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Chris Matthews
December 17,1945
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Chris Matthews videos
Loughner Video Released By Community College
The Return of the Jedi Radio Host Mark Levin To MSNBC and ..
Chris Matthews: Whats with these crackers wanting to see O..
Birthers Usually Some "Cracker" On The Right, Sa..
Mark Levin Threatens to Sue Matthews, Olbermann, Schultz a..
Radio Host Mark Levin To MSNBC: Im Going To Drag Your Asse..
Nancy Pelosi Doesnt Believe Ronald Reagan and Tip ONeill W..
Chris Matthews: America Assassination Capital of the World..
Thoughtful, On-Target Palin Responds To Attacks; Left Lose..
Video: How MSNBCs Chris Matthews Handled Tucson Shooting v..
The Two Faces of Tingles: Giffords Shootings vs. Ft. Hood ..
Compare and contrast Tingle leg Chris Matthews on Tucson s..
Chris Matthews Grills Tea Party Leader: Why Would Someone ..
What The Cluck? Lowden Ready To Run Again (VIDEO)
Chris Matthews: Democrats Untrustworthy on Immigration Enf..
R. Lee Ermey is No Fan of Obama
Neil Abercrombie: Obama Birth Witness?
Chris Matthews: Why Doesn't Obama Just Release The Birth C..
Chris Matthews: Why Doesn't Obama Just Release The Birth C..
Who knew? Tingles Chris Matthews is a birther!
Pathologically Dishonest Media Matters Names Sarah Palin 2..
Barney Frank: I'm Not A Girly Man
Barney Frank to Chris Matthews: I left my purse at home
Rep. Peter King: We'll Investigate Muslim Radicalization
Andrea Mitchell Names Tea Party Person of the Year
The night Chris Matthews told the truth
Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va) on Afghanistan: This war is lost
The Top 10 Political Jive Turkeys of 2010
Newt Gingrich Says He Would Never Participate in Debate Mo..
Chris Matthews on Darrell Issa: "Why Does He Want Tha..
Of All the Movies in All the World: Chris Matthews Compare..
Lt Dan Choi Plays Hardball with Chris Matthew: "It do..
Johnny Dollar's Video Compilation Of MSNBC Rachel Maddow's..
The 9 Most Asinine Statements by Vile Harpy Joy Behar
When Chris Matthews Had a "Man Crush" on Glenn B..
Mark Penn Says Obama Needs Another Moment Like Oklahoma Ci..
Chris Matthews Michele Bachmann Video: Are You Hypnotized ..
Baltimore Sun TV Critic Takes MSNBC To The Woodshed For Di..
How's That Leg Tingle Doing Tonight?
Savoring Victory: Alan Grayson (D-eranged) ousted in FL
Video of Michele Bachmann to Chris Matthews: Hey, hows tha..
Chris Matthews Verbally Attacks Bachmann to Her Face Durin..
MSNBCs Chris Matthews Asks Michele Bachmann if She is Hypn..
House Republicans Still Cant Name Any Programs They Would ..
Chris Matthews To Bachmann: Did Someone Hypnotize You? (VI..
Michele Bachmann to Chris Matthews: Hows That Leg Tingle T..
Conservatives doing a victory lap around Chris Matthews on..
Awesome! Michele Bachman to Chris Matthews: That thrill is..
Bachmann to Matthews: Hey, hows that tingly thrill now?
What media characters are repositioning out in front of to..
Boxer's closing argument: Obama
Video of Chris Matthews: How Long Before We See Tea Partie..
Old bitter peanut head Jimmy Carter Ronald Reagan only bea..
Matthews: How Long Before We See Tea Partiers Start Showin..
Matthews: I Wonder When The Right Is Going to Start Wearin..
Jimmy Carter Gets History Very, Very Wrong
Video: Matthews loses tingle down the leg
Juan Williams Tells The Truth and NPR Ends Analyst Contrac..
New Ad Features Criticism of Conway's Aqua Buddha Spot
Video: Matthews rips Conway over "Aqua Buddha" a..
Chris Matthews Confronts Jack Conway Over Ad Attacking Ran..
Jack Conway Defends Aqua Buddha Strategy (VIDEO)
Chris Matthews brings DOOM unto Jack Conway.
Chris Matthews brings DOOM unto Jack Conway.
MSNBC's Matthews Tells Audience Partial Story of Blogger D..
Chris Matthews Eviscerates Jack Conway
MSM ignoring that 38 black Republicans running for nationa..
Jennifer L. Pozner: Jon Stewart Puts Chris Matthews Throug..
Pelosi and Matthews Accuse Gingrich: 'Party of Food Stamps..
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