Chris Matthews: Not that you needed more proof that Chris Matthews has lost all command of his faculties, but tonight's diatribe should confirm what we all knew.
PHOTOS: Chris Matthews in pictures
The Tingle-Master -- which is the term he prefers, I hear -- assailed constitutional attorney and radio host Mark Levin this evening in what must be an all-time record for IQ mismatch.
VIDEOS: Chris Matthews in videos
I liken it to a toy poodle attempting to mount Marmaduke. Chris Matthews, joined by two liberal Talk Radio hosts on Tuesday's Hardball, essentially blamed...Mark Levin f...
Video of Dem Congressman Brad Sherman: If Violent Rhetoric Didnt Cause This Shooting, It Will Cause Next One
Let's just refresh Sherman's memory:
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama in July 2008
“We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us.” Obama to Latinos, October 2010
"I think it's tempting not to negotiate with hostage takers, unless the hostage gets harmed. In this case the hostage is the...
Jealous Liberal Radio Hosts Join Chris Matthews in Blaming Conservative Talk Radio for Giffords Shooting
Chris Matthews, joined by two liberal Talk Radio hosts on Tuesday's Hardball, essentially blamed the likes of conservative hosts like Mark Levin for creating the climate of hate that led to the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords as the envious MSNBC host proclaimed: "People like Mark Levin, Michael Savage...every time you listen to them are furious, furious at the left with anger that's just builds and builds in their voice and by the time they go to commercial, they're just in some...
Tucson Tea Party Founder Blames Giffords For Getting Shot:'The Real Case Is That She Had No Security
Source: Think Progress
Tucson Tea Party Founder Blames Giffords For Getting Shot: The Real Case Is That She Had No Security
In March 2010, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) warned that the Rhetoric from the tea parties and Sarah Palin was potentially dangerous. I can say that in the years that some of my colleagues have served 20, 30 years theyve never seen it like this
when people do that, theyve gotta realize theres consequences to that action, she
A Tale of Two Matthews: How Chris Matthews handled the Ft. Hood and Tuscon Shootings
Tags: Chris Matthews, How did Chris Matthews respond to both the Ft. Hood and Tucson shootings? Chris Matthews is one of the most horrible people on the air. Just look at his hypocrisy in this video above. Look at how loathe he is to talk about Muslims committing acts of Terrorism and how apologetic he is for the Islamist who shouted “Admiral Akbar!” at the top of his lungs before committing mass Murder…compared to how eager he was to blame the Tea Party for something one men...
Chris Matthews: Mark Levine, Michael Savage Are To Blame For Tucson Shooting
“Every time you listen to them, they are furious. Furious at the left. With anger that just builds and builds in their voice and by the time they go to commercial they are just in some rage every night with some ugly talk. Ugly sounding talk and it never changes,” says Matthews. Which makes me wonder…has he ever actually watched MSNBC’s evening lineup? I actually think that Michael Savage is a bit of an idiot, but I like Levine and I hardly think that either of them had a...
President Obama addresses memorial service honoring Arizona shooting victims
President Barack Obama spoke before an audience of more than 14,000 people Wednesday night at the University of Arizona in Tucson for a memorial event honoring the Victims of the Saturday attack that killed six and left a congresswoman fighting for her life. "To the families of those we’ve lost; to all who called them friends; to the Students of this university, the public servants gathered tonight, and the people of Tucson and Arizona: I have come here tonight as an American wh...
Video: Tingles Blames Sound of Mark Levins Voice For Giffords Shooting
gastorgrab on Pelosi to Travel With Obama to AZ For Memorial Service. RushBabe on Police Visited Home of AZ Shooter on More Than One Occasion. Diamond Girl on Boehner: No New Restrictions on Firearms. “People like Mark Levin, Michael Savage…every time you listen to them are furious, furious at the left with anger that’s just builds and builds in their voice and by the time they go to commercial, they’re just in some rage, every night, with ugly talk….They must have ...
How Chris Matthews Handled Tucson Shooting vs. Ft. Hood Shooting
You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship. Read more... We invite all Americans who share these values to join us here at Fox Nation. Investigators today released this Mug Shot of Jared Lee Loughner, the guman accused of killing six individuals and gravely wounding Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Saturday's bloody spree outside a .....
Overheated Rhetoric on Overheated Rhetoric
If the pundit class were merely seeking to use the Tucson shootings as an opportunity to open a debate on civility in American life, that would simply be a case of misguided opportunism. There is a time and a place for such a debate. A better time would be when the dead are buried and the wounded have recovered, and when cooler heads can prevail in such a debate. Overheated Rhetoric is misplaced in a debate about overheated rhetoric. I have not heard anyone on these pages suggest that our public...
It Isn't The Rhetoric They Fear, It's The Passion
This via Instapundit, from an extended series of links on the Tucson massacre.
The biggest worry after the November Elections was that a lot of people on the right would declare victory and go home. The shameless attempt to politicize the Tucson shootings and scapegoat people on the right has generated a huge amount of anger. Tea Party folks being who they are, I suspect this will mostly manifest itself as grunt-level political work in preparation for 2012 — precisely the opposite of ...
Liberal Seek Ban on Metaphors In Wake of Arizona Shooting
After the monstrous shooting in Arizona last week, surely we can all agree that we've got to pass Obama's agenda immediately and stop using metaphors.
At least I think that's what the Mainstream Media are trying to tell me.
Liberals instantly leapt on the sickening massacre at a Tucson political event over the weekend to accuse tea partiers, Sarah Palin and all Conservatives who talk out loud of being complicit in Murder by inspiring the shooter, Jared Loughner.
Of course, to make their case...
Video: Chris Matthews Sarah Palin is Going to be Erased
Video: Chris Matthews ‘Sarah Palin is Going to be Erased’
More violent Rhetoric from tingles Chris Matthews and encouraging violence from MSNBC. Tingles had his libtard pals Cynthia Tucker and Richard Wolffe on “Hardball” tonight and said:
“If she doesn’t get off of this and stop trying to have somebody else skate her off of it like Glenn Beck or this person Mansour, she is going to be erased”
“as a potential Candidate”
Video: Maybe Loughner watched Chris Matthews
Could this have been Jared Lee Loughner’s call? Probably not, but if Chris Matthews continues to go down this blood Libel road, he and his guest should be held accountable as well for even discussing the notion of another massacre of Americans for President Obama to use to regain a connectedness to the American People. An easier way, with no bloodshed, would be for Obama to govern from the center and according to the will of the consent of the governed, ins...
A Tale of Two Matthews: How MSNBC's Host Handled Tucson Shooting vs. Ft. Hood Shooting
Matthews vs. Matthews
After the Ft. Hood shooting, Chris Matthews went out of his way to find reasons other than Radical Islam for the shooting. And he had a representative of CAIR on his show for the express purpose of keeping people from jumping to conclusions about the Muslims.
Today, in stark contrast, Mr. Matthews assigned motive and direct cause for the Tucson shooting.
Chris Matthews, M.D.
MATTHEWS: The guy’s a psychotic. But at some point, you decide between right and wrong. And, at some point, you need that moral license. And you go, OK, everybody says she’s bad. I’m OK here. You know what I’m saying? Everybody says she’s bad. It happened in the environment, all these kind of environments. Once you get that final moral, OK, oh, they’re bad, so my psychosis fits in with appropriate targeting here. It’s refreshing to see Matthews openly at...
Thoughtful, On-Target Palin Responds To Attacks; Left Loses Last Grip On Reality
I know, my use of the term on-target makes me a vitriolic, hateful Rhetoric espouser in the eyes of some. It’s not conducive with the “new tone” we are all supposed to embrace for some unfathomable and delusional reason. Of course, this new tone doesn’t apply if one is speaking about Sarah Palin, who is apparently the cause of All Bad Things Ever, in perpetuity. Even here, we are on day three of no school due to snow. In South Carolina. Does Palin’s evil reach have ...
Words That Dont Heal
Sarah Palin feels victimized by critics who accuse her of helping create an angry political climate that led to the Tucson shootings, and she has a point. She chose a truly unfortunate way to make it, using the phrase “blood Libel.” Here’s the context, from Palin’s eight-minute video statement on the shooting: “Especially within hours of a tragedy unfolding, Journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and v...
Obama: 'None of us can know' why Loughner killed
After days in which some Democrats and their supporters in the press assigned blame for the violence in Tucson on Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, Rush Limbaugh, and Republicans in general, President Obama says "none of us can know exactly" why accused killer Jared Loughner attacked Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and 19 others last Saturday. "None of us can know exactly what triggered this vicious attack," Obama said in prepared remarks. "None of us can know with any certainty what might have stopped those ...
Loughner Friend: 'He Did Not Watch TV' or 'Listen to Political Radio'
It's become clear since Saturday that some in the media are determined to blame outspoken Conservatives for the Tucson massacre. So there's really no reason to believe that yet another fact contradicting that attack will put it to rest. But in the spirit of journalism - that thing the left's media attack dogs profess their reverence for - it should be noted: a friend of the killer, Jared Lee Loughner, told "Good Morning America" that Loughner "did not watch TV. He disl...
Tucson Tea Party Founder Blames Giffords For Getting Shot: The Real Case Is That She Had No Security
In March 2010, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) warned that the Rhetoric from the tea parties and Sarah Palin was potentially dangerous. “I can say that in the years that some of my colleagues have served — 20, 30 years — they’ve never seen it like this…when people do that, they’ve gotta realize there’s consequences to that action,” she said on MSNBC. Tuscon Tea Party co-founder Trent Humphries called Giffords’ previous concerns about violent...
Left Lays Seige After Arizona Shootings
Sheriff Dupnik’s comments immediately after the horrific weekend shootings wherelaid the blame on conservative Talk Radio have caused the American left and right even further apart. Though there is no proof that the suspect Jared Loughner ever listened to talk radio, and in fact may actually have leftist beliefs, Sheriff Dupnik continued to pound the airwaves and lengthened his fifteen minutes of fame into a fifth day. Despite the fact that he’s responsible for the investigation of ...
Lama Surya Das: The Dragon, the Elephant, and Regulated Capitalism: Sober Reflections on the Awakening of the East in the New Mi
President Obama was in the Far East not long ago, which reminded me of my decades there and how much things have changed in what we used to call the Third World and Developing Countries. And yet, change is the rule. The more things change, the more they stay the same, as the French put it. Change is constant. Positive change may be a different matter. And instability is not the same as impermanence and transformation.
Adam Smith and Karl Marx both asserted that unregulated Capitalism could nev...
Rush Limbaugh accuses Democrats of 'wishing for' Tucson shootings
Rush Limbaugh was in rare form this week , while he used his Radio Show to bash Democrats for the tragedy that happened Saturday morning in Tucson, which left 5 people dead and 14 people gravely wounded. Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot point-blank in the head by 22 year old Jared Lee Loughner, who was wrestled to the ground by several people at a public meet-and-greet in front of a Tucson Safeway. Evidently, Limbaugh feels that Democrats are glad about the horrific event, because the...
No More Mister Nice Blog
I've always thought of Instapundit as tendentious but incredibly superficial -- looking back a decade, it seems to have been a Twitter feed before there was Twitter, and, in the '10s, Glenn Reynolds seemed like yesterday's man.
Now, though, he's suddenly hot. The New York Times reports on Sarah Palin's new fireside chat about the Tucson shootings and tells us:
Sarah Palin, who had been silent for days, on Wednesday issued a forceful den...
Chris Matthews: Hardball: Tea Party Under Fire Over Arizona Tragedy
Below is the video and transcript of my interview with Judson Phillips, founder of Tea Party Nation.
If people on the right and Sarah Palin and so forth are responsible for all of this and this vitriolic Rhetoric is so pitched, how come this isn't happening every day? Why is it the vast exception to the rule? There's no logic in any of the assertions they're making. None.
Chris Matthews: That was Rush Limbaugh responding to the Giffords shooting and overheated Rhetoric swirling around. How doe...
Pentagon Seeks Largest Budget Ever
Massive Fire on Washington State Reservation Destroys 20 Homes
Paul Wins CPAC Straw Poll Second Time
U.S., Israel Welcome Egyptian Army's Commitment to Democracy
Ukrainian-Born Man Involved in Stabbing Rampage
Illegal Immigrant Accused of Killing 3 in Virginia
Abramoff Business Partner Jailed for 20 months
CPAC Meets in Washington
Robert Gibbs Departs As White House Press Secretary
Egypt Rejoices as Mubarak Steps Down
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