Chris Matthews: Video: Chris Matthews ‘Sarah Palin is Going to be Erased’ More violent Rhetoric from tingles Chris Matthews and encouraging violence from MSNBC.
PHOTOS: Chris Matthews in pictures
Tingles had his libtard pals Cynthia Tucker and Richard Wolffe on “Hardball” tonight and said: “If she doesn’t get off of this and stop trying to have somebody else skate her off of it like Glenn Beck or this person Mansour, she is going to be erased” Pause “as a potential Candidate” Quit PREACHING...
VIDEOS: Chris Matthews in videos
Sarah Palin Fumbles and Flails Into an Otherwise Solemn Day
Following Sarah Palin’s videotaped statement today, let there be no doubt about her total lack of seriousness — a character trait, in fact, that’s utterly dwarfed by her chronic inability to construct prepared, Teleprompter-presented remarks without virtually choking on her own tongue. Sarah Palin could have used her time to be a leader — to take the high road and talk about the heroes and the Victims of this Terrorist Attack. She could have used the time to discuss respo...
David Brock: "Glenn Beck Himself Has Been Responsible For Three Thwarted Assassination Attempts This Year"
This is unbelievable, but then again it's MSNBC. Chris Matthews with Media Matters David Brock talking about you guessed it, all the hate on the right. I can't wait to hear what Beck has to say about this tomorrow, If he does respond, I'll post it
David Brock Tells Matthews: Glenn Beck Has Been Responsible For 3 Thwarted Assassination Attempts
Media Matters founder David Brock appeared on Hardball and revealed to Chris Matthews his allegation that “Glenn Beck himself has been responsible for three thwarted Assassination attempts this year.” Brock listed three occurrences where a crazed assassin targeted a liberal politician or institution, and where evidence later emerged that the assassin may have been a viewer of Beck’s show.
Matthews just nodded in astonishment, not questioning whether such tangential evidence tru...
Move Over, Mother Teresa
Rep. Giffords knew she was a literal target of Sarah Palin, and stated this fact on MSNBC after her Tucson office was attacked last March by rabid Palin-inspired Teabaggers who, in typical knuckle-dragging Fashion, smashed in her office window. Camp Palin never decried Ms. Gifford's very valid concerns about such violent targeting then, and never removed the crosshairs hovering over her district until after the tragedy last Saturday.
Now Palin, Inc. is making the ludicrous claim that their map...
Pawlenty, Stewart spar over rhetoric
Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty sparred with The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart Wednesday, arguing that Conservatives are right to warn of government encroachment onto personal liberties.
Pawlenty, a likely Presidential Candidate, said government is “crowding into more space” that used to be reserved for individuals, private markets, charities, faith organizations and entrepreneurs.
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“They push in and say, ‘we’ll do that now...
Video: Maybe Loughner watched Chris Matthews
Could this have been Jared Lee Loughner’s call? Probably not, but if Chris Matthews continues to go down this blood Libel road, he and his guest should be held accountable as well for even discussing the notion of another massacre of Americans for President Obama to use to regain a connectedness to the American People. An easier way, with no bloodshed, would be for Obama to govern from the center and according to the will of the consent of the governed, ins...
A Tale of Two Matthews: How Chris Matthews handled the Ft. Hood and Tuscon Shootings
Tags: Chris Matthews, How did Chris Matthews respond to both the Ft. Hood and Tucson shootings? Chris Matthews is one of the most horrible people on the air. Just look at his hypocrisy in this video above. Look at how loathe he is to talk about Muslims committing acts of Terrorism and how apologetic he is for the Islamist who shouted “Admiral Akbar!” at the top of his lungs before committing mass Murder…compared to how eager he was to blame the Tea Party for something one men...
How Chris Matthews Handled Tucson Shooting vs. Ft. Hood Shooting
You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship. Read more... We invite all Americans who share these values to join us here at Fox Nation. Investigators today released this Mug Shot of Jared Lee Loughner, the guman accused of killing six individuals and gravely wounding Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Saturday's bloody spree outside a .....
Chris Matthews: Mark Levine, Michael Savage Are To Blame For Tucson Shooting
“Every time you listen to them, they are furious. Furious at the left. With anger that just builds and builds in their voice and by the time they go to commercial they are just in some rage every night with some ugly talk. Ugly sounding talk and it never changes,” says Matthews. Which makes me wonder…has he ever actually watched MSNBC’s evening lineup? I actually think that Michael Savage is a bit of an idiot, but I like Levine and I hardly think that either of them had a...
Chris Matthews, M.D.
MATTHEWS: The guy’s a psychotic. But at some point, you decide between right and wrong. And, at some point, you need that moral license. And you go, OK, everybody says she’s bad. I’m OK here. You know what I’m saying? Everybody says she’s bad. It happened in the environment, all these kind of environments. Once you get that final moral, OK, oh, they’re bad, so my psychosis fits in with appropriate targeting here. It’s refreshing to see Matthews openly at...
Oh. No. He. Didn't. Chris Matthews blames the Tucson shootings on... the strident tone of Mark Levin's voice
Not that you needed more proof that Chris Matthews has lost all command of his faculties, but tonight's diatribe should confirm what we all knew. The Tingle-Master -- which is the term he prefers, I hear -- assailed constitutional attorney and radio host Mark Levin this evening in what must be an all-time record for IQ mismatch. I liken it to a toy poodle attempting to mount Marmaduke. Chris Matthews, joined by two liberal Talk Radio hosts on Tuesday's Hardball, essentially blamed...Mark Levin f...
Jealous Liberal Radio Hosts Join Chris Matthews in Blaming Conservative Talk Radio for Giffords Shooting
Chris Matthews, joined by two liberal Talk Radio hosts on Tuesday's Hardball, essentially blamed the likes of conservative hosts like Mark Levin for creating the climate of hate that led to the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords as the envious MSNBC host proclaimed: "People like Mark Levin, Michael Savage...every time you listen to them are furious, furious at the left with anger that's just builds and builds in their voice and by the time they go to commercial, they're just in some...
Thoughtful, On-Target Palin Responds To Attacks; Left Loses Last Grip On Reality
Follow Lori on Twitter and read more of her work at Snark and Boobs , iOwntheWorld , Right Wing News and Red State. I know, my use of the term on-target makes me a vitriolic, hateful Rhetoric espouser in the eyes of some. It’s not conducive to the “new tone” we are all supposed to embrace for some unfathomable and delusional reason. Of course, this new tone doesn’t apply if one is speaking about Sarah Palin, who is apparently the cause of All Bad Things Ever, in perpetuit...
Video of Dem Congressman Brad Sherman: If Violent Rhetoric Didnt Cause This Shooting, It Will Cause Next One
Let's just refresh Sherman's memory:
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama in July 2008
“We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us.” Obama to Latinos, October 2010
"I think it's tempting not to negotiate with hostage takers, unless the hostage gets harmed. In this case the hostage is the...
Backlash Grows Over Palin's 'Blood Libel' Claim
Sarah Palin's use of the loaded phrase "blood Libel" is attracting more attention and condemnation as the day goes on. The former Alaska Governor used the words to describe the claims of critics who said Palin deserved some of the blame for the Arizona shootings because of her fiery Rhetoric and her target-marked election map that put the sights on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), among others. But the phrase most often refers to an anti-Semitic myth that's been used to justi...
You Want To See Real Extremist Rhetoric?
I give you da Palin-Haterz on teh Twitter. @ipulleddatrigga: “Since ppl r in the mood to try n kill politics nshit how bout they take a shot at Sarah Palin…shot her ass. White bitch.” @jennlowry: “Sarah Palin should be strung up. Her little Take Back the 20 got just people killed. Fucking Bitch.” @denaraz: “Palin is a murdering bitch who deserves a crosshair on HER house so Al-Qaeda can come shoot her family. See how that feels, Republican trash.”...
RJtv for Thursday: Slain dancer's sister curses suspect
John Dingell Runs Through Litany Of Violent Rhetoric On House Floor
Rep. John Dingell (D-MI)
Members of Congress have, by and large, stayed out of the partisan fray over violent Rhetoric in the wake of the Arizona Shooting Spree. But there have been some exceptions. Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) took the opportunity to muse that the government may be withholding information about the crime because Jared Loughner is a flag-hating Marxist liberal who might embarrass President Obama.
Rep. John Dingell (D-MI), by contrast, ran through a litany of now-i...
NewsBusters Likens NY Times Krugman to Fred Phelps
NewsBusters Likens NY Times Krugman to Fred Phelps
Topic: NewsBusters
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman takes a lot of abuse from right-wingers for his liberal political views and his economic theories that contradict the right-wing way of doing things (never mind that Krugman did receive a Nobel Prize in economics). But did you know that Krugman is just like Fred Phelps, pastor of Kansas’ Westboro Baptist Church and best known for leading his tiny flock in odious Protests of fu...
Pat Buchanan: Sarah Palin's Use Of Blood Libel Was 'Excellent' (VIDEO)
Pat Buchanan said Wednesday that Sarah Palin has been a Victim of the media in the wake of the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), and she was right to use the phrase "blood Libel" in defending herself from charges that her language had anything to do with the Mass Shooting.
"Frankly I thought it was an excellent statement with regard to the phrase 'blood libel'," Buchanan said. "That of course refers to the libel that was used in the Middle Ages, charges against Jews that were utterly...
Twitter uses wish death on Governor Sarah Palin
The Left has been calling for the death of Governor Palin since August 29th, 2008…the day the nation at large first heard of the Governor, when John McCain announced her as his Running Mate. The Left instantly saw the Governor as a serious threat, and has worked overtime in its efforts to destroy her ever since. Here in Boystown, the video bar Sidetrack shows a montage culled from Horror Movies, where people are violently murdered, hacked to pieces, and have their blood and guts spil...
Sarah Palin Responds, Slams Media, Pundits for 'Blood Libel' After Tucson Shootings
PALIN: "We must reject the idea that everytime a law is broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker...Acts of monstrous criminality stand on their own, they begin and end with the criminals who commit them, not collectively with all the citizens of a state"
Sarah Palin has posted a nearly eight-minute video on her Facebook page condemning those who blame political Rhetoric for the Arizona shooting that gravely wounded U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.
Last spring, Palin targeted Giffords'...
President Obama takes high road in memorial address
President Obama addressed an enthusiastic crowd at the University of Arizona Wednesday night, and took the high road when he encouraged Americans to "guard against simple explanations." Shortly after the tragic shooting, liberals blamed Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, the Tea Party, crosshair graphics and conservative Speech in general. After several days of the most egregious attacks imaginable, Sarah Palin issued a statement demanding an end to what she called "blood Libel." Scripture ...
If only I were Sarah Palin's speechwriter . . . .
Sarah Palin's silence, since Saturday, has been, as Keith Olbermann noted, "deafening." This is a woman who Tweets or posts on Facebook when she eats a bagel. So when news of the Facebook video hit this morning, my heart actually sank. With her silence, she spared us her words. But then I watched the video of Sarah Palin as Victim, and the "blood Libel" term aside, I can't think of a time when a Speech hit a worse tone and was more ill-timed. Palin made herself a victim before the memorial for t...
Atmosphere Of Hate: Death Threats Against Sarah Palin At An Unprecedented Level
Which is kind of ironic given that Palin herself has been targeted for creating an “atmosphere of hate” that led to the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords: An aide close to Sarah Palin says death threats and security threats have increased to an unprecedented level since the shooting in Arizona, and the former Alaska Governor’s team has been talking to security professionals. Since the shooting in Tucson, Palin has taken much heat for her “crosshairs” map that targ...
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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