Buenos Aires: BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - A rock and bottle fight broke out Friday between squatters illegally occupying a private Soccer field and neighbors who want them gone.
A Police Officer and a Journalist caught in the crossfire were injured.
People hurled objects at each other in Villa Lugano, a southwestern suburb of Buenos Aires, until police created a cordon between the two groups and ended the violence. The squatters occupied the field five days ago and are demanding that the government provid...
Argentina: Squatters, neighbors in new clashes
A rock and bottle fight broke out Friday between squatters illegally occupying a private Soccer field and neighbors who want them gone. A Police Officer and a Journalist caught in the crossfire were injured. People hurled objects at each other in Villa Lugano, a southwestern suburb of Buenos Aires, until police created a cordon between the two groups and ended the violence. The squatters occupied the field five days ago and are demanding that the government provide them with housing subsidies or...
Mercosur reinforces customs union plan
FOZ DO IGUACU, Brazil, Dec. 17 (UPI) -- Leaders of Latin America's Mercosur trading bloc vowed to pursue the goal of establishing a common market and customs union encompassing the member countries despite continuing squabbles over sometimes trivial issues of integration. Mercosur has been pursuing the idea of replicating EU-style institutions since it was founded in 1991. Its two-tier membership comprises Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay as founding members and Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, ...
WikiLeaks: Peru's president has 'colossal ego'
A leaked U.S. diplomatic cable written in 2006 said that it was generally agreed that Peruvian President Alan Garcia had "a colossal ego" and cited rumors he could be afflicted by manic depression or Bipolar Disorder. The cable, posted Thursday on the website of the Spanish newspaper El Pais and Friday in its print edition, also cites "widespread rumors" of Garcia's involvement in Extramarital Affairs. The dispatch is one of many released by Wikileaks in which officials have painted candid and s...
2 Polish brothers dead in Argentine yacht tragedy
In this photo taken Dec. 14, 2010, stranded Polish yacht Nashachata is hit... Buenos Aires, Argentina (AP) - A yacht returning from Antarctica smashed into rocks during a powerful storm, killing a Polish sporting goods executive and his brother, the Argentine Navy said Thursday. Navy Lt. Martin Ribeiro said the yacht Nashachata lost engine power in the Beagle Channel early Monday as nearly Hurricane-force winds of more than 110 kph (68 mph) tore off roofs and downed trees nearby in the world's ...
Norfolk police officer's treatment of student criticized
Mayor Paul Fraim plans to apologize to a Booker T. Washington High School senior who was taken to school in handcuffs by a Police Officer.
Fraim said he does not believe the police violated city procedure. "But I'm apologizing because we didn't have a process in place that would alleviate the situation without the need to handcuff the young man.
"It's our fault we don't have a process in place."
Dominique Marsh, a Quarterback for the school's football team, said he was sto...
Anti-Morales governor removed in Bolivia
LA PAZ, Bolivia —
Lawmakers in a Natural Gas-rich eastern province removed its Governor - a key opponent of leftist President Evo Morales - on Thursday after he was charged with dereliction of duty and causing economic damage.
Morales' opponents claim Tarija Gov. Mario Cossio is just the latest casualty of a campaign by backers of Bolivia's popular president, who they allege controls the country's chief prosecutor's office and its courts, to remove all serious opposition.
Cossio's unseat...
Anti-Morales governor removed in Bolivia
LA PAZ, Bolivia Lawmakers in a Natural Gas-rich eastern province removed its Governor - a key opponent of leftist President Evo Morales - on Thursday after he was charged with dereliction of duty and causing economic damage. Morales' opponents claim Tarija Gov. Mario Cossio is just the latest casualty of a campaign by backers of Bolivia's popular president, who they allege controls the country's chief prosecutor's office and its courts, to remove all serious opposition. Cossio's unseati...
Bolivian president says he'll recognize Palestine
Bolivian President Evo Morales says he plans to recognize an independent and sovereign state of Palestine. Bolivia joins Argentina, Brazil, Cuba and Venezuela in its recognition of an independent, sovereign Palestinian state with borders recognized prior to the 1967 Mideast war. Uruguay has indicated that it is poised to do the same. Bolivia severed relations with Israel in January 2009 after its invasion of the Gaza Strip in December 2008. Morales announced his decision Friday....
Bolivia Recognizes Independent Palestinian State
© RIA Novoski / Vladimir Rodionov
Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas welcomed the decision and praised bilateral relations between Bolivia and the Palestinian Authority
Bolivia has recognized a sovereign Palestinian state on the 1967 borders with Israel, following neighboring Brazil and Argentina's suit.
Bolivian President Evo Morales made the announcement during a conference with regional leaders in Brazil on Friday, the Palestinian Authority's Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
Bolivia Recognizes Palestine As A State - 1967 Borders - Joining Brazil, Argentina And Uruguay
HUMPHREY BOGART The Signature Collection Vol. 2 THE MALTESE FALCON, ACROSS THE ATLANTIC, ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT, PASSAGE TO MARSEILLE BETHLEHEM — Bolivia announced Friday its recognition of a fully sovereign Palestinian state on the 1967 borders with Israel. President Evo Morales made the announcement in Brazil at a conference with regional leaders, Bolivia’s Foreign Affairs Ministry said. Uruguay also has recognized Palestine as a state. “Bolivia recognizes the Palestinian ...
Another country recognizes an imaginary state
Bolivia has recognized the imaginary state of 'Palestine' joining Argentina and Brazil, which recognized the same imaginary state a few weeks ago. Bolivia on Friday joined the list of South American countries that have announced their recognition of a fully sovereign Palestinian state on the 1967 borders with Israel, Palestinian news agency Ma'an reported.
Bolivian President Evo Morales made the announcement in Brazil at a conference with regional leaders, Bolivia's Foreign Affairs Ministry sa...
Bolivia recognizes Palestine as independent state
Source: https://www.Google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5h0ac...
Bolivia has recognized Palestine as an independent state, following the lead of Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay.
Bolivian President Evo Morales on Friday said his government would send a letter to Mahmud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, recognizing Palestine as "an independent and sovereign state."
Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay recognized Palestine as an independent state earlier this month, drawing a rebuke from Isr...
Top 15 Worst Sports Moments of All Time
For every Lance Armstrong and Jesse Owens who beat the odds and give us heartwarming and unforgettable moments, there are hundreds of athletes who do not come out on top. There are the guys who didn’t quite come back, the players who disgraced their sports and disgusted the world. This list is the antithesis of The Greatest Sports Moments of All Time. These are the moments that made your scream at your TV in anguish, pain, sympathy and disgust; the cheaters coming out on top, the career en...
Dark Skin No Longer a Curse in Online Book of Mormon
Chapter headings in the online version of the Book of Mormon have been changed by LDS Church officials, eliminating vestiges of Racist theology that linked dark skin to spiritual accursedness. * Old version: “Because of their unbelief, the Lamanites are cursed, receive a skin of blackness, and become a scourge to the Nephites.” * New online version: “Because of their unbelief, the Lamanites are cut off from the presence of the Lord, are cursed, and become a scourge unto the Nep...
Political correctness and people who call things Racist are the greatest threats to free Speech, says Andrew Breitbart in this video from Reason (zoom ahead to 1:35):
This is a nearly pure expression of conservative anti-anti-racism, or the idea that accusations of Racism (against White People) are far more harmful than actual incidents of Bigotry against Minorities (with the collorary that Minorities are guilty of tremendous Racism against White People). Smearing Shirley Sherrod is perfectly ok...
STEPHEN KRUISER: Frosty The Racist.
STEPHEN KRUISER: Frosty The Racist.
Sharpton: Rush Limbaugh May Have to Attend FCC Hearings to Explain 'Racist' Remarks
Al Sharpton said Thursday he spoke to the Federal Communications Commission about holding public hearings next year that Rush Limbaugh would be forced to attend to explain so-called "Racist" statements he's made on the air. Ed Schultz, HOST: And finally tonight, Rush Limbaugh has a long history of using his radio platform to make racist comments. Today, Reverend Al Sharpton met with the Federal Communications Commission and asked them to take a stand on Limbaugh. Reverend Sharpton ...
Fa-Ra-Ra-Ra-Ra-Ra-Ra-Ra-Ra, Ctd
A reader writes:
I thought I should share with you a screen capture of your posts. The first post is about dealing with "Racist relatives over the Holidays" followed by "Fa Ra Ra Ra." Now I understand the latter post references the "classic" movie moment in The Christmas Story, but seeing the two posts back to back struck me.
As a biracial Asian-American male that "classic" moment was my first realization of the long heard phrase "laughing AT you not WITH you."
Growing up in suburban Virginia,...
Chicago Democrat: Only Blacks Should be Considered Minorities, Says Women, Asians, Hispanics Shouldnt Be Able to Use That Title
How very Racist of him…
(Chicago Sun Times)- Mayoral challenger James Meeks scrambled Thursday to put out a political fire touched off by his suggestion that only African-Americans should be eligible for city contracts set aside for Minorities and women.
Meeks made the statement on Wednesday during an interview on WVON-AM (1690). It happened during a discussion of why African-American businesses got a 7 percent sliver of Chicago’s $1 billion spending pie through Aug. 31, down from 8...
You Went Full Ayers, ManNever Go Full Ayers
When Bill Clinton did his victory lap last week around this time, how much do you think the brutal left-on-left race-obsessed primary season of 2008 was still fresh on his mind? I wonder if he heard this interview with Bill Ayers from the start of the month, in which he claims that, as the Blaze notes, “White Supremacist [Hillary] Clinton Created Shadowy Characters of Rev. Wright & Others” to exoticize Obama.
Fortunately, that can’t ever happen again, since, “Callin...
How Do You Deal With Racist Relatives Over The Holidays?
A Feministe reader sparks a helpful discussion in the comments section. Rita's advice:
I deal with this as well and I disagree with the “just don’t go” advice. I don’t get to see my family that often and they are VERY important to me, bigoted views or no. The older generation in particular just never learned any better (which I know is not an excuse for hatred, but I’m still not going to hate them back.) I want to see my family and when they are not being Racist/sexist/ge
Chicago Mayor Candidates: Only Black People Should Be Considered Minorities
It happened during a discussion of why African-American businesses got a 7 percent sliver of Chicago’s $1 billion spending pie through Aug. 31, down from 8 percent a year ago. “The word ‘minority’ from our standpoint should mean African-American. I don’t think women, Asians and Hispanics should be able to use that title,” he said. “That’s why our numbers cannot improve — because we use women, Asians and Hispanics who are not People of Color, ...
The Mission
While we can continue to abhor the system of human bondage that flourished in the Old South, there is much we can learn from a more dispassionate examination of the arguments used to defend it. We have sought to distance the slaveholders and their creed, to define them as very unlike ourselves. Yet their processes of rationalization and self-justification were not so very different from our own, or from those of any civilization of human actors. The persistence of modern Racism is but one forcef...
Democracies Urged to Vote Against U.N. Plan to Hold Racism Event in NYC
Friday, December 17, 2010
By Patrick Goodenough
Israel and Italy were among 10 Western countries boycotting the Durban II Racism conference in Geneva. (AP Photo)
(CNSNews.com) - The United Nations General Assembly will vote Monday on whether to hold a Controversial anti-racism event in New York next September, when America will mark the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks.
The conference planned for September 21 is intended to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the U.N. Racism co...
Spain: Muslim family denounces teacher for talking about ham in class
Here is my rough translation of a Spanish-language article about a manifestation of Islamic Supremacism so outrageous that it is hard not to wonder whether or not it is a parody. But it doesn't seem to be one. "Una familia musulmana denuncia a un docente por hablar de jamones en clase," from Diario de Jerez, December 18 (thanks to Eloy):
A teacher at Menéndez Tolosa institute has been denounced by a Muslim family from La Línea because their son, a Student in the first year of High School, fe...
Maine Lift Had Problems Other Than Wind
Cop Fatalities up in 2010
Wayne Furniture Store Explodes, Trapping Three Inside
Danes Foil Terrorists
Self-Defense Claimed after Body Discovered in Suitcase
Tracking Terror " Even on Vacation
Tea Party Gets Dunked: Murkowski Good to Go
California: More Death Sentences, Still No Executions
Dmitry Medvedev Bucks Putin, Calls For Press Freedom
Holiday Shoppers Create Own Stimulus