Ah, finally: a neologism related to Sarah Palin not coined by her. With the help of Slate’s Dave Weigel , fill-in host Chris Hayes gave a spot on Friday’s Countdown to the reinvention of the fake verb “Hannitize”- onc…
Read more >>Dave Weigel at Slate mourns “The End of the Michael Steele Era“: ... Steele gave the political press one of its best, saddest, and funniest enduring stories. This was the problem with him, even if it was a problem Republican National…
Read more >>WASHINGTON, Jan. 14 (UPI) -- Reince Priebus is poised to beat Michael Steele Friday to lead the Republican National Committee for the next two years, a review of committed votes indicates. The Wisconsin GOP head and RNC General Counsel has 41 pled…
Read more >>When House Majority Leader John Boehner suspended legislative activity in the House of Representatives following the mass Murder in Tucson, Ariz., it was a laudable and thoughtful move. He had previously offered that, "An attack on one who serve…
Read more >>WASHINGTON, DC – If elected president, Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty would bring back the ban on Gays in the Military, he told radio host Bryan Fischer Thursday. The Repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell passed with several Republican votes, so a h…
Read more >>WASHINGTON, DC – At a memorial service on Wednesday evening for the Victims of the recent shooting in Tucson, President Obama (text here) mourned the Victims and addressed the climate of ugly political Rhetoric both before and after the at…
Read more >>Former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza and Tea Party favorite Herman Cain edged closer to entering the field of Republican 2012 Presidential Candidates on Wednesday. CNN reports that Cain has formed a presidential Exploratory Committee to weigh his…
Read more >>The 2012 Republican Presidential primary race is officially underway. Sort of. Herman Cain, a pizza chain CEO turned Talk Radio host who has never held elected office, announced today that he is forming a presidential Exploratory Committee, a cr…