Peter King

Born: March 05,1944
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Peter King news


The Taboo of Being and Calling Yourself a Scholar in St. Louis - 1day 12hrs ago

A funny psychological-ideological climate exists here in the Louie - you get funny looks if you refer to yourself as a scholar. But why? On tonight's show, I would like to analyze this phenomena. There is something about the nickname "the show me …


Guns In U.S. Politics: 10 Recent Examples

The Huffington Post - 2 days ago

In the wake of the Saturday shooting of in Tucson, Ariz., Rep. Peter King (D-N.Y) announced he will introduce Legislation to make it illegal to bring a gun within 1,000 feet of a government official -- but if recent political events are any indi…


$58,400,000,000 for the First Three Years - 2 days ago

Recently, an economic initiative was put into place to jumpstart the final frontier's development. The New Vision for U.S. Space Exploration and the NASA Authorization Act of 2010 provide a $58.4 billion dollar Budget for space projects for t…


Rare Photo Shows Martin Luther King Jr. Playing Pool

Mediaite - 2 days ago

Yep, just Martin Luther King Jr. shooting some pool. No biggie. The hype index is a measurement of how much a sports figure is being talked about online and in the media. Pure, unadulterated hype. View the list Brett Favre's pictures, LeBron's de…


Robert Weller: Finally A Line Obama Won't Cross On WikiLeaks

The Huffington Post - 2 days ago

It seemed there was nothing the Obama Administration wouldn't do to shut down Wikileaks and shut up Julian Assange. Today we found out there is. In a somewhat curious move, the Treasury Department declined a right-wing congressman's request to b…


Kennedy: Threat level to members of Congress at an all-time high

The Hill - 2 days ago

The threat level to members of Congress has reached a new level, former Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-R.I.) said. In a wide-ranging interview with Christiane Amanpour of NBC's "Nightline" set to air Friday night, Kennedy, who decided not to seek Reele…


Chairman King: Treasury should 'explain' itself on WikiLeaks

The Hill - 2 days ago

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Pete King (R-N.Y.) called on the Treasury Department on Friday to explain why it will not place sanctions on Wikileaks, barring U.S. corporations from doing business with the organization and its found …


Don't disarm citizens, but don't arm Representatives either

Washington Examiner - 2 days ago

While I agree with my Opinion Zone colleague, Andrew Ian Dodge, that Rep. Peter King's proposed gun-control Legislation, which would prevent ordinary citizens from carrying guns within 1,000 ft. of members of Congress, is one of the more ludicrous…