Newly-appointed Chairman of the Reform and Oversight Committee Darrell Issa has been causing commotion about using his Subpoena power to investigate Corruption in the White House, calling the Obama Administration “one of the most corrupt adm…
Read more >>Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels (R) -- on the short list of contenders for the GOP's presidential nomination in 2012 -- has an explanation for why the Deficit exploded under George W. Bush. And it's not the massive Bush Tax Cuts, which Daniels helped…
Read more >>Congress is to blame for misuse of TARP funds the ranking member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government reform said Wednesday. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), the new chairman of the Oversight Committee, said in an interview with CNN t…
Read more >>Welcome to the horserace before the horserace. Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, one of the more prominent names in the ever-expanding Republican presidential field for 2012, is doing what all the other prominent names in the field are doing: being co…
Read more >>WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Federal Reserve's policies have been ridiculed by cartoon characters, comedians, and Finance Ministers. Now it's Congress' turn to take a swipe at the pinata. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke appears before the Senate Budget C…
Read more >>"Now they are talking about cuts as slim as $30 billion," he writes , "blaming the change on the fine print that no one read -- or if they read, did not understand." According to Fineman, the GOP meant it would cut $100 billion from a Budget …
Read more >>Joshua M. Sharfstein, the second-in-command at the Food and Drug Administration, is leaving that post after less than two years to become Maryland's top Public Health official, Gov. Martin O'Malley said Tuesday. The offer from O'Malley (D) came…
Read more >>Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Cali.) said Wednesday that CNN doesn't understand the meaning of the word "corrupt." John King, HOST: If you want to understand how the Republican takeover of the House will change Washington, one place to watch …