Rachel Maddow

Born: April 01,1973
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Rachel Maddow news


Piers Morgan Debut Beats MSNBCs Rachel Maddow; Fails To Outdo Fox News

Mediaite - 3hrs 13mins ago

Piers Morgan ’s days as a “half-wit” will have to wait. In the leadup to Monday night’s debut of Piers Morgan Tonight, the host conceded he’d be judged on how well he could move the Ratings needle for struggling CNN,…


Fox News 'Embraces Civility' on SNL

The New York Observer - 1day 8hrs ago

Saturday Night Live's cold opening this week took aim at Fox News President Roger Ailes' widely publicized admonition to "shut up, tone it down, make your argument intellectually" in the wake of the Tucson shooting. Fox News all-stars like a par…


SNL spoof 'Fox News Embracing Civility' - Sean Hannity foams at mouth

Examiner.com - 2 days ago

 Saturday Night Live opened this week's show with a spoof on Fox News attempting to embrace a new civility after last weeks tragic shooting in Tucson, Arizona. The skit spoofed Fox News on air personalities Greta van Susteren, Sean …


SNL: FOX News Gives Embracing Civility A Try, Is Defeated By James Carville

Mediaite - 2 days ago

On Saturday Night Live’s version of Fox News they decided to turn over a new leaf and give civil, polite political discourse a try. Kristen Wiig’s Greta van Susteren spearheaded the initiative, and was joined by Sean Hannity , Michelle…


On Maddow, McCarthy Talks High-Capacity Magazine Ban [VIDEO]

The New York Observer - 4 days ago

Long Island Democratic Rep. Carolyn McCarthy appeared on "The Rachel Maddow Show" yesterday to talk up her bill to ban high-capacity magazines. According to Politico, the bill goes further than the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004 and wo…


Keith Olbermann Special Comment on Tucson Shooting: 'Violence Has No Place in Democracy'

American Power - 9 days ago

From Olby: "Violence, or the threat of violence, has no place in our Democracy, and I apologize for and repudiate any act or any thing in my past that may have even inadvertently encouraged violence. Because for whatever else each of us may be, w…


Rachel Maddow and Glenn Beck both condemn GOP edits of Constitution (Video)

Examiner.com - 7th Jan 2011

Yesterday Republicans got themselves in a bit of Controversy by deciding to edit out certain parts of the United States Constitution before reading the document aloud before the House of Representatives.  Most notably, the GOP decided to leav…


Maddow hires Ted Williams to read parts of Constitution the GOP left out (Video)

Examiner.com - 6th Jan 2011

Today the Republicans opened up the 112th Congress by reading the United States Constitution aloud in the House of Representatives.  The move was largely seen as a gesture to the Tea Party that helped Republicans gain their majority in the Ho…