Republican National Committee

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Republican National Committee news


Steele: GOP 'could have used a few more brothers in the house'

The Hill - 21hrs 22mins ago

Michael Steele said he brought African Americans into the GOP fold during his tenure as chairman of the Republican National Committee and predicted the new House majority will cooperate with President Obama on certain issues. "What I tried to do…


Michael Steele: 'We Could Have Used A Few More Brothers In The House.' (VIDEO)

The Huffington Post - 3hrs 14mins ago

Days after losing his bid for a Second Term as RNC Chairman, Michael Steele reflected on his time as leader on Monday night. In a special Martin Luther King Day edition of MSNBC's Hardball, Steele said, "What I tried to do [as chairman] was to b…


Daily Show Bids Farewell To Puppet Michael Steele (VIDEO)

TPMDC - 4hrs 48mins ago

Just days after Republicans elected Reince Priebus as the Republican National Committee's new chairman, Jon Stewart last night welcomed puppet Michael Steele to The Daily Show, one last time. Puppet Steele has a rich history with The Daily Show,…


The Fast Fix: Who is new RNC chair Reince Preibus? (The Newsroom)

Yahoo! News - 6hrs 22mins ago

New RNC chairman Reince Preibus is fairly unknown on the national stage. Five fast facts to bring you up to speed. Get The Fix in your e-mail inbox! Click here to sign-up for the Morning Fix newsletter. Click here for the Afternoon Fix newslette…


Tea Parties Keep Wary Eye on GOP Leaders

Sunshine State News - 11hrs 29mins ago

Dave Bitner isn't the only incoming Republican chairman who needs to assure tea parties. New RNC boss Reince Priebus raised the hackles of some tea partiers who feel they're not getting enough respect. reported Monday that while Prieb…


Matthews: Do white Republicans get nervous when they see black Republicans at the convention?

Hot Air - 20hrs 27mins ago

Last week’s demagoguery was so bad that this actually feels like relief. If the MSNBC all-stars are willing in all earnestness to use mass Murder to score political points, where’s the harm in a little “you’re all Racists…


Matthews To Michael Steele: Are Black Republicans Told Not To Bunch Up At Conventions?

Mediaite - 21hrs 7mins ago

In celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. day, MSNBC host Chris Matthews is unloading all of his race related questions and theories. Earlier he theorized why old White People don’t like President Obama. And now he is eager to question former…


Steele Stands By Record On Hardball -- Without Gaffes!

TPMDC - 21hrs 38mins ago

Former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, who was defeated for re-election at the party's meeting just this past Friday, is now popping up again on cable TV. And in an appearance this afternoon on Hardball, the previously gaf…