Limbaugh has a long history of using his radio platform to make racist comments. Today, Reverend Al Sharpton met with the Federal Communications Commission and asked them to take a stand on Limbaugh. Reverend Sharpton ...
Sharpton: Rush Limbaugh May Have to Attend FCC Hearings Next Year to Explain Racist Remarks
Sharpton continues his reprehensible assault on free Speech....
STEPHEN KRUISER: Frosty The Racist.
STEPHEN KRUISER: Frosty The Racist.
Dems Want Oversight On Oil Drilling; GOP Favors Balanced Approach
CBO Report: Deficit To Reach $2.6 Trillion By 2012
Color-Coded Threat Assessment System To Get The Boot
Obama SOTU Address Walks The Middle Path, Holds Some Lines
$112 Billion At Risk, Long Term US Aid Plans For Afghan Missing
Obama State Of The Union Jabs At GOP
Domodedovo Airport Bombing Highlights Security Problems
Michelle Bachmann Is Nuts
Tea Party Movement Focuses On Boosting Hold Over GOP
Reelection: Numbers Indicate Fair Chance For Obama
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