Abortion : 35 They built high places for Baal in the Valley of Ben Hinnom to sacrifice their sons and daughters to Molek, though I never commanded—nor did it enter my mind—that they should do such a detestable thing and so make Judah sin. - Jeremiah 32 (NIV) Moleck was an Old Testament Ammonite god to which many, including Israelites, sacrificed their first born Children in return for a promise of prosperity.
PHOTOS: Condom in pictures
Today, many have been convinced in this...
VIDEOS: Condom in videos
Stanek weekend question: Where are obvious places religious leaders can help lower NYCs soaring abortion rates?
Pro-choice and pro-life groups alike are shuddering at the news that 4 out of every 10 pregnancies in NYC ends in Abortion. Data released Friday by the city’s Health Dept. reveals that in 2009, there were 87,273 abortions and 126,774 live births. The abortion rate broke down along demographic and geographic lines: 60% for black women, 41% for Hispanics, 22% for Asians and 20% for white women…. Overall, the Big Apple’s abortion rate is more than twice the national average of 19%...
NYC's 41% Abortion Rate Riles Religious Leaders
Like this Story? Share it: (CBS/AP) In a noticeable departure from strict Catholic dogma decrying Abortion no matter what, New York's Archbishop Timothy Dolan called together Religious Leaders Thursday and asked everyone to work with each other to make Abortion "rare." Dolan's called for the gathering in light of a New York City Department of Health report (PDF) stating that induced terminations ended about 41 percent of the 214,454 reported pregnancies in the city last year. Nationally, the n...
41 Percent Of NYC Pregnancies Result In Abortion
Dolan gathered with other Religious Leaders on Thursday to draw attention to the city’s high Abortion rate. The city Health Department last month released statistics that showed 41 percent of pregnancies were terminated in 2009. While the numbers have declined in the last decade, the Religious Leaders said they are still too high. The Wall Street Journal reports that the Religious Leaders also criticized public schools Sex Education programs that include Condom distribution....
Clergy Slam NYC's 40% Abortion Rate
Archbishop Timothy Dolan at a Chiaroscuro Foundation Press Conference
Yesterday, a group of clergy members gathered to denounce the 40% Abortion rate in New York City. The Health Department had previously revealed that of 87,273 pregnancies were "induced terminations," compared to nearly 127,000 live births (there were also over 11,000 miscarriages), which means NYC's Abortion rate is about double the national rate. Archbishop Timothy Dolan said, "I’m frankly embarrassed to be a member ...
39% of New York Pregnancies End in Abortion
You can’t say something witty about the cold-blooded Murder of babies: you can only look at the statistics, then quickly close your eyes and start praying. NEW YORK (CBSNewYork/AP) - Archbishop Timothy Dolan is calling for efforts to make Abortions in New York City “rare.” Dolan gathered with other Religious Leaders on Thursday to draw attention to the city’s high abortion rate. The city Health Department last month released statistics that showed 39 percent o...
Rise in abortions in China, young women targeted
XI'AN, China - The leaf-strewn median on Eternal Peace Road hides a grim secret: Numerous tiny fetuses lie in Unmarked Graves dug by women from the Abortion clinic across the street. The staff at the small clinic in the heart of this ancient city don't bury most of the fetuses — only those that have reached three or four months, when they clearly resemble miniature babies. "This big," says anesthesiologist Liu Jianmin, using her thumb and index finger to measure out the length of a l...
Not yet released, Abby Johnsons book is shooting up the charts!
I received an advanced copy yesterday and have had a hard time putting it down. It’s excellent - compelling, intriguing, full of insight, and giving me a lot to think about. Here’s a description: Abby Johnson quit her job in October 2009. That simple act became a national news story because Abby was director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas who, not long after assisting in an actual Abortion procedure for the first time, cross the line to join the Coalition for Life . Wh...
Republican Mike Pence Introduces Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood and Other Abortion Providers That Receive Taxpayer Dollars
Friday, January 07, 2011
By Penny Starr
Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) (AP Photo)
(CNSNews.com) - Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) has introduced a bill in the House of Representatives that would prohibit Abortion providers from receiving federal funds through Title X of the Public Health Service Act, including Planned Parenthood, which received more than $360 million in government Grants and contracts in Fiscal Year 2008-2009.
“The largest Abortion provider in America should not also be the largest ...
Jivin Js Life Links 1-7-11
Dr. Drew Pinsky has indicated that MTV’s No Easy Decision Abortion special made him uncomfortable: “The topic makes me uncomfortable,” Pinsky admitted Thursday at the Television Critics Association press tour in Pasadena . “But the paradigm there is I felt the conversation was worth having. You have to let the conversation occur.” Archbishop Dolan said Abortion statistics in NY indicated that it was unlikely that the practice would soon end. But, he added: “W...
New York abortion rate review shows 39% of pregnancies terminated
ABC and CBS News set off an Internet firestorm with reports that 49% of Pregnancy outcomes in New York City terminate by Abortion. The Big Apple’s Health Department reported on over 210,000 pregnancies in 2010. Over 87,000 of those pregnancies ended in terminations. At least no one can accuse the pro-choice community of not doing its part to end overcrowding in Manhattan. Asian and white pregnancies ending in abortion: about 20% for each group. It’s not a measure of pregnancies, but...
YWCA becomes Platform 51 in Great Britain
Perhaps this best describes this organization and the changing values of our society. There is something about “Platform 51″ that says it all. No doubt the word “Christian” was a troublesome matter, and oh so not P.C. Not here yet, but soon no doubt A new statist organization, that receives government funds and can no longer appeal to any moral tenet .Archbishop Cramer has some great comments at the bottom link. Here tis: The YWCA, formerly the Young Women’s C...
How a Christian charity evolved into state-funded 'equality' campaigners
What would YWCA's founders think of today's equality dogma? (Photo: The Women's Library)
The YWCA, formerly the Young Women’s Christian Association, has dropped its title after 156 years because “it no longer stands for who we are”.
Instead the organisation will be known as “Platform 51”, a rather enigmatic-sounding name that could be a Wesley Snipes film, a band or the route to Hogwarts.
In a sense the name doesn’t matter; what’s significant is how t
Catholic Church Abortion-Shames New Yorkers, But of Course They're Missing the Point
Abortion. Saying the word in the midst of a cocktail party will hush even the most intrepid of irreverent souls. Because even if you're pro-choice, you can't actually be pro-abortion, at least not in any public Fashion. Baby killing is always, always, always bad. Right? Which is perhaps why the much-maligned Pedophile-priest-troubled generally rather sexist and without-a-clue Catholic Church has glommed on to abortion as one of the things it can censure in New York City without fear of ...
Shocking: 41% Of Pregnancies In New York End In Abortion
Appalling, though not exactly a new development. This figure is actually down from 46% in 1998. New and eye-opening statistics about the rate of Abortions in New York City have been released by the Health Department. It raises questions about the effectiveness of current Birth Control education. 41% of all New York City pregnancies end in abortion. There may be some reason to believe that these numbers are a little inflated. Abortion clinics tend to be centered in major urban areas, and these st...
Is Justice Scalia a Constitutionally Incorrect Sexist?
Originally published on January 4, 2011.
Justice Antonin Scalia has angered feminists once again. This time the justice declared in an interview that there are no prohibitions on sex Discrimination in the Constitution. This has feminists on the Left infuriated: Scalia’s words are sexist, chauvinistic, and Unconstitutional! But is the justice correct? Does the Constitution actually prohibit Sexual Discrimination? Is that what the Founders specified and intended?
It is a culture of child sexualisation, not Pakistani attitudes, that puts girls at risk
The ringleaders of the gang: Abid Saddique (left) and Mohammed Liaqat (Photo: PA)
Is there a bigger hypocrite than Jack Straw, who following the Derby paedophile case has provoked outrage by saying on Newsnight there is a problem with Pakistani men and their attitude to white girls?
He said: “These young men are in a western society, in any event, they act like any other young men, they’re fizzing and popping with Testosterone, they want some outlet for that, but Pakistani heritag...
The Obamacare deficit scam
Image via Wikipedia
Opinion Journal:
Of all the claims deployed in favor of ObamaCare, and there are many, the most preposterous is that a new open-ended entitlement will somehow reduce the Budget Deficit. Insure 32 million more people, and save money too! The even more remarkable spectacle is that Washington seems to be taking this claim seriously in advance of the House's Repeal vote next week. Some things in politics you just can't make up.
Terminating Trillions of dollars in future spendin...
Rush Limbaugh on New York Citys Staggering Abortion Numbers Audio 1/7/11
Here is audio of Rush Limbaugh yesterday dropping truly shocking Abortion statistics being reported by ABC New York (their article actually says 39%). In New York City, 41% of all pregnancies end in Abortion - and the rate among Minorities is even higher (60% among Blacks, 41% among Hispanics, 23% among Asians). The rate among “Non-Hispanic Whites” in 2009 was 20%.
Rush takes issue with the leftist takeaway from those numbers - That there is something wrong with “...
Teens say: Please give us decent sex ed! [VIDEO]
Why is the teen birthrate in the U.S. so high? One big reason: Sex ed in many schools sucks. In Boston's Jamaica Plain neighborhood, some teens got so fed up that they put together a film about the dire need for real Sex Education. The High School Students have also launched a Facebook campaign and drawn up a list of demands, including "comprehensive Sexuality education" beginning in 9th grade and designated school Staffers to whom Students can go for free Condoms. Many teenagers are daunted by ...
Abortion Center Director Falsely Reporting Bomb Threat Gets 5 Years
Meek reported on August 13 that a bomb had been placed in a trash receptacle, but she told the court in October she purchased an egg timer and place that in a trash bin and called the local police to report a Bomb Scare. Officials took the threat seriously and the Abortion center and a building adjacent to it were evacuated. KJRH indicates Meek was sentenced today to five years prohabion due to her role in the incedent. Meek, 63, eventually left her position with the Abortion business after the ...
Mike Pence to defund Planned Parenthood and other taxpayer funded abortion providers
Mike Pence to defund Planned Parenthood and other Taxpayer funded Abortion providers
Good! And it’s about time. You want to get an Abortion and kill an innocent life? Don’t expect me to pay for it! According to CNSNEWS, Rep. Mike Pence has introduced a bill in the House that would prohibit Abortion providers from receiving federal funds through Title X of the Public Health Service Act. This includes Planned Parenthood, which got over $360 MIILLION in tax payer money via government ...
Pence introduces Planned Parenthood defunding bill
I wrote yesterday that in the coming days and weeks, House pro-lifers would be introducing 4 important bills. The 1st, a bill to Repeal ObamaCare , is already in motion, starting yesterday. And today, Congressman Mike Pence introduced our 2nd bill, the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act , which would cut off Title X funding to organizations that commit abortion. The most obvious target is Planned Parenthood , which Congressman Pence spotlighted in his statement: It is morally wrong to end...
Pence Drops Bill to De-Fund Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz
Congressman Mike Pence dropped a bill in the hopper today in the House of Representatives that would revoke federal Taxpayer funding for the Planned Parenthood Abortion business. The Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act ensures that Taxpayer money authorized by the Federal Government for family planning efforts supposedly to reduce abortions don’t go to the nation’s biggest Abortion business. Last year alone, according to Planned Parenthood’s own annual report, it received...
Mike Pence Introduces Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood (Video)
Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) introduced Legislation yesterday to defund Planned Parenthood. Today, Congressman Mike Pence introduced our 2nd bill, the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act , which would cut off Title X funding to organizations that commit abortion. It is morally wrong to end an unborn human life by abortion. It is also morally wrong to take the Taxpayer Dollars of millions of pro-life Americans and use them to promote abortion at home or abroad. Last year, Planned Parenthoo...
Richard Holbrooke Remembered For China, Bosnia, Afghanistan
Top Priority For Republicans: Cutting Federal Spending
Sarah Palin Follows Own Advice In Media Dealings
Tracheotomy Lets Surgeons Remove Giffords' Feeding Tube
Reince Priebus Gets To Find $22 Million For RNC
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.
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