"Right now, each side in that debate passionately believes that the other side is wrong."

Rhetoric : "And it’s all right for them to say that.

PHOTOS: Paul Krugman in pictures

What’s not acceptable is the kind of violence and eliminationist Rhetoric encouraging violence that has become all too common these past two years."

VIDEOS: Paul Krugman in videos

Writes Paul Krugman, Manufacturing a phony problem. It’s not enough to appeal to the better angels of our nature. We need to have leaders of both parties — or Mr. Obama alone if necessary — declare that both violence and any language hinting at the acceptability of violence ar...

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Gary Griffiths posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

CBS Poll: "57% say Tucson killing, political rhetoric , unrelated." OK - so 43% are mindless sheep who blindly follow the shamlessly MSM?

Alan Levesque posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

The Exploitive Rhetoric of Tragedy In the wake of the horrendous shooting rampage in Tucson , why isn't anyone talking about banning "Mein K

michael hill posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

I think the right's reaction to Tucson shows who thinks they will lose if political rhetoric is based on reason not emotion.

Bill Weepie posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

The arguments about violent rhetoric following the Tucson shooting feel a lot like those about violent video games in the wake of columbine.

Barry Birr posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

The MSM likes to think it's influential. But it's losing credibility. Only 15% of US think political rhetoric caused the Tucson murders.

BoycottFoxSponsors posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Exclusive Hive Daily Op-Ed: Taste in politics- Tucson shooting casts light upon declining political rhetoric | The Hive Daily - Raw. Unfilter

WITFNews posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

This week saw deadly shootings in Tucson , a debate over political rhetoric , and a presidential speech. The week in politics @ 4:20p/6:20p

numonics posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Example, the tragedy in Tucson has become an issue of politics and rhetoric , not the work of a criminally insane individual

David G. Boo posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

"Proof that Tucson killer was a retard and a lunatic, Sarah Palin tells supporters, is that he was affected by my hate rhetoric "

Brian O'Sullivan posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

RT@MedvedSHOW Angry rhetoric didnt cause Tucson . But wld country really be wrse off if we stop calling each other racists,Nazis or commies?

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