Racist news


The Bizarre "Birther" Intellectual Dance

Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion - 1 day ago

There is a bizarre intellectual dance taking place around the topic of Barack Obama's birthplace. The world has been artificially divided into "Birthers" and "anti-Birthers" when in fact I suspect a large percentage or even majority of the popul…


Race Recriminations Pop Up In RNC Election

TPMDC - 1day 2hrs ago

The Republican National Committee chairmanship race is on -- and so are the recriminations on race, Jonathan Martin reports. When Steele officially launched his re-election bid earlier this month, he said of the contest: "Who you elect as our ne…


Racists and Bad Analogies

Matthew Yglesias - 4 days ago

One of the absolutely strangest elements of modern American Conservatism is the extraordinary level of hypersensitivity it exhibits about the idea that any White People might be Racists. The view is basically that while, yes, in 1964 Racism migh…


The 15 Most Political Posts On Linkiest For 2010

Right Wing News - 5 days ago

14) Fouad Ajami: It's not just Americans who object to the Ground Zero Mosque. Muslims overseas object, too. 5) Yid With Lid: Were our Founding Fathers Racist? The slaves are 3/5ths of a person debate 2) The Salt Lake Tribune: Stunner: Republican …


Nixon, Kissinger, and the Times

National Review Online - 5 days ago

From my most recent NRO article, on the New York Times and the recently released Nixon and Kissinger tapes: “The Times’s latest attack on [Nixon] as a racist is a far more shameful and contemptible, public and premeditated falseho…


Is Haley Barbour a Racist? (The Daily Beast)

Yahoo! News - 6 days ago

NEW YORK – The Mississippi Governor’s comments about Citizen Councils, a group whose actions were just as repressive as the Klan's, ignore their impact on African Americans. Michelle Goldberg on the potential 2012 Candidate’s d…


Capehart: Haley Barbour's race blinders

Washington Post - 6 days ago

Despite his just-released statement of contrition, Gov. Haley Barbour (R-Miss.) has a blind spot the size of the Confederate Flag when it comes to race. I'm not saying that this son of the South is a Racist. I am saying that, for the second time…


Gil Laroya: Are Today's Anti-Democrat Politics Fueled by Racism?

The Huffington Post - 6 days ago

With the recent win by the GOP behind them, Republicans are looking forward to retaking control of Washington, while Tea Partiers stand behind the curtain, with pitchforks and shovels in their hands, exclaiming "Y'all had better do what we voted…