Chris Matthews: Chris Matthews, joined by two liberal Talk Radio hosts on Tuesday's Hardball, essentially blamed the likes of conservative hosts like Mark Levin for creating the climate of hate that led to the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords as the envious MSNBC host proclaimed: "People like Mark Levin, Michael Savage...every time you listen to them are furious, furious at the left with anger that's just builds and builds in their voice and by the time they go to commercial, they're just in some...
PHOTOS: Chris Matthews in pictures
VIDEOS: Chris Matthews in videos
Liberal Seek Ban on Metaphors In Wake of Arizona Shooting
After the monstrous shooting in Arizona last week, surely we can all agree that we've got to pass Obama's agenda immediately and stop using metaphors.
At least I think that's what the Mainstream Media are trying to tell me.
Liberals instantly leapt on the sickening massacre at a Tucson political event over the weekend to accuse tea partiers, Sarah Palin and all Conservatives who talk out loud of being complicit in Murder by inspiring the shooter, Jared Loughner.
Of course, to make their case...
Sarah Palin says blaming rhetoric for shooting is 'a blood libel'
Sarah Palin ended her near silence on the Arizona shootings yesterday, saying that critics had manufactured a "blood Libel" by blaming her Rhetoric for contributing to the shooting rampage in Tucson in which six people died and 14 were wounded, including Democratic Representative Gabrielle Giffords.
• In her video message, Sarah Palin said she and her supporters would not change their Rhetoric because of the Arizona shooting
In an eight-minute address posted online, the prominent Republican...
Left Lays Seige After Arizona Shootings
Sheriff Dupnik’s comments immediately after the horrific weekend shootings wherelaid the blame on conservative Talk Radio have caused the American left and right even further apart. Though there is no proof that the suspect Jared Loughner ever listened to talk radio, and in fact may actually have leftist beliefs, Sheriff Dupnik continued to pound the airwaves and lengthened his fifteen minutes of fame into a fifth day. Despite the fact that he’s responsible for the investigation of ...
Oh. No. He. Didn't. Chris Matthews blames the Tucson shootings on... the strident tone of Mark Levin's voice
Not that you needed more proof that Chris Matthews has lost all command of his faculties, but tonight's diatribe should confirm what we all knew. The Tingle-Master -- which is the term he prefers, I hear -- assailed constitutional attorney and radio host Mark Levin this evening in what must be an all-time record for IQ mismatch. I liken it to a toy poodle attempting to mount Marmaduke. Chris Matthews, joined by two liberal Talk Radio hosts on Tuesday's Hardball, essentially blamed...Mark Levin f...
Whos on tonight, 1.12
Fox News
“The O’Reilly Factor” and “Hannity" are pre-empted for live coverage of President Obama's address to America about the shootings in Arizona, hosted by Bret Baier.
“On the Record with Greta van Susteren” : The latest developments and analysis of Pres. Obama's address at the memorial service
“Hardball with Chris Matthews” : Howard Fineman, Huffington Post; David Brock, Media Matters; Ron Reagan, radio Talk Show hos...
Video of Dem Congressman Brad Sherman: If Violent Rhetoric Didnt Cause This Shooting, It Will Cause Next One
Let's just refresh Sherman's memory:
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama in July 2008
“We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us.” Obama to Latinos, October 2010
"I think it's tempting not to negotiate with hostage takers, unless the hostage gets harmed. In this case the hostage is the...
Video: Chris Matthews Sarah Palin is Going to be Erased
Video: Chris Matthews ‘Sarah Palin is Going to be Erased’
More violent Rhetoric from tingles Chris Matthews and encouraging violence from MSNBC. Tingles had his libtard pals Cynthia Tucker and Richard Wolffe on “Hardball” tonight and said:
“If she doesn’t get off of this and stop trying to have somebody else skate her off of it like Glenn Beck or this person Mansour, she is going to be erased”
“as a potential Candidate”
Video: How MSNBCs Chris Matthews Handled Tucson Shooting vs. Ft. Hood Shooting
Nidal Hassan, who yelled Allah Akbar as he murdered 13 servicemen at Fort Hood - ironically in a no gun zone - was taped murdering 13 people, plus a 14th Victim - an unborn child. A deranged "left-wing pothead" ;lunatic shoots a Congresswoman and a few others over the weekend. Chris Matthews handled both... quite a bit differently:
After the Ft. Hood shooting, Chris Matthews went out of his way to find reasons other than Radical Islam for the shooting. And he had a representative of CAIR on his...
How Chris Matthews Handled Tucson Shooting vs. Ft. Hood Shooting
You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship. Read more... We invite all Americans who share these values to join us here at Fox Nation. Investigators today released this Mug Shot of Jared Lee Loughner, the guman accused of killing six individuals and gravely wounding Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Saturday's bloody spree outside a .....
Hannity: 'Reckless Hoax Coming Apart Brick by Brick'
On his Radio Show today, Sean Hannity explains how the the left's campaign to link Jared Loughner with Talk Radio, Sarah Palin and the Tea Party is falling apart "brick by brick." You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship. Read more... We invite all Americans who share these values to join us here at Fox Nation. 'Cautious Optim...
Conservative speech the real target of liberal attacks
Despite the fact that a majority of Americans do not believe "Rhetoric" had a ny role in the tragic shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, liberals in the media continue the mindless party line that conservative "hate" Speech is responsible for all the ills in the world. What exactly, constitutes conservative "hate" Speech still remains something of a mystery because most on the left simply use the phrase "Hate Speech" without giving any real clear examples. Liberals, on the other hand, h...
Sarah Palin Does Exact Wrong Thing After Giffords Shooting
Sarah Palin committed a minor error by propagating a map of Republican congresspeople, including Gabrielle Giffords, something that in the immediate wake of Giffords' shooting was cause for a lot of media speculation.
While many levelheaded media commentators argued that the best thing for Palin to do was to stay silent after extending condolences to the families of those injured and the six dead, that's not the Palin way. What is, evidently, is tying the indictment of her vitriolic Rhetoric by the media
Tucson Tea Party Founder Blames Giffords For Getting Shot: The Real Case Is That She Had No Security
In March 2010, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) warned that the Rhetoric from the tea parties and Sarah Palin was potentially dangerous. “I can say that in the years that some of my colleagues have served — 20, 30 years — they’ve never seen it like this…when people do that, they’ve gotta realize there’s consequences to that action,” she said on MSNBC. Tuscon Tea Party co-founder Trent Humphries called Giffords’ previous concerns about violent...
Rush: Dont Blame Shooting on Talk Radio
CNN reports:
Conservative Talk Radio host Rush Limbaugh offered a vigorous defense of himself and Sarah Palin Monday in response to claims from some media commentators and those on the left that some of their charged statements and colorful language may have inspired the Arizona shootings.
“[The media] is unnecessarily stirring up the country in ways that don’t merit,” Limbaugh said on his radio program Monday. “It’s fatuous and silly to even verify and justify th...
Chris Matthews: Mark Levine, Michael Savage Are To Blame For Tucson Shooting
“Every time you listen to them, they are furious. Furious at the left. With anger that just builds and builds in their voice and by the time they go to commercial they are just in some rage every night with some ugly talk. Ugly sounding talk and it never changes,” says Matthews. Which makes me wonder…has he ever actually watched MSNBC’s evening lineup? I actually think that Michael Savage is a bit of an idiot, but I like Levine and I hardly think that either of them had a...
A Tale of Two Matthews: How Chris Matthews handled the Ft. Hood and Tuscon Shootings
Tags: Chris Matthews, How did Chris Matthews respond to both the Ft. Hood and Tucson shootings? Chris Matthews is one of the most horrible people on the air. Just look at his hypocrisy in this video above. Look at how loathe he is to talk about Muslims committing acts of Terrorism and how apologetic he is for the Islamist who shouted “Admiral Akbar!” at the top of his lungs before committing mass Murder…compared to how eager he was to blame the Tea Party for something one men...
A Tale of Two Matthews: How MSNBC's Host Handled Tucson Shooting vs. Ft. Hood Shooting
Matthews vs. Matthews
After the Ft. Hood shooting, Chris Matthews went out of his way to find reasons other than Radical Islam for the shooting. And he had a representative of CAIR on his show for the express purpose of keeping people from jumping to conclusions about the Muslims.
Today, in stark contrast, Mr. Matthews assigned motive and direct cause for the Tucson shooting.
Weekly Pulse: Giffords Shooting Reveals Flaws in U.S. Mental Health Services
( - promoted by Paul Rosenberg)
By Lindsay Beyerstein, Media Consortium blogger
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) was shot in the head at a constituent outreach event in a Supermarket Parking Lot in Tucson on Saturday. In all, the gunman shot 18 people, killing 6, including a Federal Judge and a 9-year-old girl.
Jamelle Bouie of TAPPED urges President Obama to take up the issue of Mental Health care in his upcoming Speech on the Mass Shooting. Several people who knew the alleged shooter came forw...
Hillary Clinton Compares Gabrielle Giffords Shooting to 9/11 Attacks
© Associated Press
Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton compared the man who shot Gabrielle Giffords to Islamist Terrorists and the 9/11 attackers and said the incident showed America and the Arab World faced similar problems.
In a television broadcast filmed before Students in Abu Dhabi, Mrs Clinton was asked why the 9/11 terror attacks, the work of a handful of men, had been allowed to colour American views of a whole people.
She replied that Am...
Palin: Blaming me for Tucson shootings is 'blood libel'
on a day set aside for healing and prayer in the wake of last weekend's Mass Shooting in Tucson, all vestiges of a political armistice were shattered when Sarah Palin, the former Alaska Governor, issued a video message accusing her critics of committing "blood Libel" against her.
In a nearly eight-minute video posted on Facebook that veered between defiant and defensive, the Tea Party figurehead broke her days-long silence to answer allegations that her own Rhetoric and the passions stirred by...
Tuesday Open Thread
Tweety talks about this country’s history with political violence, including talking to a so-called leader of the Tea Party, asking him why sane people would bring a GUN to a political rally. Chris Matthews talked to Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips today, and grilled him on Second Amendment issues and the “history of violence” in America. Referencing the fondness of tea partiers for bringing guns to political rallies, Matthews asked: “Why are guns talked about so...
Did Sheriff Dupnik Speak to Soon about Talk Radio Link?
New revelations are beginning to emerge about Jared Loughner the main suspect in the horrific Arizona shootings. The picture initially painted by Sheriff Clarence Dupnik of a conservative Talk Radio listener is now called into question based on Loughner’s interests and beliefs. For example he listed on his YouTube page that one of his favorite books was The Communist Manifesto. He also had a keen interest in mind control and another of his favorite authors was George Orwell a Fabian social...
RFK Jr. Insists JFK Was Killed by a Right-Winger
Just forgot all that stuff about Lee Harvey Oswald being a self-proclaimed Marxist who defected to the USSR, offered his services to the Castro regime, had originally planned to kill a conservative general who was an outspoken critic of Cuba etc. …Neither Beck, Hannity nor Savage nor the hate merchants at Fox News and Talk Radio can claim to have invented their genre. Toxic right-wing vitriol so dominated the public airwaves from the McCarthy era until 1963 that President Kennedy...
Who Else?! NBC New's Matthews Links Bachmann to Shooting
Chris Matthews, on Monday's Hardball, used the attempt on Gabrielle Giffords' life, to not only portray America as some sort of gun crazed country, but also to blame the likes of Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann for political violence as he blurted: "Sarah Palin using gun play language. What is she talking about crosshairs and reloading...and Bachmann out there with her kind of talk. I mean it seems like the way people talk now has, has gotten more ballistic...Why are guns talked about so much, ...
Chris Matthews, M.D.
MATTHEWS: The guy’s a psychotic. But at some point, you decide between right and wrong. And, at some point, you need that moral license. And you go, OK, everybody says she’s bad. I’m OK here. You know what I’m saying? Everybody says she’s bad. It happened in the environment, all these kind of environments. Once you get that final moral, OK, oh, they’re bad, so my psychosis fits in with appropriate targeting here. It’s refreshing to see Matthews openly at...
Richard Holbrooke Remembered For China, Bosnia, Afghanistan
Top Priority For Republicans: Cutting Federal Spending
Sarah Palin Follows Own Advice In Media Dealings
Tracheotomy Lets Surgeons Remove Giffords' Feeding Tube
Reince Priebus Gets To Find $22 Million For RNC
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.
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